
The Flow of Time is Broken

Things are not unfolding the way they should. Someone or something is messing with the very fabric of time itself. Events that were never meant to occur are now happening. People who were destined to die remain alive, while others meant to live now find themselves dead. The natural order has been disrupted. Destinies are being rewritten in ways they were not supposed to. Time itself appears to be malfunctioning, causing ripples that violate the way events were originally fated to play out. The rules that govern what is and isn't possible no longer apply. Reality as it was once understood has been thrown into chaos. P.S. - 1: Chapter names are inspiration from th great manga 'Gintama'. Holy fuck it rhymes =============================================================== P.S. - 2: This is a story that I had in mind for past couple of years but because of many things could never put forward but now I might finish it with you guys. There are few stuff that you should know before jumping into it, for first my inspiration for this book is ASOIAF, Kingkiller Chronicles and Malazan empire. Another thing is there is no thing such as plot armr. Last thing to know is that this is story of whole world, so we will not be following a fixed character but keep changing POV. Each volume will take up to a new place where the story will start from the beginning, for example the first volume will set up a big event which will then be addressed later in second volume near the end, third volume will pick up from somewhere in First volume and join in the big event near the end something like this. The world I have in mind have total of five continents and each of this continent share a different world, so each continent will have a different magic system, different culture, different beliefs, different mindsets of people. Later it will be explained why is that.

Rotten007 · Fantasy
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58 Chs

Chapter 36

King Edric paced the length of the council chamber, his boots striking the polished stone floor with deliberate, heavy steps. Around the long table sat his most trusted advisors and military leaders – the seven councillors of the Kingdom of Maridian, three grizzled army generals, two seasoned navy admirals, and of course, his queen Alayna.

Newly arrived was Lady Vaela Alyn, who had been appointed to replace the treacherous Jon Sawbridge after his defection. Her elegant but stern features betrayed no emotion as she took her place among the king's inner circle.

"My lords," Edric began, his deep voice resonating through the chamber. "I have grim news to impart. Our scouts bring word that the pirate Samuel is marshaling his forces to strike at the heart of our kingdom."

A murmur of disquiet rippled through the assembled nobles and officers. Edric raised his hand for silence.

"Make no mistake, this will be no mere raid or skirmish. The dog means to burn and pillage everything in his path until he has reduced our realm to naught but ashes and ruin." His jaw clenched. "We must respond with full martial force and resolve to defend our sovereignty."

The king's eyes found those of his two army generals. "Marshals Alric and Rickard - I want every able-bodied man capable of holding a blade or polearm mustered immediately. We will need to reinforce our coastal fortifications and prepare for an assault from both land and sea."

The two grizzled veterans nodded in grim acknowledgment of the order. Next, Edric addressed the navy admirals.

"Valorn, Tristen - have your ships made ready to put to sea on my command. If the pirates intend to make this a battle on the waves, we must be prepared to meet their challenge."

"It shall be done, Your Majesty," Admiral Valorn replied, his expression steely with determination.

Edric allowed his gaze to sweep across his assembled lords and captains. "Furthermore, I want missives sent out across the kingdom at once. All noble houses are to contribute their available men and resources to the crown's defense without delay."

Lord Byrne, one of the councillors, cleared his throat. "Your Majesty, if I may..." He paused until Edric granted him leave with a curt nod. "What of House Ramsdell? Surely in this hour of dire need we should use their...specialized capabilities?"

A tense silence fell over the council chamber. The Ramsdells were renowned - some would say infamous - throughout the kingdom for their specialized magic. Their bloodline possessed an innate attunement to the specialized eyes. They were widely viewed as a strategic asset, but also during last war they were nearly wiped out and had never recovered. They were currently under special care of king inside the castle but nobody except few knew about that.

Edric's expression hardened. "No," he said flatly. "Not yet. We will hold the Ramsdells in reserve for now - such a magic is best left untapped unless all other avenues are exhausted."

Queen Alayna stirred, locking eyes with her husband from across the table. "My king," she intoned, "I fear we may not have the luxury to be selective. If even half of what our scouts report is true, we face an armada the likes of which Maridian has never before encountered. We must use every advantage, every potential edge we possess."

A muscle twitched in Edric's jaw as he pondered his wife's words. After a tense moment, decided not to ignore them. " Send riders to Eastmarch with all haste. Bring all remaining members of Ramsdell family in secrecy, nobody should get any idea about their downfall." His fist clenched atop the table. "If Samuel wants a war, then by all that is holy, we shall give him one that will be spoken of in hushed tones for generations."

