
The Game Creator's Conquest From Marvel

In the infinite and ever-evolving Omniverse, a newborn Creator has emerged with the grand ambition of reigning supreme over all of Creation. In order to do so he strikes a deal with the One Above All, the most powerful being in the Marvel Multiverse. The Creator will design and publish video games that will give the players power, experience, and new choices, thereby creating new timelines in the MCU, while the One Above All grants him limitless power to fuel his own creativity. But the Creator has a secret agenda. He has devised a plan to ensure that the growth of his own power of Creation outpaces that of the One Above All's. While the One Above All thinks that all the choices made under different circumstances and power in the games will contribute to his power, the Creator orchestrates it so that only the real-world consequences of those choices will count. As the Creator releases his first game, he quickly gains a massive following. Players become increasingly absorbed in the game's immersive world, gradually straying from their predetermined paths and destinies, all while the Creator's power continues to surge, unbeknownst to the One Above All. As the Creator's power continues to grow, he sets his sights on even greater creations, manipulating the fates of many lives across the omniverse. With each new game he creates, the Creator inches closer to his ultimate goal: reaching the peak of the Omniverse, a mysterious realm of infinite power and domain over all of Creation and Possibility. But as he begins to achieve his ultimate goal, the Creator begins to question whether he is truly succeeding or if he has become just another pawn in the grand scheme of things.

Draxard · Filem
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5 Chs

This Was A Prologue?!

The guy who Fury assumed was the Captain Price they were looking for looked at them and said, "Right, what the hell kind of names are Fury and Soap, eh? How did muppets like you pass the selection?"

"Nevermind, I don't need to know that. However, you both need to know that It's your turn for the CQB Test. Everyone else head to Observation.", added Captain Price.

As he said that, the soldiers around him started walking away from them into the hanger.

He then pointed towards a makeshift ship standing behind them and said, "For this test, both of you will have to run that cargo ship right there solo in less than 60 seconds."

Soap said, "That seems oddly easy."

Fury replied, "Which only means that this is gonna be the opposite of easy."

"What! You scared, Fury?"


Price cut them off as he said, "So who is gonna be the first one to take the test?"

Fury and Soap looked at each other and both came to a silent agreement.

"I will be the first one to take the test.", said Soap as he stepped forward.

"Good climb up that ladder over there. There's two MP5 and 8 flashbangs on a table up top. Pick up one MP5 and 4 flashbangs each and start the test.", ordered Price.

Hearing that Soap started walking towards the ladder.

Price then looked towards Fury as he said, "As for you, Fury, you just need to wait for a while until Soap is done and it's your turn."

Fury nodded, "Ok, sir."

So they both as Soap went through the Test. Fury heard quite a few gunshots. He also thought that he heard a few flahbangs going off.

After a while, Price got a message from his walkie-talkie.

"Looks like it's your turn now, rookie.", Price said turning to look at the other side of the makeshift ship as Soap got down a ladder there.

"Seems like it, sir.", Fury replied as he also started walking towards the first ladder.

After going up the ladder, Fury saw a table with an MP5 and four flashbangs, so he replaced the G36 with the MP5 and hung the flashbangs on his belt. He then looked around and saw that there was only a rope to rappel down to the deck of the ship.

At this time, Price said through the walkie-talkie, "On my go, I want you to slide slide down the rope, follow the target instructions on the ground to quickly travel in the field, and knock down all the targets."

"Get ready!"


After finishing speaking, before Fury could react, Price yelled Go and started the timer.

Seeing the timer on the side of his field of view ticking away, Fury was stunned on the spot. He had not been active in the field for quite a long while, so his body was still rusty. So when Price started the timer without giving him a moment to compose himself, Fury became flabbergasted

'Motherf**ker', Fury scolded Price in his mind as he quickly collected himself.

He then went towards the rope and started rappelling down. But because his body wasn't fully in shape, Fury couldn't control his fall and he fell on his back.


'Damn! That hurt.', Nick thought as he felt the pain on his back. He also thought that he heard a crack when his back hit the ground but he dismissed it as he noticed the time ticking away.

