

I've always enjoyed all those fantastic stories but I never expected that I would become one more person of those stories NOTE : THIS IS AN AU ( ALTERNATE UNIVERSE ) [This World is a Bridge between the DC and Marvel multiverse, all the possible information you know about the characters is totally useless since there is a possibility that it will never happen or it will happen differently] Disclaimer: I do not own Marvel or any of it's character. I own my own elements and my OC(s). - WORLDS : Marvel, dc, rwby, mha, demonslayer, kenichi : The Mightiest Disciple, Hsdxd - WORD COUNT : 521.73K WORDS - Donate Me On PayPal https://www.paypal.me/Xuefang1 - ----here link to my patreon https://patreon.com/Xue_fang_1?utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter&utm_campaign=creatorshare OR THIS https://www.patreon.com/Xue_fang_1 --- WARNING : hey guys I'm using Mobile and my laptop was having shorting problem and I don't know when I'll be able to fix it So there will be grammar and spelling mistakes Hope it'll be readble --- UPDATE SCHEDULE : NOT FIX

Xuefang1 · Anime & Comics
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237 Chs


In a simultaneous charge we prepared to strike.

He aimed for my face, but I connected his fist with mine which made a shock wave that caused us to separate.

He just growled in a beastly manner.

I just clenched my fist and shook off the slight numbness I had.

He went into a four legged form so he would shoot at me or well it should be three since he doesn't have one.

When he jumped at me being in the air I avoided his attack and hit his chest breaking all his ribs and being thrown higher into the sky.

"hell Frost show him the top floor of hell itself."- I said it to throw it with all my might to where lupus is stunned.

I just watch as he's about to touch it so a grimm gryphon gets in the way of him and my axe to freeze him out so he doesn't get lupus.

"You didn't hesitate to kill your own flesh and blood."- She said it coming out of bullhead with white fang followers along with a pretty red-haired woman with her caramel skin and who has her head down along with another woman, neo and roman.

The woman has amber eyes almost resembling gold with her hair as black as night her skin as white as snow with an attractive body a plump ass, with a D cup chest a wide hips with a height of one meter 80 centimeters.

The woman shoots multiple arrows at me that are loaded with fire dust that do nothing on impact.

"So it's true what you mentioned Emerald."- She said it seriously looking at me.

Richard: "I know who those three are but little mint and your cute ass girl."- I said it pointing to the woman and the redhead.

"You like this?"- She said it moving her hips to buy time. I just drew my axe so she could drive it into the ground making the floor freeze and freezing a tunnel where Grimm was coming from.

Richard: "Yeah I like the view, too bad it doesn't make me lose focus."- I said it only to feel a slight scratch on my back to see a guy with a horn on his forehead looking at me angrily.

"I'll kill you you fucking traitor."- He said it to move fast only for him to attack me fast so I let him cut me off when I learned his moves.

I just waited for him to move in front of me to kick his chest throwing him into the school.

Richard: "Well that's one less pest."

"I'll kill you you fucking traitor."- He said it mowed down with rage.

Blake: "No Adam your fight is with me."- She said it to move quickly to engage in a fight with the one called Adam.

I only saw Weiss and yang who move to support her I just run to where my companions are facing anuk and a lupus who shows his strength and speed leaving my companions at a disadvantage and behemoth doesn't move because his big size will make it difficult for him to help.

Behemoth: "I am sorry my lord I cannot help."- He said it with sadness.

Richard: "Don't worry I will end this now."- I said this to move towards Lupus who notices me to hit my shoulder dislocating it leaving it temporarily useless.

When he throws another punch I stop him with my hand I squeeze his hand with all my strength smashing his hand to throw him to the ground repeatedly as I lunge at him I see anuk throw amarok against marble knocking him out temporarily.

Anuk charges at me but I throw lupus at him so that the two collide.

I shoulder my shoulder to summon hell Frost I wield it with my two hands to load a lot of power into it to launch an icy slash at them.

I just watch as my brothers freeze.

Richard: "Well all that's left is to destroy them."- I said seriously to be sent flying into what was left of my ship.

Richard: "Who the fuck was it this time."

Salem: "You are smarter and more capable than your brothers I must admit, but they have more secrets than you could ever have."- She said this as she charged her negative energy in her two hands to fire her full power at my two frozen brothers, they began to glow in a dark hue and began to release miasma.

I only saw how lupus turned into a demon completely, the miasma drained his body so that two pairs of wings came out of it, his body began to grow until it reached a height of about five meters while plates of dark bone began to cover his body while on his head where before he had a hair as white as snow only has a lot of horns and his back has two tails while his hands are claws and only in his face you can only see his eyes that glow white showing his power.

While anuk his change was brutal from his normal size he grew to about 10 meters tall and his body seems to be made of volcanic rock as if molten his four eyes glow in a blue hue while his mouth is filled with a long row of teeth his long arms full of veins where the lava passes flashes its reddish orange hue and from his chest he has two blades.

