
Ch1 rewrite

I'm not entirely sure where this goes in the sequence, but imma assume this is a rewrite of the prior chapter. But imma leave it here in the order.


As he received the news, he took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

'So, this is what it came too… to think he would go so far' He thought

Brandon felt the change in the atmosphere and shivered slightly. And when Fabians eyes finally opened; he looked abnormally calm. And looked directly into Brandon's eyes apathetically. Before slowly opening his mouth and spoke.

"Did I not tell you to prepare the best security measures?"

Brandon shivered as he fell to his knees, feeling chills at how calm Fabian was acting.

"N-n-no Fabian you got to believe me; I did as you said... Honestly I did. Please forgive m-"

"Oh. you did. Then you wouldn't mind explaining why my family is dead" Fabian interrupted.

"I-I. I don't know..."

"Oh. You don't know... I guess it can't be helped If you don't know..." Fabian slowly said.


All of sudden Brandon felt a burning sensation from his hand as he saw a pen had impaled his hand. He screamed as he felt the pain arrive, as he looked towards the Fabian with tears in his eyes. When Brandon's eyes met Fabian's, he felt the pen twist in his hand and experienced agony.

"F-Fabian please! You got to believe me it wasn't my fault. P-P-Please. Let me go Fabian I'm innocent!"

As Brandon's pleas reached Fabians ears, he slowly leaned forward and held Brandon's head. And as he held Brandon's head he slowly whispered into Brandon's ear.

"I know... I know you are."

Before a sickening crunch was heard. And Brandon's body lay lifelessly on the desk with a pen impaled through his forehead.

And as Brandon's body lay lifeless on the desk, Fabian leaned back on his chair before lighting a cigarette. As he exhaled a plume of smoke enveloped the room and Fabian finally relaxed. Today was the first time he had ever killed someone. When he first heard the news, although he seemed calm on the surface, he was seething with rage underneath that cold exterior. He knew Brandon was responsible straight away, there had been too much friction between them lately, but he just didn't think that he would go this far. Because despite the recent stalemate they had known each other since they were kids and had still trusted Brandon. However, in retrospect he realised how naive he had been, even as Brandon slowly changed and his ambition threatened Fabian, he still believed deep down he was still the same person. However, after Fabian quashed his ambitions, something inside him snapped and as Fabian looked back, he realised how obvious it was something was wrong. Brandon was a ticking time-bomb and due to his negligence, he had finally exploded and now he had paid the price.

Minutes passed and Fabian sat listlessly staring out the window slowly puffing on his cigarette. As the smoke in the room grew denser Fabian picked up his phone on the desk