
Heavenly Samsara: Chapter 114

Chapter 1364

Heavenly Samsara: Chapter 114

Xin Ja is running while grabbing his left hand which is heavily wounded, while behind him follows Jing Xue who is also in a sorry state.

The two have been struggling in the tunnels while being chased by the denizens of the dungeon.

They just killed a dragon-like beast which wounded Jing Xue heavily and broke Xin Ja's left hand. They did expect the fight to be dangerous and were prepared for it, but this is just a nightmare.

Xin Ja suddenly saw a small hole on the wall side and quickly headed that way.

As he jumps inside, he quickly grabs Jing Xue and then threw a couple of bone arrays to cover the hole with camouflage. Then he quickly sets up a silencing array around them.

The two are breathing heavily while looking at the darkness outside.