
The God in the night

The heart is surging, the imagination is infinite, the waves are swaying against the wind, the youth is undefeated and passionate! Wealth, beauty, reputation, status, people who pursue all these are short-sighted. Back on earth, there was no choice, as everyone was going to die eventually, thus they can only pursue these or life would be meaningless. But in this world, where primeval essence is rich, why would we not pursue immortality given the possibility? For the sake of immortality, wealth, beauty, reputation, status, I can make use of all of them, and I can also discard them as easily! for immortality, fear cannot stop me, I will charge forward relentlessly! for immortality, laziness will not stop me, I will never slack even for a moment! for immortality, pain cannot stop me, gods and demons cannot stop me, even heaven and earth cannot stop me!

Smirked_0411 · Fantasy
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75 Chs

Chapter 16 Death Pendant 3

During the whole process, Yang Haoran didn't stop talking, he kept talking, and in the end he really didn't know what to say, so he picked up the key point and repeated it many times.

  When the thick stack of coins in his hand was completely burned, Yang Haoran closed his mouth, then stood up, folded his hands together and bowed to the burning incense.1

  There were no accidents in the whole process. Although Yang Haoran was full of fear, there were no other accidents, which made him feel a lot more at ease.

  He has done this kind of so-called religious ceremony many times since he started this business, but every time he is fooling people, but it is the first time for him to do it in today's evil situation, so he is also in his heart. No bottom, for fear of any exceptions in the process.

  The thing he was most worried about didn't happen, Yang Haoran couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and felt a lot more at ease. In his opinion, maybe his nondescript rituals played a role, and the old woman may not necessarily accept his good words.

  Outside the door, Jiang Zhenzhen was standing obediently all the time, with a tense expression and terrified eyes, looking around, for fear that something terrifying would suddenly appear.

  With a creak, the bedroom door opened. The sudden sound made Jiang Zhenzhen tremble in fright. When she saw clearly Yang Haoran behind the door, her terrified eyes revealed a little joy.

  "What's the matter, Master Yang?" Jiang Zhenzhen asked quickly.

  A smile appeared on Yang Haoran's face, and he nodded slightly to Jiang Zhenzhen. Seeing Yang Haoran's expression, even if she didn't say it clearly, she knew what it meant, and a smile also appeared on her face.

  "The ritual has been done, so there shouldn't be any serious problems, but from now on, you remember that every 15th day of the lunar new year, you have to worship in your bedroom, and the attitude should be respectful, understand?" Yang Haoran said to Jiang Zhenzhen .

  How could Jiang Zhenzhen refuse, she nodded quickly, and assured that there would be no problem, this matter is not difficult, she can naturally do it.

  "Since the matter has been dealt with, it's time for me to leave. I'm too tired after finishing a ceremony. I need to go back and take a rest." Yang Haoran said.

  As soon as she heard that Yang Haoran was going to leave, the joy that had just been born in Jiang Zhenzhen's heart immediately dissipated. Once Yang Haoran left, she would be left alone in this room. Let her face such an environment alone, to be honest , her heart was naturally full of fear, even though she knew that the matter had been handled properly, she was still very scared.

  "Master Yang, has it really been dealt with?" Jiang Zhenzhen reconfirmed.

  Hearing Jiang Zhenzhen's words, Yang Haoran's heart was pounding, whether the matter was handled well, whether the old woman would come to scare Jiang Zhenzhen again in the future, to be honest, he was not sure, the reason why he told Jiang Zhenzhen in an affirmative tone The problem is that I don't want Jiang Zhenzhen to have too much psychological burden. If the burden is too heavy, even if it's all right, the old woman will never disturb Jiang Zhenzhen from now on. Jiang Zhenzhen will still be scared by a series of things that she imagined arrive.

  "I don't think she will make it difficult for you anymore. I told her everything I should say when I was doing things just now. There is no deep hatred between you, and she has no reason to continue pestering you. Besides, you also promised Now that I will worship her every first and fifteenth day of the lunar new year, she will have no reason to pester you." Yang Haoran said.

  Jiang Zhenzhen's expression was a little shaken, as if she was moved by Yang Haoran's words, Yang Haoran struck while the iron was hot, and continued to say: "Why don't you change your position and think about it, if you were that old man, would you continue to cling to him? Rotten?"

  Jiang Zhenzhen thought for a while, then shook her head, and replied in a positive tone: "Of course I won't."

  After the words fell, before Yang Haoran could speak, Jiang Zhenzhen continued to speak: "But... But people are different, I won't do that, it doesn't mean..."

  Yang Haoran knew what Jiang Zhenzhen was going to say, so he immediately covered her mouth to prevent her from saying the rest.

  "Say what should be said, and don't say what should not be said." Yang Haoran looked serious and reminded.

  Jiang Zhenzhen nodded to show that she understood, and Yang Haoran let go of her hand covering her mouth.

  "Don't worry, the problem shouldn't be too big. How about you write down my mobile phone number, and if you have any problems, you can call me at any time. My mobile phone will not be turned off 24 hours a day." Yang Haoran said.

