

I've always enjoyed all those fantastic stories but I never expected that I would become one more person of those stories NOTE : THIS IS AN AU ( ALTERNATE UNIVERSE ) [This World is a Bridge between the DC and Marvel multiverse, all the possible information you know about the characters is totally useless since there is a possibility that it will never happen or it will happen differently] Disclaimer: I do not own Marvel or any of it's character. I own my own elements and my OC(s). - WORLDS : Marvel, dc, rwby, mha, demonslayer, kenichi : The Mightiest Disciple, Hsdxd - WORD COUNT : 521.73K WORDS - Donate Me On PayPal https://www.paypal.me/Xuefang1 - ----here link to my patreon https://patreon.com/Xue_fang_1?utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter&utm_campaign=creatorshare OR THIS https://www.patreon.com/Xue_fang_1 --- WARNING : hey guys I'm using Mobile and my laptop was having shorting problem and I don't know when I'll be able to fix it So there will be grammar and spelling mistakes Hope it'll be readble --- UPDATE SCHEDULE : NOT FIX

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231 Chs


I just watched as my ship was deployed with them inside for the fight to begin.

Richard: "SIF do you know how far Winston is from the citadel."- I asked seriously.

"It's about 45 minutes sir."- SIF said seriously.

Richard: "Yes I think I can withstand the horde for that long and if not maybe I will end up using my mana but that would be a big disadvantage against my brothers."- I said it seriously.

"Don't worry sir the armor is ready with the armament you have it should last for about 3 hours without having to look for more ammunition."- SIF said it in his formal tone.

Richard: "Thanks for the tip SIF."- I said it to see how the sky was filled with black dots as on the ground that large amounts of Grimm were coming both on the ground and by air.

"well back to work."- I said it so that the turrets that my arms have started to rotate just point to where the Grimm are coming to see again my old enemy that his fur is completely white and part of his mask is falling in pieces he just roared so that he started running towards me or so I waited to see that he ripped off his mask completely and his appearance was complete his fur turned platinum gray so that his size became of one two meters 50 centimeters and started attacking the Grimm.

Wolf: "I remember I want my revenge."- He said it full of anger towards the gods.

I just started firing blasts at the Grimm's around the werewolf who saw me and gave me a toothy grin as I went up the cliff, the students got ready, but they backed off when they saw the werewolf, the one who was left with his mouth open and dropped his mug was Ozpin.

Wolf: "you were expecting this, weren't you god."- He said it to get down on his knees.

Richard: "thanks for the deal but get ready we have a lot of shit to kill."- I said it to deploy an energy sword that should serve as a hand for the golead.

Richard: "fight for this will be the moment of truth."- I said it seriously to continue shooting.

He just grabbed the gun and moved it greedily so that it would prepare him.

Richard: "You students will be the last defense, I will be the rest of the defense."- I said seriously.

For my teammates to get out behind them and start running against the Grimm on the ground I propel myself to the cliff I feel followed by the werewolf.

As I fall I crush the head of a behemoth making it disappear so that the werewolf began its one sided slaughter where the Grimm could not reach out to touch it.

Amarok was tearing apart everything in his path no matter if it's trees or Grimm he started tearing apart everything in his path while behemoth and marble are giving cover fire and keeping the Grimm at bay and also some students who's transformable weapons can shoot long range keeps their cadence.

Empty the magazines completely from the turrets looking at the whole empty sector.

Richard: "first horde eliminated."

"Multiple enemies approaching sir in greater numbers."- He said seriously.

I just released the turrets to launch them towards where Grimm's horde was approaching.

I pulled out the energy pistol to shoot all the Grimm that are approaching to see my weapon take off his head with one shot as we cut down the Grimm I don't see how an ursa charges at me to hit the energy field.

With my free hand I grab the ursa's head to crush it like an egg to make it disappear I shoot to where the large amount of ursa's are coming that are commanded by an ursa anciant that is of a massive size that roars making all the ursa's move to his roar they all charge at me.

'I can't keep my distance anymore.'- I think about it to pull out the other energy sword to start cutting like butter at the ursas that approach I see that without caring they charge while the anciant ursa also charges at me while I destroy every ursa, beowolf and behemoth that approaches he hits me hard.

"Shield damage of 10% sir."- SIF said.

Richard: "right keep the report SIF."- I said so with a horizontal cut I cut the ursa anciant in half.

As I stand up from the ground the Grimm surround me.

'they will don't attack me first they will wait for me to make my move.'- I thought as I watched them move in sync.

I just saw in the distance there was a type of jellyfish that is in mid air being surrounded by many gryphons but at that moment the girls started to shoot down the gryphons quickly.

