
The Gamer – Naruto World

The Original Gamer Han-Jee Han lost his precious people in 'The Great War' against the Void King, The Cthulhu and The Great Magus Udivus. For his precious people, he, the Original gamer, closes his eye and hand over the thread. In a world where ninja exists and use chakra to bring creation and destruction with a flick of a finger. A new journey begins with an unknown boy in the village of Konohagakure. This is an edited version, revising some holes and mistakes.

Sigmarc · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs

Chapter 33 – Beyond a student

Early morning at the end of the month of the falling leaves,

Students filled the class, a hushed silence enveloping the space. Two papers and a pen lay in front of them. A serious aura filled the classroom, making most of the students nervous. Iruka, flanked by two other Chūnin by his side, watching students with their vulture eyes.

"I will say it only once, listen carefully." Iruka let his words draw attention and continued, "Your first exam is the questions in front of you, which deals with Math, History, Geography, Language and Shinobi Code of Conduct. For a hundred marks, you have two hours and fifteen minutes."

Glancing at the clock, he continued. "Then for your practical, you will have shuriken and kunai throwing, then Genjutsu breaking, followed by Taijutsu, and then we will be ending with Ninjutsu, which will compromise for another hundred marks. Exams will begin from nine and end by five."

Iruka voice was met by the nodding of students. He continued, "I will list out the rule and you will follow them. Number one – no cheating. Number two – No talking. Number three – fill the boxes with answers and tick mark the multiple choice. If I catch any of you cheating, I will be deducting marks, but only once then, next time, you will be thrown out. This exam will determine whether and when you will become a ninja, so be aware."

Ting! Ting! Ting!

Glancing at the clock, Iruka shouted, "Turn your papers and start."

The metal rod truck the bell, resounding with a heavy noise.

Heat flared as students picked up their pen and flipped the papers.

Raito went through one question after another, filling the box full of the perfect answer. "It's surprisingly easy." He remarked, stifling a yawn.

"Ehhh!? So easy." Naruto cried out.

"Naruto!" Iruka shouted. "Shut up. Deduct a point."

Undeterred, Naruto shot a defiant glare at Raito before returning to his own set of answers.

Raito chuckled and continued filling his answers, failing nearly a third of his multiple choice questions to prevent topping the exam. After finishing everything, he looked around and saw Shikamaru already sleeping and Chōji copying him, Sasuke glaring at the paper then scratched a number. Sakura, Hinata, and Ino tried their best to finish everything perfectly.

Everyone below level ten tried their bulk their answers, while everyone having INT below fifteen had a problem to even complete their papers.

'She is all patched up.' Raito looked at Sakura and frowned lightly.

Twirling his pen, Raito yawned, checking the clock. Half an hour more until the end.


[Chakra Sense] 

[Fast thinking] 

Once again, Raito felt the sense of detachment, observing as a third person point of view. Going forward Raito stood beside Iruka and watched everyone fighting against questions.

He shrugged and used 'Meditation' for the rest of hours.

Ting! Ting! Ting!

"Pens down," Iruka shouted, and the three Chūnin started collecting answer papers.

"You have a forty-five-minute break. Practical from twelve, now go." Iruka left the room with others.

As soon as the Chūnin teachers had finished collecting the papers, Naruto, who was in front and behaving nicely, attacked Raito. The result? Naruto was immediately thrown out of the room.

"Damn you, Raito."

Everyone left the room except for Sasuke and Raito, who stood in direct opposition to each other.

Scratching his head Raito turned around to leave the room.

"Wait," Sasuke called out.

Raito also accepted, feeling a little guilty, and turned around. "What does the great Uchiha Sasuke wants?"

"After exams… let's fight," Sasuke said with his hands on the pocket.

Raito rolled his eyes, then said, "Actually, we're going to a barbecue house, that's quite famous right now to party."

Sasuke frowned as he heard about it. "I am way stronger than before. Let me show you how much I have improved," he shouted, shouted for his desire, desire to fight, improve and be better.

"Let's meet sometime later." Raito frowned, raised his hands, and then smiled slightly before exiting the room.

On the academy grounds, everyone was discussing the exams. Some were worried, some happy and there were students who didn't care, and such type was also divided into two kinds, those without hope and other, who don't care for the marks.

Hinata opened the lunch boxes, dividing them to the one surrounding her with a sweet smile hung on her face. Naruto glared as he saw Raito coming, but Chōji waved his hand.

It was more like a picnic in the lands of death. The students who were around them saw what they were doing, whispered among themselves, creating much noise.

Ignoring them, Raito sat on the cloth and reached for a box placed in his direction.

Many students were eyed them, making it difficult for Raito to eat.

Annoyed, he commented, "Aish, how sad, future ninja." Raito laughed happily before taking a bite, his ridiculing tone infuriating everyone, though they refrained from taking action.

A small pup jumped and arrived near Hinata and yipped.


Hinata gave Akamaru some meat, bringing joy to the little canine. Akamaru jumped and disappeared with meat in his mouth.

