
The two bodies one soul (2)

Chapter 753

The darkness in the dungeon is daunting and unnerving especially for those who have experienced its horror before. It's like a gigantic mouth of a beast from hell that could devour and slowly chew man whole while experiencing the most excruciating pain one could feel.

As Olivia enters the 5th floor of the dungeon, she suddenly feels horror and dread as her body subconsciously shivers. Deep inside her memory, she suddenly recalls the screams and the crushing of the bones and flesh of her comrades and herself as they are devoured by the beasts inside this dungeon.

And worst, if they do not follow the command of the vampire inside the chamber to go out and play his games, they would be tortured and be sucked dry and dying painfully. With its voracious appetite for their blood, the vampire seems to enjoy devouring and tormenting them.