
The God in the night

The heart is surging, the imagination is infinite, the waves are swaying against the wind, the youth is undefeated and passionate! Wealth, beauty, reputation, status, people who pursue all these are short-sighted. Back on earth, there was no choice, as everyone was going to die eventually, thus they can only pursue these or life would be meaningless. But in this world, where primeval essence is rich, why would we not pursue immortality given the possibility? For the sake of immortality, wealth, beauty, reputation, status, I can make use of all of them, and I can also discard them as easily! for immortality, fear cannot stop me, I will charge forward relentlessly! for immortality, laziness will not stop me, I will never slack even for a moment! for immortality, pain cannot stop me, gods and demons cannot stop me, even heaven and earth cannot stop me!

Smirked_0411 · Fantasi
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75 Chs

Chapter 26

After leaving the police station, Yang Haoran went back to the grocery store to get his mobile phone, and then made a call to Jiang Zhenzhen.

  The phone was no longer unavailable like last night, it was connected after only two rings, but Jiang Zhenzhen's voice on the other end of the phone was very weak. After asking some questions, he immediately rushed to the place where Jiang Zhenzhen and the middle-aged man were seeing a doctor Hospital.

  He was going to see what was going on with the two of them, especially Jiang Zhenzhen, to see if there was any serious problem.

  Although he still has very important things to do urgently, he is still very worried about Jiang Zhenzhen's situation, so he has to put another very important matter aside for now, and wait until Jiang Zhenzhen's affairs are dealt with. to do.

  Before stepping into the hospital, Yang Haoran met a middle-aged man. He had no physical problems, but just fainted from fright, so he didn't intend to stay in the hospital any longer.

  What made Yang Haoran speechless was that when the middle-aged man saw him, he immediately became agitated and cursed at Yang Haoran, saying that Yang Haoran had tricked him and almost scared him to death.

  Regarding this, Yang Haoran did not quarrel with this middle-aged man. The other party was in a fit of anger. Instead of arguing, it would only make the situation worse. When he finished cursing and his anger subsided, he would naturally not be as excited as he is now.

  Yang Haoran seemed to accept the middle-aged man's anger with a smile on the surface, but he was still very depressed in his heart, but he didn't plan to complain.

  He really didn't lie to the middle-aged man at the time. He really thought that gangsters had entered Jiang Zhenzhen's house, so he paid the middle-aged man for help. How did he know that not only were there no gangsters in Jiang Zhenzhen's house, but there was a ghost at work.

  What he didn't expect was that the middle-aged man was even less courageous than he imagined. He just took a look at the carrion old woman and fainted from fright on the spot. Apart from breaking the door to help, this guy It didn't work at all.

  After the middle-aged man got emotional and vented the anger in his heart, he asked Yang Haoran for the final payment. Although he was quite frightened, he still had 500 yuan, but he did not forget it and remembered it clearly.

  However, it was agreed to be one thousand, Yang Haoran first gave five hundred, and the remaining five hundred would be paid later, but now, the remaining five hundred turned into two thousand, a full fifteen thousand.

  Why did this happen? The reason given by the middle-aged man was that he was frightened and had to give an extra thousand and five as compensation.

  Upon hearing the middle-aged man's request, the smile on Yang Haoran's face disappeared. He turned his head and walked towards the hospital, ignoring the middle-aged man. Judging by his appearance, it seemed that not only did he not want to give an extra thousand and five, but Even the remaining five hundred is not going to be given.

  That's right, Yang Haoran really thought so in his heart. Originally, he was going to keep his promise and give the remaining 500 to the middle-aged man. After all, it was agreed beforehand, no matter whether the middle-aged man helped or not, A promise is a promise.

  But what made him speechless was that the middle-aged man raised the price on the ground, and increased by 1,500 yuan on the original basis. His actions naturally touched Yang Haoran's bottom line, so he turned his head and walked away, not paying a penny. Not ready to give.

  Seeing that Yang Haoran left without stopping, the middle-aged man suddenly became anxious, and the anger that had been extinguished in his heart was ignited again. He yelled at Yang Haoran's back: "Boy! Stop! This money If you give, you have to give! If you don't give, you have to give!"

  Yang Haoran was already on fire in his heart. From the time the police officers appeared in the morning until now, he had always been on fire in his heart, and as the things that blocked his heart appeared one after another, the anger in his heart became more and more intense. , but he has been suppressing it, not only did not let the anger in his heart erupt, but he concealed it very well.

  But the attitude of the middle-aged man brought him to the brink of eruption. He stopped and asked in a cold tone, "What if I don't give it?"

  Since Yang Haoran's back was facing the middle-aged man, the middle-aged man couldn't see the expression on Yang Haoran's face clearly at this time, but he could feel the cold tone, which made him tremble slightly.

  The middle-aged man is a scumbag, and it is not difficult to see that. He saw Yang Haoran's playful and talkative face before, so he had the idea of ​​raising the price by sitting on the ground, and wanted to extort a sum of money from Yang Haoran. Come on, but now seeing Yang Haoran's tough attitude, he couldn't help beating his heart.

  Humans make money and birds die for food. Although the middle-aged man felt a little guilty, but when he thought that if he persisted, he might get more benefits, he boldly continued to say: "I said, you can get this money. If you give, you have to give, if you don't give, you have to give, if you don't give, I will call the police and ask them to ask for it for me!"

  It was good that the middle-aged man didn't mention the police officer, but when he mentioned the police officer, Yang Haoran became even more angry. He didn't speak, but glanced around, and finally locked on a position, striding over.

