
The Gamer – Naruto World

The Original Gamer Han-Jee Han lost his precious people in 'The Great War' against the Void King, The Cthulhu and The Great Magus Udivus. For his precious people, he, the Original gamer, closes his eye and hand over the thread. In a world where ninja exists and use chakra to bring creation and destruction with a flick of a finger. A new journey begins with an unknown boy in the village of Konohagakure. This is an edited version, revising some holes and mistakes.

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42 Chs

Chapter 34 – Celebration

"Welcome." A beautiful server stood gracefully before the entrance, greeting Raito and Shikamaru with a warm smile. "Guests, a private room has been prepared for you."

Raito and Shikamaru exchanged glances, then nodded. 

This newly open barbecue house buzzed with activity. All the public booths were already filled with people, and as for private rooms, no one knew.

Inside the private room, Naruto darted around with an infectious grin as the server was arranging the table and filling it with all kinds of food.

"Raito, Shika." Naruto turned around, adjusting his forehead protector with a wide grin.

"Dear customers, everything is ready." The served announced, closing her food cart door and offering another respectful bow. "Please enjoy your meal."

Seated, Shikamaru surveyed the array of food items. "We have one more test to become real Genins. So why are we having this party now?" 

The room was already paid for, and the food was also served. There was no turning back now.

Raito glanced at Naruto, who was paying after what felt like an eternity, then remarked, "Shika, this party is our way of thanking Kami-sama that Naruto passed the exams today." 

Naruto's irritation flared upon hearing that. He quickly came to a realization and pounced on Raito. "You said a bunch of things would come in exams, so I studied extra hard, but all that came were easy questions. I could have passed without studying so many books. Dattebayo." Naruto exclaimed, making a fuss. 

After tolerating for a while, Raito pushed Naruto with a single move, and said with a stern tone, "You passed because you studied." 


"No buts." Pushing Naruto's head down, Raito continued. "You failed the last two exams, and you are still not convinced?" 

"…" This time Naruto became silent. Of course, he failed 'in the past' but that was not the point here.

"I brought it." The doors swung open as Chōji entered, holding a small jar.

Shikamaru waved his hand, signaling Chōji to join. 

"What's that, Chōji?" Raito found the jar oddly familiar.

Chōji smiled as he raised the jar in air and said, "It's my clan's secret BBQ sauce."

"Release him." Ino walked in with a stern tone, striding toward Raito and glaring at him.

Raito released Naruto and raised his hands in surrender.

Hinata sat on the other side, kindling the fire, while Chōji began marinating the meat.

Naruto sat opposite Raito, wearing a pout on his face.

"Ungrateful Naruto, I helped you pass the exams. I helped you!" Raito declared with a harrumph, brandishing his chopsticks to emphasize his point.

Naruto was about to retort, but under Ino's stern gaze, he quietly picked up his chopsticks. I'll be the better man, he must have thought.

"Shall we?" Raito suggested, lifting a marinated piece of meat to cook. However, his attention shifted as he noticed Ino looking toward the door. 

Ino had invited Sakura, hoping she would join the gathering. Despite appearing normal in the academy, Ino sensed subtle changes in Sakura's behavior—evidence of some underlying mental trauma.

Ino had tried to get closer, even making light-hearted jokes about the fan club, but Sakura seemed to have transformed into a different person. Her infatuation with Sasuke had waned. 

Ino surveyed the scene—Naruto's pouty face, Hinata's shy demeanor, Chōji's eager anticipation, Shikamaru's reluctance, and, finally, Raito's frowning expression. She had fought alongside this group in dungeons, and she would in the future. But Sakura was there, with her, from a young age, like a sister she never had.

Just as Ino was about to say something memorable to group, a knock echoed from the door, accompanied by Sakura's voice. "Ino?" 

Ino sprang from her seat, swiftly opening the door to find Sakura adorned in a delicate, light pink dress embellished with a branching flower pattern. 

Everyone in the room turned their confused gazes toward Sakura. 

Ino ushered Sakura inside, and they sat next to each other. 

"Now that I think about it. This table is a bit too long. Why is that, Naruto?" Raito inquired, but Naruto, focused on searing his meat, paid no attention.