Moments later, Kiba dragged Shino over to the group surrounding Raito and sat down.

"Hey, do you have any extra? We forgot to bring ours," Kiba asked in a rather straight forward way.

Raito ignored Kiba and Shino as a way of showing his anger towards Sasuke.

Hinata looked through her boxes but found nothing; most of the food had been devoured by Chōji alone. With others also having their fill, there was nothing left. Hinata shook her head, which made Kiba a little sad.

Unable to tolerate Kiba's and Akamaru's sad face and whimpering, Raito brought out a few lunch boxes and gave it to them. "It's because of Akamaru."

Moments later, they finished everything and even went as far as to lick the box clean. Raito looked at Kiba, his eyes twitching.

"I am sorry for my manners but I have to say that the taste is really good." Shino licked his chopsticks and complimented.

"Man, you got some great food. If only we had some alcohol." Kiba patted his stomach with one hand and with another played with Akamaru.

"Alcohol?" Naruto looked at Kiba with confusion and asked. "You drink, Kiba?"

"Of course I do. Everyone in my family does. Even Akamaru had a lick before." Kiba laughed as he started talking about his family's misadventure when drunk.

Scrolling through his inventory, Raito brought out a couple of rice balls and gave it to Shino. "Give it to your teammate, he likes them."

Shino held the rice balls and looked at Raito for a few moments before walking away. When Shino was on the corner of his eye, Raito pulled out a camera and followed him.

Kiba saw Raito's odd behavior and waved his hand. "Oi Raito, watcha' doing?"

Raito gave a shush sign then activated his stealth skill. As he started walking around, in Kiba's eyes, he disappeared. Not only his figure but also the smell.

Hiding in the bushes, Raito held the camera, one eye going peering through the small hole. Index finger on the button, which was trembling, ready to take actions, and in front of him was Sasuke, silently eating the rice balls.

"Hehe, I am letting you be a part of my great plan."

Snap! Click!

Sasuke, who was biting into his onigiri, jumped up and frantically looked around. He recognized the sound—an impending disaster. He remembered a few months ago, he had heard the same sound. Later, he found the photos of himself exercising early morning. Then the second time it was his swimming, shuriken throwing and so on. Therefore, when he heard that devilish sound, he quickly scanned the surroundings.

"Raito, Where are you?"

"Don't you dare!" Sasuke warned with a low growl.

"I am warning you."

Raito couldn't hold back and burst into laughter.

"Oops." Raito immediately abandoned the mission and ran with all his might.

Taking out a marble from his inventory, Raito changed its shape to look like a camera.

Running around the grounds, Raito 'hid' the 'camera' behind the tree and under a couple of rock slabs.

Sasuke saw the abnormality in Raito's running, so, he looked around and found the 'camera' then destroyed it. A small smile appeared on his face as he stepped on the broken 'camera'.

Sasuke's abnormal actions drew others attention. They understood the chain of actions but this scene of Sasuke stomping was quiet odd. What everyone saw was, Sasuke throwing a rock on the ground before stepping on it.

"That one seal took a total of a thousand CP." Raito smirked, leaning behind the tree then walked away.

"Next time, I-"

"Here you are." Naruto clapped Raito's shoulder and dragged him to the academy training ground.


"Yoshizawa Raito, five shurikens, five kunai." The Chūnin instructor gave Raito shuriken and kunai then stood by the side.

Raito felt the shuriken and kunai then without further ado, threw them in succession, hitting seven inside the marks, the three hitting slightly to the side.

"Seven out of ten for shuriken and kunai. Pass." Announcing the result, Chūnin instructor asked the next one to come forward.

Sasuke watched from the back with a blank look then ignored it.

As Raito retreated, he heard the girl hawkers talking.

"I knew it, only Sasuke-kun can do it."

"Yeah, only Sasuke-kun has full marks in shuriken and kunai throwing."

"Sasuke-kun is the best."

"That Raito will never as good as Sasuke-kun."

Girls squealed with zeal, filling the academy training ground with noise.

Hearing the girls, Raito's face twitched. "Just you wait."

Raito stood in front of the member from Genjutsu squad and waited for a long time for Chūnin instructor to announce.

"Top for Genjutsu detection and breaking."

Raito then fought with Chūnin instructor with weaker strikes and holds, which made Chūnin instructor for the Taijutsu to curse at Raito for not trying.

Sighing in Raito's action, he announced, "Needs more training in Taijutsu. Passable for Taijutsu."

Every other test was finished and it was the last hour. Ready for his Ninjutsu test, Raito walked inside the classroom and stood in front of the teachers seated in the bench.

[Umino Iruka] 

[??? ANBU] 

Raito stared at the ANBU figure in confusion for a long moment until Iruka coughed lightly.

"Yoshizawa Raito, perform a clone technique, then body replacement technique and lastly, a transformation," Iruka said for the umpteenth time today.

"Okay." Without even weaving a hand sign, Raito effortlessly executed the basic three techniques and waited for feedback.