Salem: "aren't my trump cards magnificent."


[the world just went up to level A].

Only when I heard the notification I started to laugh.

They looked at me funny because of my laughter.

[skills restored world of rage and title warlord active increase in all stats while in a war]

Richard: "You know you don't know how much I am grateful to you Salem you just broke the boundaries of this world."- I said it as my smile grows.

""ASURA MODE"" - I said it forcefully as my body begins to compact so that my aura increases to unsuspected levels my hair bristled like a mane my marks began to glow in power as it glows in a golden hue so that an alo forms on my back but this one is fragmented.

"Incomplete asura status."- I said it seriously.

It just disappears to appear in the easiest one which is anuk that its size should be hard to catch me, but it gets in the way lupus just smiled.

"behemoth I leave him to you."- I said it so that he just roars and throws a blow to anuk that stops him and they start a titanic fight to hit with his tail the feet of anuk so that behemoth uses his height as an advantage and this spits a puff of green fire so that it is seen as a sea of flames floods the whole area of fight.

As I catch both of lupus' hands I see the sea of fire approaching and I see salem just smiling.

I kick Lupus in the stomach sending him into the sea of fire and create a shield of sacral energy to protect the people inside.

Richard: "Would you really let everyone die just because you think it will give you the advantage?"- I asked annoyed.

Salem: "They are just simple pawns and they know it doesn't matter if I have to sacrifice everyone as long as I can kill Ozma forever."- She said it with fury.

Richard: "Too bad it seems some of your allies don't feel the same way."- I said it so roman will shoot salem in the back and neo stab his back.

I see the little mint hesitates and the cute ass one goes to shoot me to shoot salem in the head.

She just catches the arrow while looking at the cute ass one.

Salem: "So you decided to betray me cinder."- She said it looking at her with disinterest.

Cinder: "I did everything he wanted and when he sees us die he will let us die."- She said it with fury to continue firing arrows while esmerald uses her shotguns to fire bursts of ice dust.

I concentrate on the shield that I hold up to prevent the fire from entering as I feel something hit the shield.

As I listen to behemoth's roars and feel the ground shake it seems behemoth is hitting anuk hard.

As I am concentrating I see the fire slowing to a stop I see salem entertaining her former allies and I see ozpin watching the fight from afar as glynda fights the white fang.

I'm just filled with rage at the sight of that son of a bitch.

"Ozma, either you fight or I will damn your immortal fucking soul to hell where you will be raped by demons for eternity."- I said it with fury so that he would look at me with disinterest.

Ozpin: "I've already fought for humanity, I think it's your duty as a god, don't you."- He said it with amusement.

Richard: "You asked for it Ozma."- I said it so that I released one hand and hit the ground so that it started to crack and two monstrous arms came out of Ozpin's feet and started to pull him into the hole.

I only heard his screams of pain and fear.

At that moment I see Salem who stops the fight to show a big smile at the sight of Ozma being swallowed by that hole.

Salem: "Oh so easy, you just finished off an immortal being, how interesting."- she said this only to receive another arrow in the back.

she resumes her fight against her former allies.

I only see Glynda who watches in surprise as Ozma dies forever.

Glynda: 'Looks like I'm on the losing side.'- She thinks about it as she continues to fight against white fang as most of her allies are dead or wounded or guarding the students.

With Richard.

I turn off the portal only to hear a scream of pain I turn to see yang's arm being cut off at that moment my blood began to boil my anger and hatred rise to frightening levels.

I return to my normal form to see Weiss leave a deep gash in her right eye to see yang holding what was once her entire arm.

"YOU MOTHERFUCKER"- I said that so the fucking faun that hurt yang.

Adam: "you're going to die traitor."- He said it as he parried Blake's attack to leave a cut on her abdomen.

""WORLD OF RAGE"" - Just saying those simple words made everyone's skin crawl.

I only took one step to be devoured by the negative feelings and to be protected by the dome when I took my hand out of the dome it is a shade of grey my fingers are claws, my hair as white as snow my eyes of a sickly amber colour while on my face is the mask that has red markings running down its exterior in the form of straight lines so that they run down my body also so that also the winged horns disappear so that they come out in front of me so that they glow in a shade of red while my body was styled for fighting while my stature was reduced to two metres.

I just appeared in front of him.

Adam: "what a demo..."- I just grab him by the head while I heal Weiss, Blake and stabilize yang.

I just watch as team JNPR and ruby arrive and stop dead in their tracks when they see me and get ready to fight.

Blake: "ri-richard is that you."- She ask looking at me.

Richard: "Yes Blake this is my other side after all being the god of wrath and vengeance must show his darker side. "-I said it while squeezing Adam's head.

Ruby: "yang."- She said it scared to see it.