A frown etched onto Raito's face, but before he could voice his thoughts, a series of knocks on the door diverted everyone's attention. This time, Naruto leaped towards the door, swinging it open to reveal Kiba, Shino, and Sasuke, entering to the astonishment of Raito. 

"Why?" Raito gritted his teeth and asked. He wanted to ask more but Shikamaru elbowed him from the side. 

"Because it's more fun with a bigger group." Naruto replied cheerfully. 

Greetings were exchanged, and conversations began. While Sasuke wasn't much of a talker, the others were. Kiba entertained the group with tales of everyone's embarrassing moments. Ino and Sakura shot him threatening glares, their fists ready for action.

Shino engaged in a conversation with Hinata, delving into topics about nature and his hive. Hinata, in turn, shared her insights on plants and trees, their effects on people.

Meanwhile, Chōji and Raito were engaged in a competition, of who was going to ring the bell first for more meat. With gusto, they devoured their food, each ready to pull the string and claim victory.

Amidst the lively scene, Shikamaru calmly savored his meat, situated between the two behemoths.

Naruto, embodying the role of a gracious host, darted around, ensuring everyone felt attended to, a skill honed through training with Mari, Anko, Yūgao, Hayate, Shun, Ibiki, and various guests.

In Anko word, it was a training. In Mari's, it was for their sake. In Shun's, it was to train their speed and concentration. They all had their own kind of explanation, why they wanted to have their weekly poker night at Raito's house.

While others were eating happily and talking about things no one cared, Sasuke, barely ate anything, but from time to time took glances at everyone, especially Raito.

Raito gleefully snatched another meat piece from Chōji's plate. Chōji's angry reaction and ensuing rampage only fueled Raito's amusement. 

Undeterred, Chōji declared, "One more time," placing a plate in the middle for another round.

"Sasuke…" Shino observed Sasuke, who had set aside his chopsticks and was intensely staring at Raito. 

Sensing the intensity of Sasuke's gaze, Raito chose to brush it off, opting to focus on savoring his meal

Hinata was happy putting food into Naruto's bowl, and Naruto, in return, was also happily eating the best pieces of meat. Feeling a bit embarrassed, Naruto glanced around, picked out a particularly appealing piece, and placed it on Hinata's plate. Hinata looked at what Naruto did and blushed then happily ate the piece. 

Ino chatted with Sakura, while Sakura stole glances at Sasuke. 

Ino always had a topic at hand, whether it revolved around the recent union of an adulterous couple or the traveling monk, who was always picky with his food. 

Kiba joined the behemoths and started stacking plates into a miniature mountain. 

Sasuke's calm countenance gradually eroded until it reached its breaking point. With a forceful slam on the table, he stood up 

All eyes turned toward him, anticipating the cause of the disturbance. Naruto hastily abandoned his seat and approached Sasuke, saying things to calm him down, but Sasuke seemed impervious. He pointed at Raito and said, "Raito I challenge you. Fight me!" 

Raito regarded Sasuke with a tinge of dissatisfaction, surveyed the surroundings, and frowned. "Sit down and eat your food, Sasuke."

"Take it seriously, Raito. I don't have time to waste at this insignificant celebration. This is all stupid."

An arrogant smile appeared on his face as he said. "I am much stronger than I was before-." 

Raito gave long and leveled gaze, then said. "I'm willing to train and spar, but I do not want my life to be filled with training. I have things that I want to do, and they won't be put on hold just because you demand it." 

"And what's the problem with enjoying every once in a while?" His meat was at risk of being overcooked amid all this Sasuke drama.

Sasuke walked to the door with an arrogant smile on his face, "If you're done fooling around with these losers, come find me at the Uchiha training grounds."

There were various reactions, but none voiced their thoughts except for Raito.

Raito jumped up in anger, his glare intense. "You arrogant prick!" 

"Come, I'll be at the Uchiha training ground as always." Sasuke exited the room, leaving behind a self-satisfied smirk. 

Raito wanted to move, but Shikamaru had already placed him in a strong shadow bind.

"Stop it. He involved everyone because he knew you wouldn't fight with him anymore." Shikamaru advised. "If you fight with him, then he wins."

"It's not me who will be losing anyway." Raito persisted, attempting once more to break free from the shadow paralysis. 

"Calm down, Raito." Chōji said, raising his chopsticks, which was still holding a piece of meat.

"…" Naruto sat quietly as his face dimmed. Hinata gently patted his back.