With those ominous words hanging in the air, the king adjourned the council, his mind already turned to the daunting task of rallying and readying his forces. As the nobles and officers filed out, Lady Vaela lingered behind, regarding the Edric with side inscrutable gaze.

She finally spoke once they were alone, her voice low and precise. "You do realize, my liege, the risks of taking this war to the field?"

Edric's expression was grim. "I am all too aware, Lady Vaela. But we cannot afford to leave any potential situation where we look weak specially against an enemy as implacable as the Pirate King."

Vaela inclined her head. "As you say, Your Majesty. I merely caution that to unleash the powers is to open Pandora's box. Once that path is travelled, there is no turning back." With a swirl of her cloak, the king's new advisor took her leave, her words hanging ominously in the air behind her. Edric could only hope that he would not ultimately lead to his kingdom's downfall.


Jon Sawbridge stood tall and resolute, his hazel eyes sweeping over the assembled members of his household. His three wives sat by his side; their faces etched with worry. Adjacent to them sat his eldest son Gus and daughter Miya, both wearing expressions of grim determination far too mature for their youthful ages.

At the foot of the table stood Jon's captain of the guard, Ser Arman Croft, a grizzled veteran whose armor bore the scars of a hundred battles. It was he that the former king addressed, his voice heavy with the weight of their circumstances.

"Give it to me plainly, Ser Arman," Jon said, his tone leaving no room for obfuscation. "How many men can we realistically muster to our banners in defense of my holdings?"

Arman's jaw tightened almost imperceptibly before he responded. "My lord, we can raise no more than sixty thousand fighting men - loyalists from the houses and freeholdings still faithful to your name."

Jon's brow furrowed, not missing the undertone of the guard captain's words. Before he could respond, Arman pressed on.

"However, the scouts' reports estimate Pirate King Samuel to have easily over two million men, sailors, and reavers under his command." He shook his grizzled head slowly. "Even if he sends but a fraction to our shores, we will be vastly outnumbered, my lord."

A tense silence fell over the chamber. Jon slowly turned his gaze to his eldest son, reading the apprehension mixed with smoldering determination in the young man's eyes.

"Gus," he said, his voice softening ever so slightly, "take your mothers and sister, flee from here while you still can. Seek out your brothers Julian and Lewis - it is paramount you unite and find a place of safety beyond the reach of this conflict."

Gus started, eyes widening in outrage and denial. "But Father, I cannot leave you to face this threat alone! Let me gather what men will follow and I shall stand with you until the bitter end-"

"No!" Jon's shout rang out, startling the others. He took a steadying breath before continuing in a calmer tone. "My son, this is not just another dynastic squabble or border conflict. Samuel means to leave a path of utter destruction in his wake. If he cannot be stopped, nowhere will be safe, no refuge will remain."

His fingers tightened on the arms of his chair. "So, you must flee, you must persist and survive to carry on our legacy when this is over." His jaw was set, radiating pure paternal protectiveness. "I will not lose my blood to that butcher's ambition."

Gus looked as though he might protest further, but a gentle hand on his arm from his mother Elara stayed him. With obvious reluctance, he inclined his head in a terse nod of assent.

Jon's gaze shifted back to Arman. "You say Samuel will send a fraction of his forces against me. So be it - let him peel off whatever number he deems sufficient. He is a fool if he thinks mere numbers alone will carry the day."

His expression hardened like chiseled granite. "I have bested far more formidable foes with far less at my disposal. Samuel underestimates me at his own peril."

He rose to his feet, back ramrod straight and eyes blazing with conviction. "Make ready our defenses, Ser Arman. Raise every able man, woman and child that is willing and prepare to defend our lands with every last breath. We will show this pirate whelp the bite behind the wolf's bark."

Arman's face split into a fierce grin as he clasped his mailed fist to his chest in salute. "It shall be done, my lord! The butcher's tide will break against the rocky shores of our resolve."

As the guard captain turned to carry out his orders, Jon cast one last look at his wives and children - a look weighted with determination, but also sorrow and regret. He silently vowed that, win or lose, he would make Samuel and his horde pay in blood for every inch of ground they tried to claim from him. The Pirate King was welcome to try and take the Sawbridge holdings. But as he had told the renegade so boldly before - this kingdom was Jon's birthright. And he would fight with every ounce of his ferocious tenacity to defend it unto his dying breath.

======================== Act – 5 ============================