
The Gamer Avenger

It all started when I fell into the marvel cinematic universe...literally and by literally you know what I mean..I saw the Infinity stones and before I knew it I was there..so I made plans like any other hero would..well hero because I have something which others dream of:The gamer ability..and I will make full use of it to live my life awesomely..and do help protect the world..

Dastaan · Filem
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs

5. Moirai Industries

I walked right out of the encirclement before I started running with all I got. I barely had a few seconds left in my Cloak so I had to hurry and hide somewhere with no CCTv . When I did find a spot like that, I disengaged the cloak and watched as my health dropped by 40 and hunger debuff got me. So I looked around so that nobody saw what I am about to do, opened my Inventory and started eating again. After all that I found a nearby abandoned house (read broke in) for the night.

"X, so tell me how are you going to make me a billionaire?"



Rare Quest

Become a billionaire.

Become the richest person of the planet (optional)



? (optional side-quest reward)


"Okay..Lot's of question marks there. Now that I have the official say-so let's do it", I jammed the Accept option which promptly faded away before X spoke.

[Sir, the current technology is barely advanced enough for this world. I have in my current database a total of 15328 inventions that will at the least advance this world's technology by 100 years. I can only access about 1 % of my total database right now.]

"What! How? I mean who really gave you all this?"

[Unknown, it is all in my database.]

"What does "only access 1% of your database" mean. Are you not at your full capabilities right now?"

[Negative, my current computational power is the maximum I can do with my current database. I will need my full database to understand my full potential.]

"Oh okay we will have to do something about that. Any ideas how?"

[My database seems to depend on your Levels, Sir.]

"Okay so I need to get stronger for both of our sake then. Hmm got to find a dungeon. Anyway let's plan out the next week now, shall we?"


"Okay now what?"

Normal Unique Quest

Find a dungeon in 6 months and Conquer it.

As a Gamer you have to find a dungeon.


Unique skill after dungeon conquering (?)

ID Create

ID Escape


'Ah the famous ID create skill. Seems like I will have to find myself a dungeon soon. And what's up with the time limit : 6 months isn't this too easy?'

I accepted the quest and temporarily threw it's thought to the back of my mind. Focusing on the present And so we did, plan out everything. From who to chose as investors (hack everything) to just what product to launch that will directly leap me up to the stars. And we did find one such invention which was rather easy to make, in fact this world too had been researching the product for space travel but they shut down the program after some accident. But I had the full "recipe" so to say and this was going to be a piece of cake.

Plans finalized the exhaustion set in, though The Gamer's mind and Body keep the mind & body in optimal state, I did get tired after the whole day trying to outsmart the largest intelligence based spy agency...who am I kidding..this is tiring as hell. I bug-out in my hotel while still thinking about my future endeavors and talking to X.

Next day X ordered a few things online (hacking to make the payments. Yeah I Love her!) which according to her should be enough to make our very first invention. The delivery took barely 2 hours which was still late (we were in New York for crying out loud). We carried the apparatus to a nearby rented garage that seemed to be just perfect. We set up the apparatus and X proceeded to walk me through how to modify said apparatus for out purposes and the whole creation phase. I had created the first dozen prototypes of my very first invention (very excited) in a half a dozen hours (after many many many mistakes) and had took it over to Patent Registry Office (though nobody will understand how to create it without X.) That was how Magic-eat was created.

'Nice huh, I don't know why they keep saying that my naming sense is horrible..'

The greatest and the worst of all the crisis that this world faced was famine so I created something to combat it and that was Magic-eat. It is a pill which can fully satiate a person biological need for food for a full 6 hours. Just one pill and you won't feel hungry for the next 6 hours so that makes 3 pills a day for any grown man. It also worked on my debuff so before I turned on the Cloak all I did was pop a few of those in my mouth. I didn't suffer the debuff this way. Though it was bit hard to create it but X had plans for a fully automatized assembly which could create this pills as cheap as 0.60 dollars. It even came in flavours. I barely walked out from the government building with it's copyrights before X notified me of a call. I already knew who it was (only Fury had my number.)

"What is Magic-eat?"

"As you would have already known, it is a compressed version of what you eat everyday. No poison, no hidden danger. Just simply a pill for those who are hungry."


"Come on Fury, where's the fun in that? You are The spy, figure it out", I cut the call.

My patent led me to a meeting with WHO the next day who were beyond astonished with my creation and wanted to set a line-up for the mass production. Still wearing a run-down pair of jeans and a T-Shirt on which Black Magic was printed immediately made me the odd-man out. We got down to negotiations right away at my insistence. They offered me a very lucrative offer : No work on my part except I would have to give them the recipe and they would make me one of the richest man on earth just like that. I declined their offer but made them a better one.

