
The Gluttonous Wizard

A boy cursed with a weak and body, doomed to spend his life on the bed waiting for death, gets a chance to reincarnate in a world of magic with his most desired ability.

Krishna_Is_Here · Filem
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18 Chs

CH 5 Rapid increase in Abilities

Two days had passed since Alcor defeated the Dark Wizard, who was later carried away by Kane. Alcor had rested in the very room he was tortured in after that, becoming the new master of the room instead of the wizard.

Kane meanwhile had instructed the gang members that Alcor was now his sworn brother and he was not to be disturbed. Additionally, he brought along the gang's best torture expert and made the wizard see hell for two days before finally sending him there permanently.

Alcor too had not slacked off after winning his first fight in real life. He dived into Energy Dungeons daily to defeat enemies and grow stronger.

Finally, on the third day since the wizard's defeat, Alcor was looking at the result of his dedicated training.

Name : Alcor Celesta

Gender : Male

Appearance: Lush Jet Black Hair with Red Streaks, a decent trained athlete-like body, pale skin and Stormy Blue eyes.

Birthday: 21st December 1980


Health: 40/40

Mana: 100/100

STR: 10

VIT: 10

DEX: 10

AGI: 10

PER: 10

INT: 10

WIS: 10

CHA: 10

LUK: 33

Attribute Point: 200

Skill Point: 160

Cores: Magic (LV-0: 50/100), Wind (LV-0: 50/100)

Innate Skills: Mana Manipulation-LV20, Enhanced Comprehension(Passive)-LV1, Power Boost-LV10, Automatic-Recovery(Passive)-LV10, Quick Fingers(Passive)-LV1, Fleet Foot-LV10, Enhanced Spatial Awareness(Passive)-LV10, Golden Voice-LV1, Path of Fortune(Passive)-LV10

Acquired Skills: Vigilance(Passive)-LV1, Curse Resistance(Passive)-LV8

'I guess it's time for my cores to go through the first maturation.' Alcor thought determinedly.

'System put 50 attribute points each in my Magic and Wind Cores.' Alcor instructed.

[Command Accepted. Points being deposited.]

[Magic and Wind cores undergoing evolution to the next stage…]

Alcor could not even read the notifications before he felt two 'Voices' speaking to him. One had an ancient, overpowering, omnipotent feel to it. The other voice was playful and breezy but hid a treacherous and powerful feel underneath.

Alcor was not able to comprehend these voices as much as feel them. It was like they came in contact with his very soul. It put him in a magical state as he comprehended the feeling the two 'Voices' gave him.

When he finally opened his eyes, mana was emitted from every part of his body like a misty aura. The wind started blowing suddenly in the closed room, making small dust whirlpools around the room.


At the same time, in many ancient magical sites all over the world.

People with the power of 'Sight' suddenly went into a seizure, their eyes rolling back into their heads as they floated a few inches above the ground as a result of a mystical force. They all started spouting the same words in their own languages in absolute unison.

"Dark Thrones Tremble, The Devouring Calamity is Here,"

"Legends of Old, Rise Anew, The Challenger is Here,"

"Good or Evil, He can't be Defined, Ones who seek to Bind him, Beware,"

"Ancient Spirits Awaken, The Walker of Myriad Paths is Here,"

This phenomenon sent alarms in all the magical communities across the world and the respective governments were forced to seal all the information on this phenomenon.

Delegates of the various countries, that experienced these phenomena, visited the other countries where this phenomenon also took place.

Leaders of Magical communities all over the world cooperated for the first time in centuries to try and understand these phenomena, and what it meant for the world.


Unaffected by all this, Alcor stabilized his power and awoke from his trance-like state. He noticed the bunch of notifications that were in front of his eyes and read through them.

[Congratulations. Magic Core went through First Maturation. Innate Skill Unlocked: Magic Senses(Passive) LV1]

[Congratulations. Wind Core went through First Maturation. Innate Skill Unlocked: Aerokinesis LV1]

Alcor found both of these skills incredibly useful and powerful. There was no need to talk of Magic Senses, which basically enhanced all of his five senses with magic, along with giving the ability to see, hear and sense things non-magical people could not.

The one thing that was present everywhere in the world was Air. No matter whether on land, deep underwater, or underground, Air existed in one form or another.

Aerokinesis practically made him the Lord of Air, giving him the ability to manipulate air freely. The only restriction was his mana and the level of the skill.

'I guess I should distribute the rest of the points. The stronger I get, the better dungeons I will be able to access.' Alcor thought.

'System, put 20 points in INT, 20 Points in WIS, 10 Points in STR, 10 Points in VIT, 10 Points in DEX, 10 Points in AGI, 10 Points in PER, 10 Points in CHA.'

