

It's about a guy that got transmigrated into another world, the memories of his past life were sealed for some time. He grew his skills (sword art) slowly with the help of his father who trains him whenever he is available, he later got choosen by an ancient dual blades. Before getting a system that not only unlocked his memories but also his potential. The novel also consist of different species and creatures such as vampires, werewolves, light elves, dark elves, hybrids, human, nether creatures, demons and magical beasts, e.t.c.

godslove · Seni bela diri
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62 Chs

Chapter 25: Trial


Bright, James, Noah, Timmy and Samuel all journeyed to the 'Auta' for their trial.

"Here we are" bright said

"What's this, it doesn't look like something an underground can be built-in " Samuel exclaimed

"Let's go in first, you will see for yourself " Bright replied

They all went close to the door, as if planned, the door opened wide on its own. Bright moved forward while the others hesitated.

"Common guys you don't want to be left behind " Bright urged

They all went in and the door closed after them, they followed bright but they couldn't find the underground. It was as if they were in an office, they all moved to the centre of the office.


They all heard a clanging sound

"Brace yourself " bright said

Immediately the ground they stood sunk in and began spiraling downward with speed. They all screamed loudly but bright was a able to hold himself due to him having experienced such before.


A clique was heard and...

'Blergh '

They all puke out their food particles on the floor.

"Eww....can't you guys control yourself and not ruin the floor with your smelly guts" Stelio's voice was heard

"Miss Abigail isn't around, so ill be taking you guys your lessons for now but first, you make sure this place becomes clean and smelling nice"

"Can you at least show us the way to the rest room" Noah said irritatively

"Bright will do that " Stelio answered uncaring

"Follow me" bright said while glaring at Stelio

After 30 minutes the place was smelling nice and sparkling ✨

"Now you all should step into that room and your test to determine if you are worthy or you're just a trash will brgan" Stelio's voice was heard

A wall not too far from them moved and revealed a door that led to the room, they all prepared to step in.

"Remember, once you are in...there is no coming out unless you are knocked out or you win" Stelio mockingly said

They all stepped in with looks of determination, they door immediately closed after them. They all met five combat robots waiting for them with different weapons.

"First i'll be testing your cooperation level if you guys will be formidable with each other, so good luck. " Stelio said before his voice disappeared

Counting down in 3.2.1

Immediately the five robots charged at them and within two minutes they were all down and groaning out of pain.

"Haha...so you guys are this weak together, how do you want to cope alone" Stelio laughed out loud

"Can we go again?" Bright asked while gritting his teeth

"Sure you can get beating as much as you like" Stelio replied

And then the fight continued...

Bright slashed at the robot running toward him out of anger the robot countered with its own slash glowing red the slashed clashed and cancelled out each other. Then next an hammer was sung downward and a loud blasting sound was made and both Bright and Samuel who was by his side was blasted apart backward.


A fire flared and a laser of fire🔥 went straight and engulfed the robot with the hammer 🔨 , a large shield cut through the air with force straight at Noah who sent the fire laser. Before the shield could hit a golden light flashed and the shield was stopped dead on its track.

"Hmm..." James groaned but still held the shield with his numb hand, golden flamwas crawling on his body like a life snake.

He tightened his grip on the shield and ran forward with speed.

"I will not be trashed around by ordinary robot's " he shouted. He swung the shield back to where it came from.

'Swoosh '

The shield moved with speed and hit the robot hard while sending it flying.

'Bang '

The robot crashed on the barrier surrounding the arena. The fire laser stopped and revealed a black robot with no damage done on it.

"Ahh why must they be this hard to deal with? " Noah complained

'Poof' '

A torrent of water💧 crashed on the blackened robot and pushed it back.

With a swirling motion the robot with a sword jumped in and stopped the torrent from pushing it's comrade further.

A whip swiped forward straight at Timmy who was pushing the sword robot back a little, but it suddenly stopped dead on its track.

"It's time we end this" a voice resounded by Timmy's side and a hand grabbed the whip. With a strong pull Bright pulled the robot with the whip. The robot was pulled toward bright who formed his hand into a fist and sent it straight at the incoming robot.


The fist connected but the robot wasn't sent flying instead it was held by Samuel's wind.

"You're going no where" Samuel said he condensed his wind into a blade and swung it on the robot, the attack hit the robot. Immediately more attacks crashed on the robot. Fire balls, water balls, large slashes, constant wind attack, and finally a fist hit the robot squarely on its chest and sparks ✨ was sent every where before the robot crumbled.

The crystal in its chest fell on the floor signifying that it was defeated.

Heavy panting was heard from a certain someone.

"Guys i don't think i can continue any further , i....." Samuel said and fainted. He has been holding the robot with his hands and constantly attacking it while not letting go, all the attacks that converged on the robot generated a shockwave that engulfed him. He gritted his teeth without letting go.

"Wow...i wasn't expecting you guys to defeat one of my trainees this easily, but unfortunately for you, one of your men is down. Leta see how you defeat the rest. " Stelio said

"Easy? Was that even suppose to be called easy? " Timmy asked with an annoyed look

"I'll advised you to ignore his words" Noah answered

'Swoosh' 'Bang'

A large shield crashed on James and sent him flying, he crashed on the barrier and spat out blood.

"Fuck that hurts" he groaned

A robot suddenly appeared near the others and swung it's hammer at the unconscious Samuel. Before it could go downward a crossed sword stopped it. Bright knee buckled and bent due to the force behind the attack.

A red line of slash went straight for Bright, a fire laser stopped the red line and cancelled it before moving forward aiming at the sword robot. The shield moved and went straight at Noah but before it could hit him a wave of water stopped it from hitting its target.


A fist collided with Timmy and sent him flying, a robot with a large fist stood where Timmy was previously standing with its fist stretched forward. It immediately turned around at Bright who was winning in the battle of strength against the hammered robot.

It went straight at bright but before he could reach there it was sent flying to the side, it swirled mid air and landed safely, it stared at James and immediately charged at him and swung its fist at him.

A golden fiery spear appeared and intercepted the robot, it swung it's fist straight at the spear and destroyed it. The spear blasted apart and immediately an inscription spread all over the robots and it covered it's whole arms and immediately self destruct.

The robot's arm was blasted to smirthreen, James fell down because he was drained. Bright who was winning find himself growing weak before being pushed down again.

He swirled around and kicked the hammered robot on its leg which made it staggered he tried standing up but his legs gave in and he fell. Before he could raise his head to block the Incomin blow he was sent flying and passed out.

Timmy couldn't join the fight because his ribs were fractured beyond compare, he could only watch his friends being taken out before he passed out.