
The Exit

In the depths of the Arena, the Director was discussing with the security chief the events that occurred in the Arena, and how, despite the multiple attempts of his subordinates to stop the fights to death, they were powerless when faced with a mass of people thirsty for blood.

"How could this happen ...?" Says the Director, while looking at the security cameras, helpless for not being able to do anything.

"Sir, I know who caused all the chaos," says the Head of Security to the Director

"Who !?", the Director looks directly at the angry security chief. "Who is the one who dares to offend me?" the director yells as he pulls the firearm from its hiding place.

"The gladiator champion". Says the security chief as he looks at one of the multiple monitors, where the Damiant fight is projected.

¨dammit!¨. The Director says as he hits the table. "I should never have let his out of here, you have to put a big reward on your head!"

The director looks angrily at the security chief. "He and all the people who know him!"

"Sir, he was not alone ... .." The Chief of Security does not continue talking, because he notices an anomaly that happens outside the director's office.

Several of the guards are unconscious and others convulsing, while those who are still conscious hold their throats in a futile attempt to breathe.

"What is happening ...?" Says the director when he sees the guards on the floor convulsing, while he feels that it is getting harder and harder to breathe.

¨Gas…!¨. says the security chief as he grabs his throat trying to breathe and keep the little air in his lungs.

¨bastard!¨. Condemns the director as he falls to the floor holding his throat.

Boom !!!


In the Arena you could see that the fights continued throughout the place, at first the larger gangs began to quickly eliminate the smaller gangs, but now the roles were reversed, the smaller gangs for fear of disappearing resorted to instinct more basic human being, survival.

Many of the smaller gangs tacitly joined to surround and attack the larger gangs, which each minute that one of its members passed fell.

as hyenas several members of different gangs rushed on the fallen, to ensure that never again get up.

For a long time the big gangs repress the smallest gangs, imposing their wills and charging for "protection". Therefore, when the gangs were forced to choose between accepting their extinction or facing their repressor, they did not hesitate to work in coalition with their enemies, to confront their common oppressors.

While the Helgrint Brothers continued to watch and wait for their little brother's order for the next step of the plan, they heard an explosion coming from the deepest areas of the arena.

They see how the smoke comes out, through the entrances and exits of the Arena leaving only a smokeless exit.

People get desperate to leave the place, the Arena has become a fire cage.


Hermit looks with indifference towards the gangs that were the trigger of all the chaos, and he is surprised by what he observes.

All members of both gangs are dead around the only individual standing in blood, while holding who was supposed to be his boyfriend and gang leader by the neck.

The beautiful girl pulls out her steel nails from her boyfriend.

¨why....?¨. says the leader of the gang, while he releases his last breath.

The beautiful young woman directs her gaze to the upper part of the Arena and finds herself with dark eyes without emotion; and gives him a sweet and kind smile.

¨we have to go¨. says Hermit to his brothers, while he begins to move quickly.

Hazel who is more intuitive asks Hermit. "Do you know her?"

¨No, I do not know her¨. says Hermit as he walks towards a hidden exit. "But I know who he is."

"Who is she?" Asks Damiant, curious about the events he witnessed at the Arena.

"She is the daughter of The Black Widow." Hermit says as he presses a hidden button, which opens a secret passageway. and continue your walk towards the exit.