
The God in the night

The heart is surging, the imagination is infinite, the waves are swaying against the wind, the youth is undefeated and passionate! Wealth, beauty, reputation, status, people who pursue all these are short-sighted. Back on earth, there was no choice, as everyone was going to die eventually, thus they can only pursue these or life would be meaningless. But in this world, where primeval essence is rich, why would we not pursue immortality given the possibility? For the sake of immortality, wealth, beauty, reputation, status, I can make use of all of them, and I can also discard them as easily! for immortality, fear cannot stop me, I will charge forward relentlessly! for immortality, laziness will not stop me, I will never slack even for a moment! for immortality, pain cannot stop me, gods and demons cannot stop me, even heaven and earth cannot stop me!

Smirked_0411 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
75 Chs

Chapter 10 My House Is Haunted!

The middle-aged woman's scolding didn't make Yang Haoran angry, on the contrary, he breathed a sigh of relief.

  People who have not experienced such strange things may not be able to understand Yang Haoran's mood at this time. In this case, as long as he can see a living person, it is a good thing for him, and it can relieve his tense nerves to a certain extent. Relief, it doesn't matter whether the other party is scolding him or praising him.

  Of course, in the middle of the night there were ghost screams and lighters being thrown, the people who were disturbed would definitely not praise him, not even a single beer bottle was thrown at him.

  The middle-aged woman slammed the window shut after a few curses, not sure if she was busy with her so-called business or something else.

  Yang Haoran let out a heavy breath, licked his dry lips, and continued to walk quickly towards the location of his store without saying a word.

  It was only after returning home that Yang Haoran felt relaxed, and the nerves that had been tense all the time were completely relaxed.

  "Walk for a long time at night and you will run into ghosts. I didn't expect this day to come so soon." Yang Haoran thought of it while pouring himself a cup of hot water.

  Yang Haoran has a habit of playing with his mobile phone for a while before going to bed, watching supernatural videos on the Internet, and flipping through some supernatural materials for his own study and reference, but tonight, he did not continue this habit. was scared to death, how could I still be in the mood to watch those.

  Actually, it's not to blame Yang Haoran for being cowardly. As the saying goes, people with high skills are bold. Those who are bold almost have a few brushes and have a certain degree of confidence in their abilities, but Yang Haoran is different. He is just a god. A stick can only fool people and has no real ability, so it's strange if you are not afraid.

  To put it bluntly, the former is awesome, while he is pretending, only slightly better than a fool.

  Another point is that the reason why Yang Haoran was frightened was because he had more contact with this aspect. The more he contacted, the more he knew about various supernatural events. Once he encountered an unexplainable event, his brain would automatically replace He made up his mind, how to make up how scary, and he already had a sense of fear of such unknown things, so he was naturally frightened.

  After drinking a cup of hot water, listening to a few cheerful songs, and smoking a few cigarettes, his overall condition was considered to have recovered to a minimum.

  "The house is still too deserted, find a chance to get a dog back to raise, no, get two, with them, I can have a companion." Yang Haoran planned in his heart.

  Why do you plan to keep a dog instead of a cat? Hehe, I was taken aback by that big black cat tonight. Now that he sees a cat, he has the urge to beat him up. How could he have such a pet? Besides, when a cat meows in spring, it is very annoying, just like a baby crying, it makes people feel hairy when they hear it in the middle of the night.5

  Thinking in this way, planning in this way, he fell asleep on the bed with a drowsy brain due to the alcohol that had not dissipated.

  This time he didn't sleep well, he had all kinds of nightmares throughout the night, he was even awakened once in the middle of the night, and he was in a state of half-asleep and half-awake after that, which made him very distressed.

  After an unknown amount of time, in a daze, he seemed to hear someone knocking on the door. At first he thought it was just a hallucination, because he had heard it wrong, so he ignored it at all, and continued to sleep with his head covered by a thick quilt.

  But not only did the knocking on the door not stop, but it intensified a little bit, and the frequency became a little faster. This time, even if Yang Haoran covered his head with the quilt, he could hear clearly that someone was indeed knocking on the door.

  As long as the rolling door is knocked, there will be a lot of noise, and as long as you use a little force, the noise will be even bigger. Not to mention that Yang Haoran is half asleep and half awake at this time, even if he sleeps like a dead head The pig will definitely be woken up by the sound of the rolling door.

  Yang Haoran was angry, he didn't know who kept knocking, he threw off the quilt covering his head with some displeasure, picked up the phone from the pillow and took a look, this made Yang Haoran stunned for a moment .

  "I'm going, it's almost twelve o'clock, I've slept for so long in a daze." Muttering in disbelief, Yang Haoran turned over and got up, the moment he left the quilt, he shivered from the cold.

  Putting on his clothes hastily, Yang Haoran walked towards the rolling door while responding to the knocker outside.

  "Come here, who is it?"

  After the words fell, he had already arrived at the rolling shutter door, and without hesitation, he pulled the rolling shutter door up.

  The weather outside was fine today, the sun was shining brightly, when Yang Haoran couldn't help but close his eyes when his body came into contact with the sunlight outside, he stretched out his hands to cover his eyes.

