
The God in the night

The heart is surging, the imagination is infinite, the waves are swaying against the wind, the youth is undefeated and passionate! Wealth, beauty, reputation, status, people who pursue all these are short-sighted. Back on earth, there was no choice, as everyone was going to die eventually, thus they can only pursue these or life would be meaningless. But in this world, where primeval essence is rich, why would we not pursue immortality given the possibility? For the sake of immortality, wealth, beauty, reputation, status, I can make use of all of them, and I can also discard them as easily! for immortality, fear cannot stop me, I will charge forward relentlessly! for immortality, laziness will not stop me, I will never slack even for a moment! for immortality, pain cannot stop me, gods and demons cannot stop me, even heaven and earth cannot stop me!

Smirked_0411 · Fantasi
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75 Chs

Chapter 15 Say Good Words

It took Yang Haoran more than half an hour to inspect the house with a compass. From Jiang Zhenzhen's point of view, Yang Haoran is a master who is very careful in his work and inspections, as if he had done a comprehensive inspection of the house she rented.

  Half an hour later, Yang Haoran put away the compass, and then said to Jiang Zhenzhen solemnly: "It is true that I have a sense of yin. Through the test of the compass, the yin in your bedroom is indeed the heaviest. If I analyze it correctly Wrong, the old... um... old man in your dream should have lived in your current bedroom and died there."

  Yang Haoran originally wanted to say old woman, but when he thought that these three words were disrespectful, he immediately changed his name to old man to show his respect.

  He didn't want to talk about the speculation in his heart. Once he said it, it would not only scare Jiang Zhenzhen, but also scare him, the master, so he didn't want to say it.

  But if he didn't say it, it would be difficult to give him points as a master. In order to make his master appear more capable, he finally decided to speak out.

  However, what he said made Jiang Zhenzhen cry out in shock, and quickly covered her mouth with her hands. When she looked at her bedroom, she seemed even more frightened, and almost cried out.

  "Go and close all the windows, I'm going to do something." Yang Haoran ignored Jiang Zhenzhen's panic and said.

  Although Jiang Zhenzhen was afraid in her heart, she still had the courage to close the window, while Yang Haoran came to Jiang Zhenzhen's bedroom, found a table and placed it in the middle of the bedroom, when all this was done, Jiang Zhenzhen also closed the window and came back .

  At this time, Jiang Zhenzhen was already very frightened, and she couldn't help but recall the nightmare of the first night, the carrion old woman was sleeping next to her, which made her guess, whether the bed she is sleeping in was once The bed of the carrion old woman. Thinking of this, she suddenly felt chills all over her body, and even her hairs stood on end.

  The fear in her heart made her subconsciously get close to the master Yang Haoran as much as possible. Only in this way can she feel more secure. Although Yang Haoran looks ordinary and has nothing outstanding, at this moment, Yang Haoran is in The image in her mind was extremely tall.

  This time Jiang Zhenzhen approached subconsciously, Yang Haoran sensed it, he didn't refuse, and let Jiang Zhenzhen get close to his body as much as possible, not because he had never seen a woman wanting to take advantage of it, but at this moment he was also very vain and panicked. When a person is close to himself, he will feel more secure in his heart.1

  At this time Yang Haoran was actually very tired, he was very nervous, but he still had to pretend to be an expert. He took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, took out one, and handed it to Jiang Zhenzhen.

  "Suck it?" Yang Haoran asked seriously.

  Jiang Zhenzhen shook her head and said, "I can't smoke."

  "At the beginning, no one knows how to do it. It's very comfortable." Yang Haoran said with a smile on his face.

  Jiang Zhenzhen still shook her head and did not take the cigarette. Yang Haoran didn't force himself, lit one for himself, and took a deep breath.

  He gave Jiang Zhenzhen cigarettes out of politeness. If someone wants to smoke, if you don't give them one, it will be embarrassing for them to take out a pack of cigarettes to smoke. I care about it.

  Secondly, he wants to use this method to distract himself. He is too nervous. If he doesn't distract himself, he is worried that he will make a fool of himself. When the time comes, Jiang Zhenzhen will spread the word. The signboard was smashed clean.

  After a cigarette was burned out, Yang Haoran's inner tension was relieved to some extent. He disposed of the cigarette butt, and then his eyes fell on the empty table in front of him.

  Afterwards, under Jiang Zhenzhen's gaze, Yang Haoran took out three sweet potatoes from his satchel. The sweet potatoes were not big and looked a little malnourished, and then he placed the three sweet potatoes on the table in the shape of "pin".

  Jiang Zhenzhen didn't know what Yang Haoran was going to do, but she was very sensible and didn't ask anything. She just leaned on Yang Haoran's body and watched intently.

  After arranging the sweet potatoes, Yang Haoran rummaged in the satchel for a while, and then took out several things from the satchel one after another.

  Three sticks of incense, a pair of red wax, and a thick stack of yellow paper.

  This yellow paper is also Ming coins, but this kind of Ming coins are not the colorful ones on the market that can cost hundreds of millions at every turn, but yellow paper with holes. It is said that this kind of Ming coins can circulate in the underworld. Not like this, Yang Haoran naturally doesn't know, he is just following the gourd.

