
The Flow of Time is Broken

Things are not unfolding the way they should. Someone or something is messing with the very fabric of time itself. Events that were never meant to occur are now happening. People who were destined to die remain alive, while others meant to live now find themselves dead. The natural order has been disrupted. Destinies are being rewritten in ways they were not supposed to. Time itself appears to be malfunctioning, causing ripples that violate the way events were originally fated to play out. The rules that govern what is and isn't possible no longer apply. Reality as it was once understood has been thrown into chaos. P.S. - 1: Chapter names are inspiration from th great manga 'Gintama'. Holy fuck it rhymes =============================================================== P.S. - 2: This is a story that I had in mind for past couple of years but because of many things could never put forward but now I might finish it with you guys. There are few stuff that you should know before jumping into it, for first my inspiration for this book is ASOIAF, Kingkiller Chronicles and Malazan empire. Another thing is there is no thing such as plot armr. Last thing to know is that this is story of whole world, so we will not be following a fixed character but keep changing POV. Each volume will take up to a new place where the story will start from the beginning, for example the first volume will set up a big event which will then be addressed later in second volume near the end, third volume will pick up from somewhere in First volume and join in the big event near the end something like this. The world I have in mind have total of five continents and each of this continent share a different world, so each continent will have a different magic system, different culture, different beliefs, different mindsets of people. Later it will be explained why is that.

Rotten007 · Fantasi
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58 Chs

Chapter 37

The throne room of Maridian's royal castle was abuzz with frenetic activity. King Edric stood tall, his commanding presence filling the chamber as he addressed the gathered lords and military commanders.

"My loyal subjects," Edric's voice boomed. "The time has come to defend our realm against the vile pirate king Samuel and his scourge of lawless raiders. For too long, they have plagued our coastal towns with impunity."

Edric's steely gaze swept across the room. "But no more. We shall marshal every able-bodied man, conscript every available ship, and mobilize all resources to crush this pirate threat once and for all."

A buzz of murmurs rippled through the crowd. Edric raised his hand, and silence fell.

"Letters of conscription are to be sent to every village and hamlet. All those fit for battle must report for training and equipping without delay."

He turned to his military advisors. "Lord Harrow, begin fortifying our ports and coastal defenses immediately. See that every cove and inlet is secured against enemy landings."

Lord Harrow bowed. "It will be done, Your Majesty."

"Admiral Valorn," Edric continued. "Recall what ships we have at sea and have them rendezvous with the Home Fleet at Swansridge. We'll need every hull to counter Samuel's armada."

The grizzled admiral nodded grimly. "Consider it done, my liege."

Raising his voice, Edric addressed the entire court. "Furthermore, I decree a tax be levied on all nobility to fund this campaign's costs. We must spare no expense in defending our lands and people."

There were some grumbles at this proclamation, but none dared openly protest the king's decree.

"Finally," Edric's tone took on an ominous edge. "If certain...specialized resources prove necessary, we must be prepared to unleash them without hesitation. The stakes are far too high for restraint."

The gathered nobles exchanged uneasy glances, all too aware of the king's veiled meaning regarding the kingdom's most closely guarded and volatile weapons.

Edric's gaze hardened. "The pirate king has awoken a slumbering dragon. He shall soon learn the fires of Maridian's wrath know no bounds when our sovereignty is threatened."

A rumble of approval arose as the court absorbed the gravity of the king's words. Fists pounded against tables as the lords of the realm prepared for total, uncompromising war against Samuel's pirate horde.


The beach was a scene of utter devastation. Plumes of black smoke still billowed from the smoldering ruins of what had once been a quaint coastal village. Charred beams and rubble littered the sand, intermingled with the unfortunate remains of those unable to flee Samuel's initial assault.

The dreaded Pirate King himself strode across the ravaged shore, his boots crunching on debris and ash. Despite the surrounding carnage, a twisted smile played across his lips - this was just the beginning.

On one side advanced the diminutive figure of Dame, Samuel's infamous first mate. The petite warrior's eyes swept over the coastline, her delicate hand clutching the hilt of her slender blade, always poised for action.

On the king's other side walked the blind boy, the tattered bandages around his ruined eye sockets stained crimson yet again. Despite his impairment, the man's other senses seemed preternaturally heightened as he matched Samuel's pace unerringly across the treacherous terrain.

All around them, Samuel's pirate horde went about their grim work. Fighters ransacked what few structures remained intact for any supplies to bolster their ranks. Scouts fanned out to scout the surrounding area and report any signs of retaliation by local forces. Laborers toiled clearing sites and dragging wreckage to establish a defensible perimeter.

Reaching the village's shattered center, Samuel stopped and slowly turned, soaking in the devastation with a sinister delight. He drew a long breath, savoring the acrid tang of smoke and char.

"Well done, my children," he boomed, addressing his pirates. "This is just an overture in our symphony of conquest!"

Samuel swept an arm out indicating the ruins. "Let this be our foothold upon these lands. From this point, we shall advance outward, laying waste to every village, every town, every pathetic keep that dares stand in our path!"

The surrounding pirates roared approval, brandishing weapons and shaking fists. Boy's head swiveled slightly, tracking the bloodthirsty din.

Turning to Dame, Samuel's smile took on a menacing edge. "See to fortifying our position here. I want every rock secured, every potential shelter reinforced." The first mate dipped her head in solemn acquiescence.

"This is merely the first step in our invasion," Samuel continued, his gravelly voice rising to a fevered pitch. "Soon, the banners of the pirate fleet will fly from every spire and tower across these kingdoms!"

Another raucous cheer rose from the pirates. Seizing the moment, Samuel thrust a fist into the air, silhouetted by the smoldering pyre that had once been a thriving settlement.

"Nothing shall stop our conquest!" he roared. "For we are the true masters of these lands and seas! All shall kneel before the Pirate King!!"

The deafening roar of approval echoed across the shattered coast, a harbinger of the untold destruction and bloodshed to come as Samuel's horde established their first foothold on the road to total domination.
