
Huaxing Village Plague

Chapter 584


On the outskirts of the Yun Ji City, there are many villages. The closes one is the Yun Long Village, which is around 2 hours away using a carriage, and next to it is the Huaxing Village which is 5 hours away from Yun Long Village.

A week ago, there was a piece of news that Huaxing Village has been suffering from an unknown disease that has already affected almost half of its population. The doctor from the village has also fallen victim to the disease. No one knew how it spreads, but those who are able to survive didn't dare to go out of their own house.

It has been many days since then and those officials who went to the village to investigate also fell ill. No one knew what the cause is and the nearest villages have already cautioned and closed their borders. No one dares to accept anyone coming from Huaxing village for fear that the disease would spread.