You can see better that jellyfish has a glow in the middle of its body while it has like spikes protruding from the end of its body and from its mouth come out some tentacles the color of blood.

While the girls entertain the Grimm in the air I shoot towards the jellyfish exploding it and making all the Grimm get out of control and attack me at the same time.

Richard: "SIF all power to the sword."- I said seriously.

Making the sword reactor so that it cleaves half of the Grimm around me along with all the flora and fauna.

After the cut the sword broke in my hands I just looked with annoyance to fire my weapon at anything that moved.

I saw that the number began to decrease rapidly.

Richard: 'that should be more than half of the Grimm's worth.'- I thought seriously.

Watching the system as I watched in the distance as more Grimm approached.

Richard: 'this will run out of ammo completely I didn't think they were that many.'- I thought annoyed.

I use the thrusters to get in front of the students and see the teachers.

I see ozpin who has a darkened look in his eyes.

Richard: 'SIF ship status."- I asked seriously.

"System functional sir, no problems."- Said SIF.

Richard: "patch me through to the crew."

"Wait a moment sir."- SIF said seriously.

Yang: "Richard, how are you, this ship is great, do you think you can make me one or give it to me as a gift?"

Richard: "I will think about it, but how are things going up there?"- I asked seriously.

Yang: "well it couldn't get any worse."- She said it making a noise like she was shrugging her shoulders.

"shit you said the damn words."- I said it annoyed getting ready.

It only felt like the ground shook so that a roar could be heard in the distance.

Yang: "shit something big is coming."

I prepared the two missile launchers I have loaded with flaming missiles of the purest dust.

I saw the son of a bitch godzilla 2.0 approaching.

Ozpin: "leviathan how did he woke up."- He said it scared.

Richard: "that's your name well I have something prepared for you."- I said it to fire all the missiles at him just spit out a call of fire that blew up all the missiles.

Richard: "SIF all the energy into the chest reactor."- I meant it.

'I always wanted to say that helpi take it off the list.'- I thought it with a smile forming on my face.

"Understood sir all the energy from the antimatter reactor to the chest."- SIF said it seriously.

"FIRE."- I said it with all my strength to fire a beam of purple energy that went through Leviathan's head and continued on to make a huge explosion.

"Using spare reactors and leaving the antimatter reactor on recharge."- I said seriously.

Yang: "what the hell just happened."

Richard: "I just used my second secret weapon."- I said it seriously.

Yang: "I don't want to know what the first one is if that's the second one."- She said it looking at the destruction.

A monstrous roar is heard all over the place.

Richard: "Yang, land the ship immediately."

Yang: "why was it just a roar possibly from the creature you just killed it just gave a simple howl of pain."

Richard: "come down immediately."- I said it seriously.

Yang: "but if everything acaaaaaaa..."- it didn't end when she saw a large shadow possibly half the size of the leviathan.

It is a four winged dragon with webbed feet that has sharp claws with a tail that has a membrane at the end with a mask covering the upper part of its face that showed its four yellow eyes while on the sides of its neck it has whitish ones that are adapted to breathe in both sea and air its upper part is covered by extremely thick bone plates.

"Guys. I said it to shoot at them.

Richard: "SIF energy reserves."- I asked seriously.

"Power is at 40% in the main reactor and the other reactors that were forced to provide power are at 50% sir."- SIF said it in a critical tone.

Richard: "Activate my first trump card."- I said it seriously.

The armor began to shatter so that a blue armor that is shown to be adjusted to my body was made of an alloy that I managed to build with the minerals of this world while the two reactors began to glow brightly so that the other reactors that were out of function began to function.

Richard: "Starting revenge."- I said it seriously.

The armor changed to a red color grew more parts of the armor began to glow in a red tone so that before the armor of a blue tone changed to a red color with a dark gray that gives more mobility in the joints.

I pointed my two hands towards the dragon Grimm.

Richard: "SIF power to the arm repulsors."- I said seriously.

"Understood sir."- He said it serious.

I shot straight at the dragon Grimm hit him in the face causing him to drop the ship.

"Land yang."- I said it to keep flying against it.

Richard: "activate knuckle pads."- I said it seriously so that my knuckles come out plasma spikes to hit with all the force and speed I can against the dragon.

The blow makes his mask crack a little so that before I can do anything I feel a pressure that sends me against the ground.

Richard: "SIF stabilize the thrusters."- I said it so that I avoid the impact against the ground and I shoot against the dragon Grimm.

Richard: "This time I will kill you, you dragon son of a bitch."- I said it while activating all the armor's weaponry.

Warning: "Once all the weapons are fired, the armor will run out of energy."- Said SIF.

Richard: "Never mind SIF."

While with yang and the guys.

