
The God in the night

The heart is surging, the imagination is infinite, the waves are swaying against the wind, the youth is undefeated and passionate! Wealth, beauty, reputation, status, people who pursue all these are short-sighted. Back on earth, there was no choice, as everyone was going to die eventually, thus they can only pursue these or life would be meaningless. But in this world, where primeval essence is rich, why would we not pursue immortality given the possibility? For the sake of immortality, wealth, beauty, reputation, status, I can make use of all of them, and I can also discard them as easily! for immortality, fear cannot stop me, I will charge forward relentlessly! for immortality, laziness will not stop me, I will never slack even for a moment! for immortality, pain cannot stop me, gods and demons cannot stop me, even heaven and earth cannot stop me!

Smirked_0411 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
75 Chs

Chapter 14

Yang Haoran was not going to take Jiang Zhenzhen's job at first, but seeing the red envelope Jiang Zhenzhen handed over with both hands, he sighed and said: "Oh, it's not easy for you as a girl, since you are so sincere, I will Let me help you go and have a look, just to make a good relationship, it has nothing to do with your red envelope."1

  After a pause, Yang Haoran continued: "However, although it has nothing to do with the red envelope for me to help you, there are rules in the industry, and I can't break the rules just because you help me, so I must accept the red envelope."

  After speaking, Yang Haoran naturally took the red envelope from Jiang Zhenzhen and put it in his pocket without feeling embarrassed at all.

  "The red envelope is a bit small, master, please don't mind." Jiang Zhenzhen said with some embarrassment.

  "It doesn't matter, subduing demons and eliminating demons is the duty. I don't care about the size of the red envelope. I just need to have a meaning." Yang Haoran said righteously, without blushing or heartbeat.

  Jiang Zhenzhen was very happy, and she didn't think about the problems at this time, she asked Yang Haoran: "Master Yang, when are we going to leave?"

  "It's not too late, let's start now. I have a problem with myself, that is, I like to do things swiftly and swiftly. You wait for me outside, and I will go in to get some things."

  After finishing speaking, without waiting for Jiang Zhenzhen's answer, Yang Haoran plunged into the green curtain. After a while, he came out with his yellow satchel on his back. The satchel was bulging, and he didn't know what it contained.

  In the past, if she saw someone carrying this kind of yellow satchel, Jiang Zhenzhen would definitely not be able to help but snigger, but now, she doesn't find it funny at all, but rather sacred.

  "You lead the way, let's go!"

  After closing the shutter door, Yang Haoran followed Jiang Zhenzhen and left. Jiang Zhenzhen was really anxious. After she came out, she hailed a taxi, and the two rushed to their destination.

  In the taxi, Yang Haoran closed his eyes and rested his mind, he seemed to be a gentleman, but in fact, he was already going crazy in his heart at this moment, cursing himself for not being strong-willed!

  This job is beyond his ability. In the past, he never took on this kind of job, but today, he made an exception and trampled his principles under his feet.

  This person, once he breaks his own principles with his own hands, he will not be far from suffering. This is the experience that Yang Haoran has summed up over the years, but now that the arrow is on the string, he has no choice but to bite the bullet.

  Furthermore, for Jiang Zhenzhen, a young girl, he feels sympathy for her. No matter whether he can help her or not, it is okay for him to go and see, at least it can bring Jiang Zhenzhen some psychological comfort.

  About half an hour later, Yang Haoran appeared at the door of Jiang Zhenzhen's rented house.

  It was already afternoon, and the corridor seemed a little dark. Jiang Zhenzhen didn't open the door immediately, but looked at Yang Haoran, as if asking for his opinion.

  From Jiang Zhenzhen's eyes, Yang Haoran saw fear, and he couldn't help sighing.

  "You are so frightened, I advise you to move to another house, otherwise, even if the problems in the house are solved, you will feel uncomfortable when you live in the future." Yang Haoran kindly persuaded.

  This was Yang Haoran's last "struggle". If Jiang Zhenzhen agreed, then he would not have to take this risk, but Jiang Zhenzhen shook her head helplessly.

  "Even if you want to move the house, you have to wait until a year later. In this year, you have to make do with it anyway."

  Hearing Jiang Zhenzhen's words and seeing the bitterness on her face, Yang Haoran didn't see stubbornness in her expression, what he saw was just a girl's helplessness towards life.

  After talking about this point, Yang Haoran didn't say anything more, and nodded slightly to express his understanding, and then signaled Jiang Zhenzhen to open the door.