Richard: "I managed to stabilize her, but I can't get her arm back and more than that I froze the limb and broke it."

Richard: "Blake, what do you decide."

She stares at Adam who growls and tries to cut me.

Adam: "I'll kill them all and you fucking bitch."- He said it looking angrily at Blake.

Blake: "kill him."- She said it without any hesitation.

A small smile formed on my face so before he mentioned anything I crushed his head like a grape.

"tell me Blake how does it feel."- I said it to crouch down to his level as i caress her cheek.

Blake: "I-I-I-I feel weird like I've lost weight."

Richard: "Because this wasn't just revenge it was justice."- I said it to get away from them and see how lupus and aunk are defeating behemoth who is taking some damage.

I let the dark energy swirl into my body to form two pairs of wings of dark energy and take off from the ground to appear in front of anuk who is just physical strength.

I only stretched out my clenched fist to embed it in his face made of molten rock. It was only seen in a moment that his body lifted off the ground I only saw in a moment to catch the fist of lupus who roared in anger as he exerted his full strength.

"they are weak only have a part of our ancestor the rest is demonic is."- I said it to throw it at anuk who catches it with his fist while firing a black gun that hits where lupus is in anuk's arm.

He uses his other arm to make it disintegrate, only his scream of pain was heard.

Richard: "A real waste."- I said it watching as behemoth catches anuk's face to smash it into the ground to see lupus shooting towards me I stop his blows to start an even fight for the moment to start increasing the speed to hit his chest throwing him away and get to where anuk is sunk into the ground.

Richard: "Behemoth, entertain the poor devil"- I said pointing at Lupus.

Behemoth: "Yes my lord."- He said it in a thick tone to move to where lupus is recovering.

I just walk over to where Anuk's heart is.

Richard: "You are my brother but you only behave like a beast, you are not even like our younger brother."- I said with disappointment.

He just gave a pitiful roar.

"Don't worry I'll put you out of your misery."- I said it to sink my arm into his chest to feel my body fill with energy while four other arms came out of my back as I felt my body stiffen more.

I just sigh in satisfaction at the feeling of power flooding my body.

I just watch as aunk's body shuts down completely.


[2/3 own fragments]

'So I'm fragmented that's why I felt different they are part of me.'- I thought about it watching as behemoth struggles with effort.

'I'm going to finish this.'- I thought about it to see behemoth slam away to see him get hit by a shot of antimatter that destroyed everything in its path.

I only see lupus fall to the ground without an arm.

Winston: "What do you think that should be enough to defeat a being inferior to my lord."

I just appeared in front of Lupus' body so that I could start consuming his energy. I feel my body getting stronger and I feel more energy running through my body.


[3/3 own fragments]

[has reached the level of a celestial]

After that notification I felt my body run another energy that I have felt in the air of my world.

Richard: "Cosmic energy."- I said it as I see the platinum energy that is in my fingers.


[secret mission is completed]

[by leaps and bounds]

(gets to the point of being considered as a celestial)


System modification.

Enhancement of own dimension.

Cosmic energy control.


[everything has an end]

(Destroy your two brothers and finish what you started)

Anuk 1/1

Lupus 1/1


Creation of medium planet in dimensional space.

Connected dimensional gates.

Dimensional protection.


Destruction of own dimension.

Being expelled from your home dimension permanently.

Losing all your loved ones.

Just look at the notifications for a moment.

[system modification initiating]








[the system thus adapted because of the power levels that started]

"Interesting."- I said it as my transformation disappears.

From my back came two wings of blue energy float towards the citadel that is hovering above beacon.

Just setting foot on the citadel I see Winston approaching with a big smile on his face.

Richard: "It's good to see you again Winston."-!I said stretching out my hand and he looked at my hand for a moment so he squeezed my hand.

Winston: "It is an honour to be seen as your equal my lord."- He said excitedly.

Richard: "Winston, you have always been reliable."

Winston: "My lord."

Richard: "And tell me who are the people who live in this citadel."- I asked watching as the fauns approached me.

Faun: "It's the titan of vacuo, he still looks different."

Winston: "Of course he looks different, he has regained some of his true power."- He said it scolding the faun.

Sienna: "His true power you always mention that he is a god so he really is a god tell me why did you take the form of a faun?"- ask a little uneasy.

Richard: "Well being a nephalem I will take the form of one of the species most likely to survive in that world."- I said thoughtfully.

Sienna: "More likely that means we are the most likely to survive."- She said this while looking at me with excitement.

Richard: "I think it's time for us to go home Winston."- I said looking at him so he nods in excitement.

So far.


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Read 16 chapters ahead of Marvel X DC and each chapter is more than 3k words so maybe a total of 42k + words ahead...

and for source read 20 Chapters ahead

I hope you guys join me on this platform



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well in the next chapter I'm talking about the future of the book....

Xuefang1creators' thoughts