"So you want us to use our connections to privately fund your new company and the most percent of shares that you will collectively offer is 10% for all of us."

"Yes but don't worry. You will only have to fund me for the first few months. After that the company will become self-sufficient. "

"Mind telling me why you think that we will accept such an offer."

"I don't know about you guys but I am going to do this..with or without you guys. So the question you must ask is not whether or not you will accept my proposal but rather just how many of you will not accept it and regret it till the day they die."

"Arrogant words for a brat", came a new sound. I turned around and saw a 60 plus guy standing there by the doorway. As soon as they heard his voice almost every person in the room stood up. I 'observed' him curiously.

Alexander Knight Age: 56 Height : 5'6

Billionaire Pharmacist,?

One who founded Knight Pharma. a giant multinational organisation focused on producing vaccinations for a majority of diseases, he has been working for the betterment of the mankind since he lost his wife (a WHO executive). Known by many as a philanthropist, he sees Magic-eat as the world changing 'cure' to Famine and starvation. ?

He feels you are like him, someone who wants to change the world but would lose when you understand that the world doesn't want to.

Feeling : ?

Yeah I spammed observe almost everywhere and got it up to level 10 yesterday. I don't get all the info but I get enough. Incidentally it now uses a total of 10 mp for every use which with my level and mp I can only use a limited no. of times per hour.

"Yeah perhaps they are Old man but if I want to change the world, I am not trusting anybody except myself", I declared staring right at him. For a second I almost thought that he would go away miffed at my Rude words but then he ended up laughing...hard. Everyone including me looked at him weirdly before he straightened himself and waved his hand to follow me. I hesitated before doing so.

"Ah, the younger generation is getting ahead now. Perhaps it's time to give up the mantle", I heard him say when I got closer to him.

"What is your name, Boy?", the voice was still as gruff as possible.

"Dastaan Moirai. What's yours? "

"Alexander Knight. You said back there that you wanted to change the world."

"Yeah I do. We can't keep trying to save it but we can change it so that it doesn't need saving.", I

"Hmm..", came the reply. I tried 'Observing' him but the description didn't change.

We walked in silence until we reached the window overlooking New York city. It is day-time and the hustle and bustle felt strangely muted from behind the glass. I waited for him to speak. I knew what he would say roughly.

"When I was your age, I too felt that I wanted to change the world but after Mary I have given up...hope. I struggled...struggled so hard...for so long but there is no difference, no change. Even now humanity still walks down the same path. Perhaps we are destined to destroy ourselves...hmm, even your creation would soon become a part of the norm and humanity will then find an alternative course to it's destruction. Then tell me even after knowing all this, just how could we keep them from falling...even knowing fully well that if we keep trying we will end up right at the bottom with them...", He turned around to look at my face where I was picking my nose. It is simple what he expects as an answer but I can't just say it, I have to show him so that he understands himself and that will take some time.

"...", I maintained my silence.

"Forgive me, I started rambling, old age makes people talk too much", Alexander turned around and looked at me with a sigh. I didn't say more before he sat down on one of the benches. I sat right next to him.

"Fine, I will take care of all your finances, I have a few friends so you can get all the help you need while establishing the company. What are you going to take it's direction towards? "

"First Food and medicine, these are important to bring up the other countries and to boost health issues, then comes the technology. I have a few projects that will surprise you, Old man. "

"Hmm..So what are you going to name it?"

"Name it after myself. Moirai Industries."

"Well good enough for now, everything will be arranged by tomorrow. Give me your address so that I will send someone to do the formalities."

When no answer came forth the aged man looked at me before I explained that I wasn't really from around here and didn't have enough money even for any a hotel now (all lies) He looked at me again as if just understanding that I really was just a kid; an orphan kid who was new to this city. After a moment he sighed, "Fine, I will take care of the residence and the Company headquarters too."

"I have a few suggestions."

I was interested in why, the whole reason being that perhaps my potential or perhaps he thought I was a genius. The reasons could also be that he genuinely wanted to help me.

And Help he did, as promised in the next week I went through the whole she-bag of things that any start-up Boss did. The days were quite hectic and don't even talk about the paperwork.

I asked my general staff to organize some interviews for the position of my personal secretary. My general staff consisted of almost 100 employees all selected by Alexander. Speaking of the Old man, I gave him 20% share and another 10 % for any potential shareholder he might be interested in. I told him strictly that he should chose people who he trusts because in the coming years this shares will be selling like pieces of unobtanium. Those with these shares would become extremely powerful person in the future. It was better that they didn't let the ran to their heads. I even took out some shares for the common folk (though most wouldn't be able to afford them) but didn't release them in the market before the official product launch of Magic-Eat. And I really needed my very own Pepper Potts here and now.