  The latter took out the key, his body trembling a little, and inserted it several times before finally inserting the key successfully.

  The door creaked open, and a gust of wind rushed in, and the two people standing at the door couldn't help shivering.

  Yang Haoran's face changed, the sudden wind made him feel hairy, he seemed to feel that there was a pair of eyes staring at them in a certain corner of this room.

  Jiang Zhenzhen still looked terrified, but it wasn't because of the gloomy wind blowing from the room just now, she didn't seem to find anything wrong with the gloomy wind just now.

  "The gust of wind just now, don't you feel cold?" Yang Haoran looked at Jiang Zhenzhen and asked.

  "Cold, what's the matter?" Jiang Zhenzhen asked with a puzzled expression.

  "Don't you find it strange?" Yang Haoran frowned and continued to ask.

  Jiang Zhenzhen shook her head and said, "I don't think it's strange. Every time I leave, I habitually open the windows at home. It's winter now. It's not surprising that there will be cold wind blowing out when I open the door."









  This looks like this in the eyes of ordinary people, but in Yang Haoran's eyes, the coldness in Jiang Zhenzhen's house is different, it is not the cold caused by the weather at all.

  Yang Haoran has experienced this kind of coldness to the depths of his soul many times in the past, and he experienced it twice last night, so he is very impressed with this weird coldness, and he will never confuse it with the weather.

  Just one stop here, Yang Haoran can be sure that Jiang Zhenzhen's house is really problematic, living in this kind of house, it is not surprising that Jiang Zhenzhen will encounter evil things.

  Judging from what Jiang Zhenzhen said just now, every time she returned to this house, she felt this kind of cold air, but she couldn't tell the difference between the cold air, and it was all due to the weather, so there was no Care, I didn't take this coldness seriously.

  Standing in Jiang Zhenzhen's bedroom, Yang Haoran closed his eyes and felt something. Jiang Zhenzhen blushed and was very embarrassed because the room was really messy. Not light, with a trance-like expression, how can I have the mood to clean up the messy house.

  After a while, Yang Haoran opened his eyes with an uneasy expression.

  "Master Yang, what were you doing just now?" Jiang Zhenzhen asked weakly.

  "Sensation." Yang Haoran replied directly without hiding anything.

  "What is Yin Yin?" Jiang Zhenzhen asked.

  "It is to use the body to sense the Yin Qi nearby, to see where the Yin Qi is heavy and where the Yin Qi is weak."

  "Then... what's the result?" Jiang Zhenzhen continued to ask.

  "Through my perception, I can confirm that there is indeed something wrong with your house, which is full of Yin Qi everywhere, especially your bedroom, which is the place with the most Yin Qi." Yang Haoran said with a serious expression.

  Jiang Zhenzhen was still a little curious in her heart, but when she heard Yang Haoran's words, the curiosity in her heart was replaced by fear. She didn't dare to speak again, but subconsciously approached Yang Haoran a little bit, her body almost stuck It's on Yang Haoran's body.

  This time, Yang Haoran didn't talk nonsense, and he didn't fool clients for making money. What he said to Jiang Zhenzhen was all the truth.

  Of course, the so-called truth only means that he did not deliberately deceive and fool Jiang Zhenzhen, and it does not mean that the facts must be as he said. If what he learned on the Internet is true, then what he said , it becomes a fact.

  "I'll take care of this for you next, do you mind if I do a ritual in your bedroom?" Yang Haoran asked Jiang Zhenzhen who was beside him.

  The latter was frightened a long time ago. Hearing what Yang Haoran said, how could he refuse? He nodded his head like a chicken pecking at rice. Let alone doing a ritual, even a Thai style would be fine.

  Seeing that Jiang Zhenzhen agreed, Yang Haoran was unambiguous, first took out the compass from the satchel, and then wandered around the room in a decent manner, walking around every corner of the room, as if checking something.

  Jiang Zhenzhen couldn't understand these things, so she could only follow behind Yang Haoran obediently, waiting for Yang Haoran's orders at any time.

  In fact, what Jiang Zhenzhen doesn't know is that she can't understand the compass, and Yang Haoran, the master, can't understand the same. He seems to be checking something with the compass, but in fact he is just going through a process. He has no real skills. If you don't use these procedures to recharge, everyone will see that he is a liar.

  Experts watch the doorway, and laymen watch the excitement. If you want to prevent the laymen from seeing the flaws, then you must make it more "lively".