  "Go get me a bigger iron basin. If you don't have one, a bigger soup basin will do." Yang Haoran said to Jiang Zhenzhen.

  Hearing this, Jiang Zhenzhen didn't act immediately, but looked hesitant.

  "What? No?" Yang Haoran asked.

  "No, I'm a little... a little scared, can you go with me?" Jiang Zhenzhen looked around, tightened her clothes, and said pitifully.

  "Hehe, with me here, what are you afraid of?" Yang Haoran said with a smile.

  Although he said so, Yang Haoran left the bedroom with Jiang Zhenzhen and walked to the kitchen. He spoke fiercely. In fact, his fear was much more than Jiang Zhenzhen's, but he hid it very well. Jiang Zhenzhen did not Nothing was found.

  He went to the kitchen to fetch a soup bowl, and when he entered the bedroom again, Yang Haoran didn't let Jiang Zhenzhen enter the bedroom with him, but stopped her outside the bedroom.

  "When you're doing something, you'd better not go in and watch it. It won't do you any good. I'm afraid it will scare you." Yang Haoran said to Jiang Zhenzhen.

  In fact, Yang Haoran wished that Jiang Zhenzhen would stay in the bedroom with him, so that he could have more companions and feel more secure in his heart, but he couldn't do that, he had to leave Jiang Zhenzhen outside the door.

  Because, his so-called ritual ceremony can be said to be extremely embarrassing, and it will greatly reduce his image in Jiang Zhenzhen's mind. If Jiang Zhenzhen is allowed to witness the entire ritual ceremony process, then he may not want to continue to hang around in this circle in the future, because At that time, no one would trust him, Master Yang.

  Of course, Jiang Zhenzhen also wanted to follow Yang Haoran into the bedroom and let her stay outside the bedroom alone. She was still very scared, but when she heard that something more terrifying would happen after entering the bedroom, she nodded and decided to stay. outside the bedroom.

  "You don't have to worry, I usually don't do things for a long time, and I will come out soon, so I won't make you wait too long." Yang Haoran comforted Jiang Zhenzhen with a smile.

  What he said seemed to be comforting Jiang Zhenzhen, but he was actually comforting himself. It's just that his acting was so good that Jiang Zhenzhen didn't notice it at all.

  Entering the bedroom, Yang Haoran gritted his teeth and closed the bedroom door bravely. When the door was closed with a bang, his heart skipped a beat.

  This door seemed to have cut off his connection with the yang world, and the Yin Qi in this bedroom seemed to be a little more intense the moment he closed the door.

  Yang Haoran didn't continue to pretend, he recovered himself, the composure on his face was gone, replaced by a look of horror, he looked around timidly, afraid that the carrion old woman would suddenly appear.2

  He didn't waste any time, and immediately started his so-called Buddhist rituals. It wasn't that he was really quick and resolute, but that he didn't want to stay in this room any longer. He wanted to finish the matter as soon as possible and leave this ghost place as soon as possible.

  With fear in his heart, Yang Haoran tremblingly lit two sticks of red wax, and inserted them on the sweet potatoes on the left and right sides respectively. Then he picked up three sticks of incense, lit them on top of the red wax, and stuck them on the sweet potato on the top. on the sweet potatoes.

  There was little smoke, and the candles exploded from time to time. Although the lights were on in the bedroom, the atmosphere at this moment was full of weirdness.

  In such an environment, Yang Haoran couldn't help shivering. He felt that his whole body had become icy cold, and his body even started to tremble a little.

  Taking a few deep breaths, Yang Haoran tried his best to suppress the fear in his heart. If he was in his current state, then the next process would not be able to continue.

  With Yang Haoran's deliberate suppression, the fear in his heart decreased a little. Of course, it only decreased a little, but his heart was still full of fear.

  Immediately afterwards, he put his palms together and bowed to the three sticks of burning incense, then picked up the yellow paper money on the table and burned it under the table, and the soup basin Jiang Zhenzhen brought naturally became a tool for burning the yellow paper money.

  When burning paper money, Yang Haoran is quite particular. He only takes three pieces of paper money and puts them into the soup bowl at a time. Together, and then put it into the soup pot, grasp the time very well, so as not to let the flame in the soup pot go out.

  While burning the paper money, Yang Haoran muttered in his mouth, the voice was not loud, Jiang Zhenzhen outside the bedroom would definitely not be able to hear what he was saying, but if he stood beside Yang Haoran, he could clearly understand Hear what he is saying.

  "Mother-in-law, I'll burn some more money for you. You can buy whatever you like. I burned these for you for Jiang Zhenzhen. You can just treat them as her rent for you."

  "Mother-in-law, Jiang Zhenzhen is actually not bad. If you scare her like this, you will probably scare her to death. If you do a good deed, don't scare her again. If you are short of money, just say it. Money solves things, that's not a problem."

  "Mother-in-law, do you think this is good? From now on, every first and fifteenth day of the lunar new year, I will ask Jiang Zhenzhen to offer incense to you in this room to make sure that you will always have endless money down here, and you will be a ghost in a good time."

  "Mother-in-law, I think Jiang Zhenzhen is a pretty good girl. You should do her best not to scare her. It's not easy for her to be alone. If you really scare her to death, it won't do you any good, right? They're all women. Why do women make things difficult for women, you always say that this is the truth."
