
The Frozen Winter War

The year is 1937, with winter fast approaching the 2 countries, The empire of Arduel, and the people's republic of Labronsk are having heated discussions over trade deals, and possible sabotage work towards one another. We follow Daniel, a 17 year old young man who has been living with his grandfather for the past 5 years, he was propelled into this situation at the age of 12 when his mother was murder while away on a "business trip". The last 5 years proved difficult for him, but Daniel had acquired skills in hunting, along with scouting and tracking thanks to his grandfather. With all the skills he has, will Daniel prove himself an asset, or a liability for when it comes time for him to prove himself on the frost bitten fields of war.

Nerdsin · Peperangan
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25 Chs

first blood town gun fight

The hours had passed by, along with the intarigation, eventually he did break once I had broken his legs and some of his other bones. When I look at Hawk as we head out of the prison cell area, I see that he is a little shocked, "what's the matter Hawk, never seen anything like that?"

After shacking his head, I note that I might have gone to far with what I did to the person, "sir Daniel from now on let's leave the experienced once to intarigate the spy's, alright?" I nod in agreement, eventhough I did get the information that we needed, Hawk says he will more then likely be hospitalized for a month or two from everything I did to him.

Thinking about it I did do a bit much to him, sure breaking the legs, along with maybe even some ribs and an arm is a bit much. However it got the information none the less, but I really should leave it to the professionals.

Once me and Hawk are finally back in his office we go over a few things, "so they work at the factory area in town, sure didn't specify the exact one, but there are only a few that might be possible." Once our conversation is over, he tells me to get the others, and I quickly do so knowing that I might also be a part of this group.

After getting all of them, I'm also told to stay in the group since I would be joining them. "Everyone, listen up, we will be heading off to the factory district in town, we also have a name of the person we are looking for, the person goes by Astor, all of you here will take five of your best with you, and go factory to factory searching for this person."

The conversation continues for a while, and taking the five best with me, that would be tricky, but I at least know three that I'll be taking with me. "Alright, all of you, good luck and God speed, find Astor, and bring them to justice by all means avaliable, now, dismissed!"

After all of them head out I'm the last one to fall into line, "Daniel, I wish to continue talking with you, stay here." From the way he said it I can only imagine I'm gonna be tasked with something semi important I think to myself.

"Daniel I'm assigning you something different, when the boys engage the target, I want you and your team to hold back, only take action if the target resists, and if things get heated you have full permission to kill the target."

Those words weigh heavy, I know what they mean, however I don't know if I will be able to take the shot on a living person, but I better well try. After I nod to say I will do it, I head out of the room toward the barracks to grab the individuals I want for my six man team.

When I get over to the training grounds, I see some practicing their shooting, along with others practicing their hand to hand combat skills. They don't notice me yet, as I watch I feel a sense of joy, knowing that I have trained this group to this extent.

After a few more minutes pass Lily noticed me, instantly telling everyone to stand at attention. "Alright everyone, we have a mission given to us by Battle Stategist Hawk, the mission is clear, secure the enemy spy that goes by the name Astor, and if they resist and harm any of the other teams members, pull the trigger."

Some of them are shocked to hear this, while others strategies in their heads as to what will, or possibly may happen. "The pro is that he only wants us in teams of five, so in total around fifty of us will be searching for one person in the factory district of the near by town of Creek Wood." Some of them become a little down after hearing only five of them would be able to participate, however I had other plans.

"Instead of following what Hawk says I have a different approach, all of us will cover the exits leading in and out of the factory district in creek wood, there is plenty of us, along with only five to six main entrance and exit points, so with that said, everyone gear up!"

After the speech finished they all head to the armory to grab their stuff, and only a few minutes later they all appear infront of me, ready with rifles. When I tell them how we will be taking the situation they all quickly understand, with all preparations made we head off to Creek Wood, with all haste.

Once we arrive in town, I see two of the other team leaders there standing by, "oh Daniel your final here, and it looks like you decide to bring the whole team instead of just five like Hawk recommended." Shrugging, I just tell him that I plan to cover all ins and outs, "well I hope your plan works, the other teams are already here so showing this much force will be a bit extensive."

Nodding in agreement with his statement that yes this is a big show of force, however I have a gut feeling it's needed. After I get done saying that in my head I hear gun fire, "shit, everyone move in now!" Yelling that over the radio, I hear everyone's team leader respond back with a quick yes sit.

While I advance with my team I hear more gun fire then normal, probably a team engaged one or possibly even three spy's, since I hear up to eight different guns going off. "Alright we are getting close, remember to cover each other, and if you see someone suspicious try and arrest them, if they resist you have permission to shoot."

Once I approach the area, I see a person holding a pistol in hand not wearing a military uniform, "hands up now, and give yourself up or I shall shoot!" The commands I yelled at him fell on deaf ears, because the moment he looks at me he points his pistol my way, taking a shot at me.

"Instructor Daniel are you ok!?" When Siler yelled that I responded with that I was fine, and that he should be more worried about himself, since I know how to cover myself against a gun shot.

When I look back to where the person was he wasn't there anymore, "where did he go?!" Seconds later one of my subordinates run forward, telling me where the suspect ran too.

Thanking him, I head in that direction with my team behind me, while heading that way, I come across one of the papers to the documents they had information on our base. Unfortunately we need all of the paperwork they have on the base.

While we continue heading in the direction he went, I notice a few more papers along the way, thinking it's strange that he's dropping papers. However it quickly comes to mind as to why he's doing it, when I stop, I quickly look up to see a barrel of a pistol just infront of me pointed at me.

Ducking behind a vehicle, he takes a shot, and once he finishes taking his shot, my brain doesn't hesitate to fire back. When I take mine I see his arm get hit, and flung around him, he screams, but doesn't fall to the ground and instead runs for it.

"Chase him, don't let him get away!" After I yell that everyone dives for the alleyway, hopping to catch him. That's when we all run into him, now on the ground bleeding aggressively from his arm, "shit I hit a main artery, does anyone have medical?!"

They all look at one another until one of them comes forward, "I'm probably the only one here for this job." While I watch him perform aid to the wound, I quickly search for the documents, and soon enough I find the rest of the papers. "Alright mission on our end accomplished, I'm gonna relay it to everyone else." They all nod, as I send out the message of successfully grabbing the documents, I hear congratulations on all ends, as they say they have to clean up other things on there ends.

Thinking it over, there could be a bit of clean up, but I don't know how much, I quickly snap back to thinking about the person I had shot. "Hey is he still alive?" The one applying first aid nodded, meaning he's still alive, more good news also comes when Lily had quickly thought to go and get some near by hospital staff.

When some of the other teams find us, they say they would have some of their members go with the hospital staff to make sure that he wouldn't attempt an escape. When my mind gets to Thinking about it, that was the very first time I had shot a person, it felt strange, I didn't hesitate which made me scared.

Continuing to think about it wasn't doing me any good, then I feel I know why I didn't hesitate to take the shot. When I look around me, I just see my trainees, if I hadn't taken the shot, they would have, if he didn't shot at me, he would have shot at them. That statement puts my mind at more ease, then I radio into base, "Battle Stategist Hawk, this is Daniel and his team, mission success, I repeat, mission success."