"Stupid Sasuke, ruining my good mood." Raito remarked, settling onto his seat and hastily grabbing his meat. "It's good that he's gone." 

Ino heaved a sigh of relief. She had anticipated that bringing those two into the same room would be troublesome, but she hadn't expected that there was someone, who was stupid enough to bring the two in one room. She shot a glare at Naruto, wanting to call him stupid, but just she was about to say something 'much softer', she felt the figure beside her shaking.

Ino looked to her side and found Sakura clenching her fist and glaring at Raito. "Sakura?"


"How can you talk like that with Sasuke-kun?" Sakura roared. 

Sakura's tone and words drew the eyes of everyone in the room, each expressing a hint of dissatisfaction. 

"Sasuke-kun aced the theoretical exams and also ranked highest in shuriken and kunai throwing." Sakura was on a streak.

"He did?" Raito nudged Shikamaru. 

Shikamaru just shook his head. He didn't care who ranked where.

"You can't compare to Sasuke in any way. You have no right to talk to him like that." Sakura continued in a relentless streak, pointing an accusatory finger at Raito. "Who do you think you are?"


Sakura's fury escalated, and not even Ino could calm her down. "You are just a nobody-"

"I am a nobody?" Raito leveled his gaze and looked at Sakura. 

He chuckled. 'Someone with those stats told me that I am nobody.'

"What rights do I have? Do you want me to read the village rules or what?" Raito's tone shifted as he began with a seemingly harmless joke.

"There is indeed a civil law that says that you have to respect to your elders, the one who cares for you, teaches you and provide for you. But I don't think there is one where you have to respect your peers, and I don't think you have even read the laws of Konoha." Raito ridiculed and started adding chakra to his voice. "I don't think you have any rights over me what I can and cannot do, according to law.

"Sasuke's little love club girl, you can do your fangirling after taking a thousand steps, away from me." 

"Raito!" Ino shouted, dispelling the Genjutsu. 

With tears in her eyes, Sakura bolted out, followed by Ino, who shot a fleeting glance at Raito before departing. 

Kiba tapped his chopsticks and said. "Man, that was harsh."

Shino had a different viewpoint. "It was extremely clear what happened."

he then added. "There are indeed no laws that can compel one person to silence another."

"Where did that come from?" Kiba was stunned as he asked. "You have read the village laws?"

"Of course, I have." Shino answered, murmuring to himself. "I thought everyone did."

"I-I am sorry. I didn't know something like this would happen." Naruto sobbed, tears streaming down his face.

Hinata shot a sorrowful glance at Raito, silently pleading with her eyes, for him to do something, while gently patting Naruto's back.

Shikamaru fell back and closed his eyes, "What a drag." 

"That's what happens when we try to bring that prick with us." Raito chewed more vigorously. 

"I thought it would be nice with everyone." Naruto pulled his forehead protector back and wiped his tears.

"If we remove his annoying personality." Raito kept on going. "Always serious face, bad attitude, the look telling others that he is superior and his extremely extreme desire to train at all times, then I guess he would not be a bad person." 

After cleaning his lips of oil, he turned to Naruto. "I don't know why it is Sasuke. Sparring, bringing him on our training, then bringing him to celebrate. I don't understand why." Raito slowly raised his voice and at the end, he was breathing hard. "What is so special about him that you have to take that extra step for someone who doesn't even care?"

Throwing the chopsticks away, he shouted. "We tried, okay!"

"He doesn't want it. He told you, told me several time." Exhaustion colored his voice at the end. "Just leave him be. Let him live his way."

"Iruka-sensei, Inoichi-sensei and Jii-chan tried to help, but he was the one who said that he didn't want any."

Grabbing Shikamaru's back for support, Raito stood up and said to Naruto. "Don't wait for me."

Raito walked out and waved his hand to the manager. He created a new account then deposited certain sum before leaving.

In the truest sense, it was their collective money from the dungeon.

Raito strolled toward the Hokage tower, his gaze fixed upon the stars overhead.

How many stars are there in the sky? 

One, two, three…millions in counting, 

Like drops of water in an ocean,

Should I count or imagine?

Which is more?

Rubbing his glazed eyes, Raito looked down. 

'Sasuke and Naruto, both… and Jii-chan, you aren't fair.'