By the time he got up from ground 30 seconds had passed since the timer started.

He knew that he had no chance to beat Gate's record now, but he still wanted to get a respectable clearance time.

So he quickly took out his MP5 as Price's voice came through the walkie-talkie, "Take aim and shoot the targets!"

Hearing that he looked forward and saw a few targets spring up from the ground on the deck in front of him.

So he took aim at the targets and shot.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

A few shots were fired, the targets were hit and fell to the ground. Seeing the targets falling Fury started to run holding the gun towards the next point according to the instructions on the wall.

As he ran down the stairs, a target popped up at the bottom. Price's voice came out of the walkie-talkie, "Hit the enemy!"

However even before Price finished his sentence, Fury already had held down the trigger and fired shots at the target.

After shooting the target, he exited the staircase and entered a hallway with the door to a room right opposite of him. As soon as he looked into the room, a target popped up in side the room.

Price screamed through the walkie-talkie, "Throw a flashbang!"

Hearing his words, Fury chugged a flash bang into the room. However, in his hurry, he forgot the implications of his actions.


As soon as the Flashbang exploded in the room, Fury was blinded by a sudden piercing light. And as if that wasn't enough, a high frequency sound deafened him. This time he couldn't stop himself from cursing out loud.

"Fucking hell!", he exclaimed in pain.

Seeing this from Observation, Price scolded Fury directly through the walkie talkie.

"What part of the word flashbang do you not get? Nevermind that. Remember that a Flashbang will only explode after a 3 seconds delay. Also remember to take cover behind something after you use a Flashbang in an enclosed space to save yourself from being affected. NOW STAND UP AND MOVE!"

Fury stood up as he rubbed his eyes. He still couldn't see clearly and his ears were still slightly ringing. But even through all this Fury could still hear everything Price said. He snapped out at Price's scream towards the end and shot the target.

At Price's order he started to move although it was more like he stumbled forward.

Seeing him moving, Price ordered another Flashbang throw to another corner.

Having learnt from his past experience this time, Fury took off the latch and counted silently for two seconds before throwing it in.


After the Flashbang exploded, Fury shot the target. He then gritted his teeth as started running towards the finish line with pain all over his body.

As he passed the finish line a prompt popped up on his field of view.

[Ding! 2 minutes and 08 seconds! ]

Seeing the time, Price was very dissatisfied, as was evident by him scolding Fury through the walkie talkie, "2 minutes and 8 seconds! Remember, the best record of 141 is 19 seconds, achieved by the vice-captain Gates."

"19 seconds! Look at you again! Even the enemies will laugh at your pathetic 2 minutes!"

"Nevertheless come down the ladder.", Price ordered as he turned the walkie talkie off.

Hearing that Fury sighed as he climbed down the ladder in the floor of the hanger. As soon as his feet hit the ground, he saw Price and Soap coming towards him.

Seeing Fury panting after he climbed down the ladder, Price folded his arms and shook his head.

"A rubbish rookie like you will die on the battlefield. But I'm still willing to give you a chance for an actual combat mission. Remember, I don't care if you die. Go to the hangar when you're ready, we'll leave in thirty minutes.", he said as he turned around and left.

Soap smiled at him, "Not in a good shape, huh?"

Fury replied in between panting, "Seems like it."

And saying that Fury saw everything around him fade out to black. As he was beginning to doubt if he really was so weak that he fainted, golden letters started to manifest in the air.

[Prologue Completed]

And seeing those letters and having registered what those letters mean together, Fury had only one response standing in darkness.

"Motherf**ker! That was a bloody PROLOGUE!"




Author's Note:

Thanks for all the support you guys have showed for the previous chapter. I didn't think that anyone stuck around for the book, so imagine my surprise.

In this chapter I have experimented around my writing abilities for a bit. You might have noticed that I have started detailing the atmosphere around the characters and their interaction more while I used to solely focus on dialogues before.

Hopefully you guys liked the change.

Leave a reviews if you liked the book so far and if you have any constructive criticism for me. Those will motivate me very much.

And in the next chapter, we're going to the famous Ship that started it all.
