

In a dark room sat a man in a green armchair. He sat slouched down with bags under his eyes looking emptily at the TV. There were packets of assorted instant foods almost forming towers surrounding his armchair with a mini-fridge, cupboard and microwave at arm's length from where he was sitting. And every so often his hand would enter the mini-fridge and pull out a snack, never taking his eyes off the TV.

However, he wasn't fat in fact you couldn't even call him overweight if anything he seemed maybe a little underweight. With a slim slender body which seemed almost feminine, however his face was anything but feminine. His hair went down to his shoulders and was mired in tangles and knots with an almost visible layer of grease on his jet-black hair. On his chin lay a patchy overgrown beard which at the ends puffed out in an almost comical fashion. Despite this, his facial features were quite delicate, and some would say handsome, but were smothered by a thick layer of sweat and grease that evenly covered his face.

At some point the sound of a bell ringing could be heard in the distance, waking him from his almost hypnotic state. He looked around and picked up his phone on the nearby side table, finding several missed calls as well as a voice message.


"Fabian… As much as it pains me to say this, I'm afraid that the board has come to the decision to replace you as director. This wasn't an easy decision to make. Your work over the years has been exemplary and you should be proud of contribution in revitalising and revolutionising the company as well as the whole industry. However due to your recent performances we have decided that removing you from your position is what's bes... "


Even after listening to the news he didn't have any reaction. He seemed listless and his eyes hollow with no emotion. And just stood there, before slowly opening the door and leaving his apartment. After leaving the apartment complex Fabian walked, he was walking but he didn't know where, he just felt he needed some air, some space, some time to think.

He ended up walking until it was dark, he didn't know where he was, but he knew he was hungry and ended up walking into a nearby ramen shop and ordered several servings. Everyone was staring at him, Fabian seemed out of place, scruffy with stained clothes, some people were even pointing and laughing quietly on their tables. But he ignored them as he quietly ate his ramen.

After he had almost finished his first bowl, he was suddenly he felt an acute pain in his head, before it gradually transformed into a throbbing headache. His sight became blurred and he lost his balance as he was suddenly overwhelmed with pain. It took several minutes before the pain subsided, and he regained clarity. Looking around the scene, it was bizarre to say the least, people sprawled over tables and strung out across the floor. As he was looking around, he noticed while everyone was unconscious some people were wincing in pain, whereas others seemed dead. He internally noted the difference and continued observing the situation inside the store. and after observing for a short while he noticed that one of the unresponsive diners began to seizure violently, and as he continued observing a change occurred. The male diner had stopped seizuring and began moving, slowly standing up with his back slightly hunched, he was groaning slightly as he swayed unsteadily. A groan sounded, and the man slowly turned around and looked at a woman slumped on the table to its left. And stood staring blankly at the women.

The odd scene continued for a while as the man continued staring vacantly at the women, until suddenly as if possessed the man lunged at the woman and bit into her neck, attacking ruthlessly. causing the unconscious women to be slung around helplessly like a rag doll as the man, in a frenzy, clamped his teeth down harder and harder on the women's neck until he pulled a sizeable chunk of flesh from the women's neck. Blood flew everywhere as the women's neck was tore apart by the man continuing to bite down on the women for several minutes, when oddly he stopped. And again, was drawn towards the sound of a nearby groan.

However, as it was walking shakily towards the man the loud squeak of a chair could be heard. The man looked over to the source and noticed Fabian sitting on a stool staring in its direction. As Fabian made eye contact with the man, he noted that it couldn't be said the man was human. Its eyes were deeply bloodshot, and the pupils seemed clouded as if it was blinded. It began snapping its mouth as blood dripped down from its face, as it released a glutaral moan. And began moving towards Fabian. As it stumbled towards him he noticed it looked highly uncomfortable moving, and struggled to maintain balance as it moved towards him, giving Fabian a sudden thought. And hence when arm's length away, Fabian stood up and sidestepped swiftly as the it lunged towards him leaving it to stumble helplessly into a stool. After it stumbled, he placed a swift kick on its back causing it to lose balance, leaving it to helplessly fall to the floor. Then Fabian slowly walked towards a Stool before picking it up and walking towards the helplessly flailing man on the floor. And as it struggled to get to its feet Fabian lifted the stool before striking it on the head, knocking it flat, and then struck again, and again, and again and continued until the sound of the wooden stool snapping could be heard.

Fabian chucked the stool away as he slowly began stomping his foot on the mans already bloodied head, when all of a sudden he heard a slightly robotic noise in his head. Causing him to stop mid-action.


*User has killed evolved lifeform.*

*Congratulations on fulfilling conditions to initiate system*

*System initialising*

*Level 1 Zombie killed*

*Level up*

And as he was beginning to gather his thoughts an interface popped.


[Name]: Fabian Blake

[Age]: 27

[Level]: 2

[Skills]: [Indifference]

Innate abilities]: [requires awakening], [requires awakening]

[Titles]: N/A

[Ability points]: 5


[Health]: 24/24

[Stamina]: 6/20

[Mana]: 55/55


[Strength]: 6

[Agility]: 9

[Stamina]: 5

[Endurance]: 4

[Intelligence]: 11

Fabian "..."