'Damn I need a good hot assistant right about now'

That very evening I got the first applicants, I rejected all the males (which dude in the right mind even applies for the job of a guy's personal secretary). Anyway then I asked them to sort it out, based on basic personal skills, intelligence and qualifications and give me a handful of young women a day to interview which were if I was lucky would be both beautiful and smart.

I interviewed the first few and try as I might all I did was 'observed' them which gave me myriad of things immediately.

Quite a few of them only came after they knew about my money. There were 2 women in all the applicants until now which were serious about their work and saw potential in me so I short-listed them immediately. Though the day was just starting, I felt tired.

'The next one is the last one for today...I hope I get someone good'

"Sir, the next applicant is a Miss Natalia Romanoff, her resume is on your table", then in through the door came walking one of the most gorgeous woman I have ever seen. A woman who I had a big crush (multiversal crush) on dressed in a simple white buttoned up shirt and a black pencil skirt with light red lipstick which on her flawless creamy skin made her look absolutely stunning. Her long toned legs which ended in a black high heels didn't help matters.

'Oh you got to be fucking kiddin...damn look at those legs.. '

I reminded myself that she mustn't know that I know exactly who she was truly working for.

'She must be kept under the assumption that I am unaware of her spy..ness. At least for now..'

"Please sit, Miss Romanoff. What makes a gorgeous woman like you come to a up and barely coming company like this.", I opened her file checked my info before getting straight to the point. This wasn't a interview, I wanted to see how far she knew about me or had a opinion about me. By the way though Fury knows I hacked into Shield's base, he thinks I don't really know about any of their agents. Unlike the usual data the agent profiles were kept in their local servers for extra protection otherwise every-time someone hacked into Shield all the agents would be in great danger. So for now she thinks that I don't know who she really is. I 'Observed' her the next moment.

Natalia Romanova {BLACK WIDOW} Age : 26 Height : 5'6

Affiliation: Shield Agent Clearance Level 7

Stats : ?

Natasha a former KGB agent now works for Shield as a spy. She was drafted by Clint Barton her fellow agent. Her handler is Phil Coulson. She has been assigned as a undercover in Moirai industries.

Feeling: ?


Observe All Skill upgraded.

[Observe All] {Lv. 3}

More information will be given about the target.

I once again 'Observed' her.

Natalia Romanova {Russian} {Black Widow} Age: 26 years 3 months Height: 5'6

Born In Stalingard Russia

Affiliation: Shield Agent Clearance Level 7

Stats : ?

Natasha a former KGB agent now works for Shield as a spy. She was drafted by Clint Barton her fellow agent. Her handler is Phil Coulson. She has been assigned as a undercover in Moirai Industries to monitor Dastaan Moirai, find any weaknesses and if given the chance incapacitate him. She has been given this mission personally by Director Nick Fury. She has been told to classify any violent/suspicious acts that Dastaan does as Beta level threat and to immediately report any such occurences. She thinks Dastaan is just like any other of her targets and has no other info other than what Shield has on Dastaan Moirai.

Feeling : Observant, Curious. Wary.

'Oh ho ho this just got way more interesting..'

"Thank you for the compliment. I think that your company would be called anything but small right now has the potential to rival Stark. If your invention is taken as standard, you even surpass Stark quite frankly. I would be a fool not to take this chance."

"Oh! Not something I haven't heard all day long. Tell me why I should hire you when there are others out there almost as qualified as you?"

The answer was succint without any delay full of her confidence. She was definetely going to be an asset but I will have to clear of her and not give her any controlling power.

"Believe me, there are no others as qualified as me to become your assistant right now."

"Confidence I like it. I like you. You are hired, please report to me tomorrow as soon as possible. "

She got up then stopped frowning a little, "Why me?"

Her thoughts were as clear as day, she thought I suspected her.

"Well what can I say? I have a thing for hot beauties in tight skirts and those long long legs. Plus you are smart so this will be fun. What you don't want it?"

"No! No just surprised, that's all.", Natasha picked up her resume and walked off without a single glance back.

'X, tag her'

[Tagged. Established contact]

"Report", it was Fury. I could listen to both sides of the conversation.

"I got chosen. Hurray", Natasha must be masking the report as a casual phone talk to close ones.

"Are you compromised?"

"No, It seems young Mr. Moirai has a thing for long legs.", a nearby woman giggled at her statement.

"Operation time"

"Tomorrow as early as possible. I report directly to Boss."

click. The call went down. I relaxed and drank my coffee while staring through the glass pane through a medium sized building of which I was already drawing up plans to remodel for. A building which would have one day been called Avengers Tower.

fastest update 1.5.0

Dastaancreators' thoughts