"Congratulations, Raito. You did well and if I add marks from this, then you will be the overall third of this batch." Iruka smiled happily and gave him a forehead protector.

[Forehead Protector] (Uncommon)

Type: Accessory

Forehead Protector is an essential piece for any aspiring shinobi. The navy blue band, made for comfort, holds a sturdy metal plate engraved with the prestigious symbol of Konoha. It signifies loyalty and symbol of unity and strength, this headgear is a must-have for those destined for greatness.





Raito accepted happily and waited.

The ANBU placed his hands on the coms and said. "Then, if there is a technique you'd wish to show, you may."

"Okay." Raito made a half ram seal and activated his chakra then waited. They waited and waited for a long time.

"Raito, don't joke around." Iruka slammed his table and shouted.

"Iruka?" A weathered but kindly voice called out. Iruka snapped to attention, surprised to see Hiruzen.

"Hokage-sama?" The ANBU at the side frowned and called out but 'Hiruzen' did not answer.

Placing his hand on the coms, he called out, "Hokage-sama?"

"JACKAL, that's a Genjutsu, probably. Bring Raito upstairs," A voice instructed through the intercom.

JACKAL grabbed Iruka and passed chakra, freeing Iruka from the Genjutsu or so he thought. Quickly coming to a conclusion, he looked towards Raito then said, "Yoshizawa Raito, high level."

He gestured for Raito to stop.

Raito nodded and canceled. Hiruzen's image faded away, proving that it was indeed some kind of Genjutsu, most probably a construct made up of chakra but there was sound. Was that even possible for an academy student?

"That is way beyond an academy student," Iruka commented.

JACKAL, who was sitting down, grabbed Raito and said, "Hokage-sama wants to see you."

Entering the room, Raito sat on his usual chair and Hiruzen on his main seat, a Fūinjutsu talisman in front of him.

Hiruzen, in Hokage attire, sat with clasped hands. His voice trembled as he observed the bizarre-looking talisman with a character for illusion and red and blue dots, surrounded by circles —an unfamiliar sight.

He looked at Raito and asked with a heavy voice. "What is this?"

Raito smiled happily then said, "You can unseal it."

"Then I will." Hiruzen picked up an empty scroll, opened it and placed it under the tag. Just as he was about to unseal the talisman, Raito rolled the chair forward then said, "A bigger one."

Hiruzen looked at the scroll then at Raito, before closing the scroll and taking a new one out, one size bigger.

Biting his finger, he made a straight line with his blood on the talisman then went through a long chain of hand seal. Chakra pulsed throughout the talisman and the characters on it deformed. Turning into pitch-black ink, it started spreading outwards to the scrolls.

The character seals was the elementary level, easy to decipher but the odd ones were the three big circles. Typically, the circles in the sealwork are meant for sealing, but in this case, what is there to seal? And there are even three of these circle.

Hiruzen looked at the seal work for a long time, before looking at Raito in exhaustion. "Would you like to explain?"

Raito replied with a question of his own, "Should I?"

"If you contribute this, I… guarantee you a Fūinjutsu that is even better than this." It was indirectly saying 'definitely, you must and if I have t, I will even pay for it.'

"Okay, I will come sometime later. We are going to a barbecue house."

Hiruzen smiled happily and let go of Raito.

After Raito left, Hiruzen rolled the scroll and talisman, then threw them in the air. Kakashi just happen to be on the ceiling as he grabbed them.

"Kakashi be prepared. This type of sealing techniques… is something I have never seen before." Hiruzen closed his eyes and rested on his big chair.

Then taking out a kunai, he threw it to Kakashi and said, "One day, sometime in future, he can have it. You decide."

"Hai." Kakashi took the unique kunai and stored it in a storage scroll.

"Raidō Namiashi, Genma Shiranui, Iwashi Tatami." Hiruzen named three people and hummed. "Let's see who can figure out."

"Hokage-sama, those three are still in the training room." Kakashi, was now outside the window. "Minato-sensei was researching it with Jiraiya-sensei, and even for them it took 4 years."

"… You have to plan for future, Kakashi." Hiruzen sighed as Mariko knocked on the door and entered with a stack of papers.

"Hokage-sama, I do not want to be rude but the way you are acting nowadays…."

"Kakashi I know in future that he will be powerful. He has already shown signs of becoming strong, but I don't know if I will last that long." Hiruzen's weak and heavy voice made it hard for Kakashi to hear.

[Yoshizawa Raito Lvl 18] 

Title: Ninja Academy Student (+25% Exp until level 10) 

Age: 12 

HP: 3000/3000

CP: 3510/3510 

STR: 46→57

VIT: 59->75 

DEX: 49→56

INT: 58→72

WIS: 47→59

LUK: 36→44

Stat points: 37→61

Yoshizawa household member: Additional +50 HP per level, +2 INT & +3 VIT per level. 

Holder of the lucky star (Bound Equipment): additional +1 LUK per level, +20 on equip.

Holder of Shai's mark (Bound Equipment): additional +1 LUK per level. Additional +1 Stat points. |Started after Lvl 12|