  There was a person standing outside the rolling shutter door, but due to the discomfort of his eyes, Yang Haoran didn't see clearly who the person was at the first time, and he didn't even distinguish whether the person was a human or a beast.

  After closing his eyes several times, Yang Haoran finally got used to it and saw clearly who it was.

  The person who came was a girl. She looked anxious at first, but after seeing the shutter door open, a smile appeared on her anxious face, but this smile was a bit forced.

  "Master Yang, hello, I..."

  Before the woman finished speaking, Yang Haoran yawned and asked, "What do you want to buy?"

  "No, no, I'm not here to buy things." The woman waved her hand quickly and said.

  "Didn't you come to buy things?" Yang Haoran looked puzzled, smiled wryly, and asked, "You didn't come to buy things, why are you so anxious to knock on the door?"

  As he said that, Yang Haoran took down a bottle of drink from the shelf, then unscrewed the bottle cap, raised his head and started pouring it vigorously. After drinking too much wine, he felt very thirsty after waking up, and he especially wanted to drink something sweet. , although it hurts my stomach to do like him at this time, but it's very cool.

  "I'm here to ask Master Yang to exorcise ghosts. My house seems to be haunted by ghosts."

  "Pfft!!!" Hearing the woman's words, Yang Haoran spewed out a mouthful of drink, choking his mouth and nose.

  Seeing this, the woman quickly took out a tissue and handed it to Yang Haoran. The latter thanked him vaguely, took the tissue and wiped it. After wiping it clean, Yang Haoran carefully looked at the girl in front of him.

  The woman looks young, only sixteen or seventeen years old, not tall, only about 1.5 meters, petite, fair skin, with a baby face, this face is very cute, but now this face is He looked very haggard, and his eyes had big dark circles, obviously caused by not having a good rest.

  The woman was embarrassed by Yang Haoran, and a smile appeared on her haggard face.

  "What did you just say? Is your house haunted?" Yang Haoran confirmed.

  Hearing Yang Haoran's words, the forced smile on the woman's face froze immediately, she was stunned for a moment, then she reacted, then quickly nodded to Yang Haoran, and said pitifully : "My house is really haunted, oh no, it's not my house that's haunted, it's my rented house that's haunted, it's very scary, Master Yang, you must help me."

  Hearing this, Yang Haoran did not give an affirmative answer, nor did he give a negative answer, but smiled and said: "You sit here for a while, and I will wash up before coming out, and then you can tell me in detail ."

  The woman wanted to say something more, but she didn't stop Yang Haoran from hearing what Yang Haoran said. After all, Yang Haoran looked really sloppy at this time, with messy hair, like a beggar.

  To be honest, the image of Yang Haoran at this time is somewhat similar to that of this woman. It is true that the woman has dark circles, but Yang Haoran also has dark circles after not sleeping well all night, but they are not as heavy as the woman. After all, Yang Haoran just didn't sleep well last night, and the woman probably hasn't slept well for a long time.

  Apart from the dark circles under his eyes, Yang Haoran, who didn't sleep well all night, looked exhausted, and he had already yawned several times during the short time he spent with the woman. In contrast, although the woman didn't yawn again and again, her face was haggard and looked very listless.

  Yang Haoran walked into the green curtain and began to wash up in a hurry. The woman didn't sit down outside, but waited anxiously. Fortunately, Yang Haoran didn't make her wait too long. In less than ten minutes, Yang Haoran walked out from the curtain.

  Although the dark circles under the eyes are still visible, compared to before, Yang Haoran looks much more energetic at this time.

  "Have you eaten yet?" Yang Haoran asked the woman.

  Hearing this, the woman didn't speak, but just shook her head.

  "I came here before dawn. It was too early, so I didn't knock on the door. I was afraid of disturbing your rest. I waited until noon. Seeing that you haven't opened the door, I thought you were not at home. Just now The reason why I knocked on the door was just a fluke, to confirm whether you were at home, so..."

  "So that's how it is." While talking, Yang Haoran took down two buckets of instant noodles from the shelf, and said, "I don't have any good things here, and it's too late to cook right now, so you just make do with it. "

  The woman did not refuse, she was indeed very hungry, so she looked a little embarrassed, and said apologetically: "I invite Master to eat together, I am really sorry to disturb Master today."

  As she spoke, the woman took out a new ten-yuan coin from her bag, and quickly handed it to Yang Haoran. The latter didn't take it, and said with a smile: "It's just a bucket of instant noodles, you don't need to do this, if you want to add ham, then I will charge for it."1

  A smile appeared on the woman's haggard face. This smile was not forced, but from the heart. She was amused by Yang Haoran's words.

  "Then I'll add a piece of ham, and I'll add one to Master." As she said that, the woman was about to take out money from her bag again, but was stopped by Yang Haoran.

  "No need, the store is out of stock, we will deal with it, and then we can deal with your affairs." Yang Haoran said.

  The woman wanted to persevere at first, but when she heard that Yang Haoran was going to deal with her affairs after eating, her face changed, fear flashed in her eyes, she didn't continue to persevere, she nodded slightly.1