  The middle-aged man saw all this in his eyes, he didn't understand what Yang Haoran was going to do, but when he saw Yang Haoran picking up a brick from a corner and walking towards him with an ugly face, he was immediately frightened I have to shake my body!

  At this time, Yang Haoran was holding a brick, which was much more murderous than when he was holding a kitchen knife last night. The middle-aged man was timid. Seeing Yang Haoran walking towards him with a murderous look, how could he dare to mention money? Throwing a harsh word, turned around and ran away.

  "You wait for me!"

  Seeing the back of the middle-aged man running away in desperation, Yang Haoran snorted coldly, and instead of chasing after him, he threw away the brick in his hand and walked towards the inpatient building.

  He didn't want to tear himself apart with the middle-aged man, but this guy kicked his nose. If he didn't show his strength when he met such a guy, the other party would think he was easy to bully. Maybe two thousand yuan would grow into five thousand in a while. He believes that middle-aged men can do such outrageous things.

  Scaring away the middle-aged man, Yang Haoran not only didn't have to pay another 1500 yuan, but also saved another 500 yuan. As for whether the middle-aged man would retaliate afterwards, he was not worried at all. With the courage of the middle-aged man, Even if he was asked to take revenge, maybe he wouldn't dare, so he wasn't worried at all.

  Before coming to the hospital, Yang Haoran already knew which hospital Jiang Zhenzhen was in and what ward she was in from Jiang Zhenzhen's call.

  The reason why Jiang Zhenzhen was not discharged from the hospital like the middle-aged man is because she is too weak now and needs to be recuperated in the hospital for a few days. She will be weak to this extent, not just because she was frightened and passed out last night, but because of this paragraph She didn't take a good rest all the time.

  It is already very hard to go to work during the day, and to be tossed by ghosts at night. Although it only takes a few days to add up, these days are like centuries to her. Due to the great consumption, her body was already weak, and after being tossed like this, her body naturally became weaker.

  When he came to the ward where Jiang Zhenzhen was, Yang Haoran stood at the door and found Jiang Zhenzhen leaning on the hospital bed. She was receiving an injection, her face was pale, listless and haggard, she looked like a critically ill patient.

  Although the bruises on his face were a little painful, and Yang Haoran was not in a good mood when he was defeated by the middle-aged man just now, but before entering the ward, he still sorted out his mood.

  Seemingly feeling that someone was looking at her, Jiang Zhenzhen looked towards the door of the ward, just in time to see Yang Haoran, she was taken aback for a moment, and then a look of joy appeared on her face.

  Yang Haoran had already adjusted his state, with a faint smile on his face, and then walked towards Jiang Zhenzhen.

  His smile was very natural, most people would never be able to see the aggrieved and angry hidden under his smile, and of course Jiang Zhenzhen didn't see it either.

  However, the inner emotions cannot be seen, but the few bruises on his face are very conspicuous. Not only Jiang Zhenzhen saw it, but also other people in the ward. Such obvious bruises, as long as he is not blind, can see.

  "Master Yang, your face... what's wrong with your face, is it because you were hurt by that thing last night?"

  When Yang Haoran stopped in front of the hospital bed, Jiang Zhenzhen asked Yang Haoran, with concern and guilt in her words.

  Yang Haoran was worried about how to explain the bruise on his face, when he heard Jiang Zhenzhen's words, he just nodded his head smoothly and said: "That thing is too powerful, it took a lot of effort to get her out, so I Got some injuries."

  Yang Haoran's words are really shameless, the carrion old woman is indeed very powerful in his opinion, but he is not the one who took care of the carrion old woman, and he, the master, was also very scared at the time, if it weren't for the sharp-mouthed monkey cheek at the end When the youth arrives, who knows what will happen in the end.

  That's right, only ghosts really know, only the carrion old woman knows.

  However, how can Yang Haoran tell the truth, he still has to rely on this industry to earn a living. Once he tells the truth, his image in Jiang Zhenzhen's heart will be destroyed. When Jiang Zhenzhen spreads the word again, then he How are you going to mess around in this line of business in the future?

  Therefore, even though he was a little panicked at the moment, he still didn't forget his identity, and he didn't forget what kind of role he should play in what kind of situation.

  Not long after Yang Haoran appeared, Jiang Zhenzhen fainted from fright, fell to the ground and lost consciousness just like the middle-aged man, so of course she chose to believe Yang Haoran's words.

  At that time, no one else knew about Yang Haoran's ugly appearance except for the young man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks. Even the police officers who came after receiving the call saw only Yang Haoran wearing a pair of underpants and hugging Jiang Zhenzhen.

  So, it doesn't matter how he brags to Jiang Zhenzhen, it's all up to him. As for whether the young man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks will break it, just kidding, how could such an expert appear in front of Jiang Zhenzhen so easily, how could it be possible Bored enough to expose Yang Haoran.

  "Thank you, Master Yang this time. If it weren't for you, it's hard to say whether I'm still alive." Jiang Zhenzhen's pale face showed a trace of fear. cold.

  Regarding Jiang Zhenzhen's statement, Yang Haoran is noncommittal, let alone Jiang Zhenzhen, even if it is Yang Haoran, as long as he thinks of the disgusting appearance of the carrion old woman, he can't help but tremble in his heart. If it weren't for the appearance of the young man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheek Still alive, he was also not sure in his heart.

  "Where's the death pendant I lent you?" Yang Haoran suddenly thought of something and asked.