  Jiang Zhenzhen looked happy, and nodded quickly. If she had this master Yang's phone number, she would be able to contact him at any time. If there were any problems, she would no longer be as helpless as she was a few days ago.

  After the two left each other's phone numbers, Yang Haoran decided to leave. He didn't want to stay in this room any longer.

  Jiang Zhenzhen is naturally reluctant to leave Yang Haoran, because Yang Haoran's departure means that she is the only one left in this room, and she will face the unknown fear alone.

  But, so what if she doesn't want Yang Haoran to leave, she can't keep him overnight, not to mention that she can't say such a thing, even if she can say it, others may not agree.

  With complicated emotions, Jiang Zhenzhen sent Yang Haoran to the door of the house.

  Stepping out of the room, Yang Haoran suddenly felt much more relaxed. Although it was also cold outside, compared with Jiang Zhenzhen's room, it was much more relaxed outside, at least it was very cold in comparison.

  "Master Yang, thank you for keeping you busy with me all afternoon." Jiang Zhenzhen thanked me.2

  "It's okay, this is what I should do, everything has been dealt with, so don't worry, don't put too much psychological burden on yourself." Yang Haoran reminded with some worry.

  Hearing this, Jiang Zhenzhen tried her best to squeeze a smile on her face, and nodded heavily at Yang Haoran.

  Yang Haoran smiled back politely, turned around and just took two steps, but his body stopped again.

  "Master Yang, what's the matter, did something fall into my house?" Jiang Zhenzhen asked from behind.

  Yang Haoran didn't answer Jiang Zhenzhen, but turned around and walked back to Jiang Zhenzhen's side, then took something from his neck and handed it to Jiang Zhenzhen.

  The thing Yang Haoran took off from his neck suddenly was actually a pendant.

  On the front of the pendant is a monster with a human body and a ghost face. It has a hideous appearance and a terrifying smile, which makes people feel chills when they look at it.

  It has two sharp fangs, thick and long, like two sharp daggers inlaid in its mouth. In addition, it has three hands, three feet and three eyes.4

  The extra eye grows between the eyebrows, the extra hand grows on the chest, and the extra foot grows on the lower abdomen.

  Jiang Zhenzhen was puzzled at first, but after she took the pendant and glanced at it, she was startled, obviously frightened by the ghost-like monster on the pendant.

  "What... what is this?" Jiang Zhenzhen asked with some stammer.

  "This is the god of death. Once any living thing dies, it will belong to him. This thing is a treasure I finally got. I always carry it with me. I will lend it to you this time. Don't lose it." Yang Hao Ran said with a serious face.

  The image of the god of death on the pendant is too terrifying, especially the extra foot on the lower abdomen, which made Jiang Zhenzhen feel cold all over her body. She wanted to return the pendant to Yang Haoran, but after hearing Yang Haoran's words, She was instantly delighted.

  But then, she showed embarrassment again, looked at the death pendant in her hand, then at Yang Haoran, hesitated for a moment, and said: "You gave it to me, then what do you do?"

  "I am a master, nothing will happen, you don't need to worry about me. However, I have agreed in advance that I will only lend you this pendant first, so don't think that I gave it to you. The matter is over, you don't have any more fear in your heart, you have to return it to me." Yang Haoran reminded.

  "Master Yang, don't worry, I will definitely return it to you when the time comes. Thank you, Master Yang, for your kindness, thank you." Jiang Zhenzhen did not refuse stupidly, but kept thanking Yang Haoran, because in her own heart It is also clear that she needs this pendant very much now.

  "Any undead is scum in front of the god of death. As long as you carry it with you, the evil spirits will not dare to approach you."

  Under Jiang Zhenzhen's grateful eyes, Yang Haoran left. The reason why he decided to lend the death pendant to Jiang Zhenzhen before leaving was because he was worried that something would happen to Jiang Zhenzhen.

  The "dharma affairs" he did at Jiang Zhenzhen's house were actually just good words, which had no deterrent effect. If the other party was reasonable, maybe he wouldn't bother Jiang Zhenzhen. Otherwise, he would definitely continue to harass Jiang Zhenzhen and take money from others. He wanted people to eliminate disasters, so out of safety considerations, he lent Jiang Zhenzhen the death pendant he carried with him.

  There are many temples in Lecheng, and each temple enshrines different gods. Yang Haoran got this Death Pendant from a Death Temple, because the temple wished it for this pendant at that time. The death pendant has been opened, so he has always regarded it as a treasure and wears it close to his body. As for whether the death pendant has any magical effect, to be honest, he doesn't know.

  However, since he started his current job, he often has to deal with these gods and ghosts, and has played tricks a lot, but nothing has happened to him. In his opinion, this may be because of his attitude. And because the process is not bad, I am full of awe of ghosts and gods. Or, it was really the death pendant he was carrying that played a role.

  Of course, this is just his guess. Whether this is the case or not, he still has no way of knowing, but he lent the death pendant to Jiang Zhenzhen out of good intentions. If wearing the death pendant can't calm down the matter , then really can only go to the temple to find an expert.1