As System followed his instructions, he felt his body and mind being strengthened in all aspects. He let out a sigh of comfort. He never got tired of this feeling of getting stronger.

'Okay. Time to upgrade my skills too. System, What is the maximum level for a skill?'

[Maximum Level for a skill is 100. Once reaching it the skill can be evolved to a rarer and stronger skill. Skill ranking go from Common->Rare->Legendary->Mythical->Divine.]

[Every Skill Evolution takes a certain amount of skill points. Common->Rare takes 100 points. Rare->Legendary takes 1000 points. Legendary->Mythical takes 10,000 points. Mythical->Divine takes 100,000 points.]

[Similarly, with each grade, the points required for a skill level upgrade increase. For Common Grade Skill, also known as Unranked Skill, it takes 1 point skill level. For Rare Grade Skill, it takes 10 points per skill level. For Legendary Grade Skill, it takes 100 points per skill level. For Mythical Grade Skill, it takes 1000 points per skill level. For Divine Grade Skill, it takes 10,000 points per skill level.]

'Oh wow. The requirements climb up pretty steeply with each grade, doesn't it?' Alcor thought in shock. He had not even got 1000 skill points in total so far, yet there were skills that could take 1000 points per skill level.

[That just shows the power of the skilled host. Steeper the requirements more powerful the skill. In this current world, it would not be an exaggeration to say that 1 Legendary skill could let you be one of the strongest existences.]

'Alright. Let's not think so far ahead. That is an unreachable realm for the current me. Let's just make sure I can survive a random wizard before start thinking of standing on top of the world.'

'Let's take care of the skill that has helped me the most so far. The system, Level up Mana Manipulation to Maximum Level.'

[Command Accepted. 80 Skill points consumed. Mana Manipulation Reached Max Level. Host's controls over Mana enhanced enormously. Controlling Mana is now instinctive for the host. Host's Mana will respond to Host better than Host's own body.]

A whole new world opened up for Alcor. He could sense and control Mana without even needing to think about it. Manipulating Mana became instinctive like breathing, blinking, and controlling limbs, maybe even better.

With a barely formed thought, Mana emerged from him, eager to respond to his commands. He also noticed that Mana was just a barely noticeable transparent haze around him right now. But instead of weakening, he felt that it was stronger and more viscous than the glowing mana he used to control earlier.

'System, what is up with this new form of Mana? Why is it so different than before?'

[Nothing has changed in Mana, except for your control over it. The form you noticed before was just a result of your lack of control. That had led to it being so sparse and misty like gas and excess mana would be wasted for the glowing form of your Mana Utilization Methods.]

[True Mana Constructs don't waste Energy for Heat, Sound, or Light unless that is the point of the spell. Under near-perfect level control, Mana is an invisible silent force, more viscous than honey, and could form extremely strong and dense constructs in an instant.]

Understanding System's point, Alcor nodded. He should have expected that. After all, a glowing Mana Construct would only make it easier for the target to dodge or block it.

System's explanation made even more sense when considering spells like Severing Charm, Levitation Charm, and Body-Bind Curse. They were Invisible, Silent, and Nearly Unavoidable unless you saw the hand motion of the Caster.

Seeing the results of this max-level skill, Alcor's desire for more Max Leveled skills only grew. However, he noticed that he only had 80 skill points left.

'Hmm, it's not enough for any of the other skills to reach max level. Any suggestions, System?'

[Host will currently be mostly focused on combat. Max Level Mana Manipulation should already be enough as a versatile skill for battle and would serve the host sufficiently for quite a while. The host should take the chance to level up passive skills, as they won't require the host's conscious control.]

[Recommended distribution for the remaining Skill Points: Enhanced Comprehension(Passive) - 10 points, Automatic-Recovery(Passive) - 30 points, Enhanced Spatial Awareness(Passive) - 15 points, Path of Fortune(Passive) - 10 points, Magic Senses(Passive) - 15 points]

Alcor pondered upon System's suggestion and thought about various scenarios of battle. After nearly 10 minutes of thought, he had to admit that System had thought well about all possibilities.

He had thought about leveling up Aerokinesis too, but he admitted that he was not limited in attacking methods right now. He would level it up to max at once later once he starts gathering a large amount of points more easily. As System said, Passive skills were the way to go currently.

'Alright System. I will go with your suggestion.' Alcor decided.

[Command Accepted. Points being assigned in the decided configuration.]

Alcor felt the change immediately. His Senses and Spatial awareness greatly improved. He could feel a new level of vitality within him as his fatigue got steadily erased. He also felt a certain increase in his comprehension of how to use Mana and an increase in the level of confidence he had in his choices.

'If I keep going like this, will I be as strong as the various professors by the time I am of the age to attend a Magic School like Hogwarts?' Alcor wondered.