Yang: "we are safe guys..."- She said proudly.

Ruby: "thank you SIF for controlling the ship."- She said it so the hatch opens and she comes out to puke along with everyone else.

Yang: "they are such crybabies."

Cherry: "it was like a roller coaster for me."- She said it coming out with a playful smile.

Jeanne: "it was an experience I never want to have again."- She said it being followed by Yang.

As they all get out they can see how the ship is completely damaged and that it is a miracle that they landed.

It fell to pieces.

Only a shot of great power was heard to see Ruby with her scythe in rifle mode blowing the approaching Grimm to pieces.

Cherry: "Let's see how long these little animals last."- She said it in a mocking tone to walk in a provocative way being followed by Jeanne.

After that you can see how they disappear to get to the sides of the werewolf that shows signs of tiredness and has some cuts on his body.

Behemoth has been growing back to his full size so he keeps destroying and consuming the essence of the Grimm so he keeps getting stronger.

Behemoth ripped off King taijitus' head to eat his mask so he went into a metamorphosis.

While I am entertained against the Grimm dragon I just saw an explosion of green energy and it began to form a dome of energy that began to grow to the point that it began to consume the entire forest.

Cherry: "I think that's the sign of a retreat."- She said it seeing how the dome approached quickly and how the Grimm that were touched with that energy were disintegrated.

It was seen as marble carried amarok with effort as the two are escaping from the dome while cherry and jeanne use their ability to start the escape while the werewolf starts running for his life as he climbs the cliff.

Yang: "what the hell is going on."- She said it while covering her eyes from the light.

Before they could do anything else they see bullheat approaching from the other side of beacon.

Weiss: 'great, reinforcements are here."- She said it relaxing.

"No signal has been sent to help Miss Weiss."- Said SIF seriously.

Ruby: "maybe they saw all the chaos and came to help."- She said with a smile.

Yang: "I don't think so, sis."- She said it while adjusting her gloves for the possible fight.

The light began to slowly diminish by the time they realized it an arm as big as half a mountain was raised in the air to a monstrous roar.

Out of the light came behemoth different bigger as big or bigger than leviathan himself his body composed of what was once the ever fall forest instead of the red or orange hue it is completely appears to him three pairs of wings while his body is as big as a mountain while he has spikes that look like a combination of rock and vegetation while he has no hind legs instead he has a serpentine body that looks intimidating while on his back in the middle of his wings he releases pure water that falls on his body.

While I shoot everything I have to shoot down the dragon Grimm who dodges with agility all the attacks.

"Sir, enemies are approaching."- I mention it SIF.

Richard: "I saw it, but if I stop attacking the dragon Grimm attack beacon."- I said seriously.

While I keep shooting while dodging.

Richard: 'I never tested if they generate heat since they are beings of magic but I hope at least this one does.'- I thought about it to fire a missile.

Who began to follow him.

Richard: 'It has a fire core, it must be like the leviathan.'- I thought seriously so he would keep dodging me and pay attention to me.

He only saw when the missile hit his chest causing an implosion.

I only watched as he was thrown to the ground or so I waited to see the behemoth's monstrous hand grab his head and bite it off.

Richard: "well I can..."

"Armor energy 1%, proceeding down carefully."- SIF said.

I was only lowered in an emergency manner due to a height that I didn't know if I could really die.

Only when I hit the ground did the armor come off my body.

Richard: "Come to me hell Frost."- I said stretching out my hand for it to come out of my old room.

When I am about to throw my axe to where the bullhead is I only feel a blow in my chest and another one in my face.

When I noticed that I was flying against the school.

I only looked where I was before to see my two brothers just showing me their canines while one clenches his fist the other just growls at me.

Lupus: "kill traitor."- He said it to run off towards me.

Richard: "ho we finally have our family reunion how wonderful."- I said it with a smile to throw hell Frost against him to try to catch him when his hand touches the handle of the axe his arm froze.

As we continue to a collision he doesn't mind the frozen arm to throw a blow to my face which I catch and throw a blow to his ribs which crackle I only see him kneel as I wrench my axe from his hand so it shatters into pieces.

As I am about to plunge it into his head being as something sharp hits my stomach and leaves a deep cut.

I only grunt in pain for it to hit me in the face leaving me on the ground.

I feel his foot strike my chest so that I feel myself lose my breath.

When a foot is about to crush my head amarok together with marble who attacked him simultaneously.

While marble and amarok entertain anuk I stand up with a lot of pain in my chest I just started to charge at him what he did the same.

Up to here.


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Read 16 chapters ahead of Marvel X DC and each chapter is more than 3k words so maybe a total of 42k + words ahead...

and for source read 20 Chapters ahead

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