

"No, you didn't... Tell me you didn't..." George replied, shocked that the Major would do such a thing.

"George... I know that this might seem bad... But I will get the money back. The money is trackable after all, and I have taken a picture of the money as assurance." He said while pulling out his phone and showing it to George.

The serial number... Good thinking..." George replied. "Once we find that son of a gun, I will beat the living shit out of him." He laughed.

"Yeah, you know, it's not so bad... This situation... only a few days ago, we were chased down to be killed..."

George nodded, realizing that he wouldn't have been able to get this far without the sudden gift he had obtained.

"I've been thinking... about your ability."

"What about it, sir?"

"I've been wondering, could someone already know about your ability?"

Upon hearing this, George raised his eyebrows before shaking his head, "That's impossible, sir... I have told no one about it, no one, except for you."

Ivan Sharp sat back down, pondering; he couldn't get rid of the feeling that there might be something beyond this, "I don't know, George, it doesn't make sense that they would go this far to just kill you for being able to kill monsters."

Before George could answer, his phone rang, prompting him to reach for the phone, "It's Drago."

"Drago? Why would he be calling you now?" He asked.

"I don't know..." George replied before answering the call.

"George! I need you to come to where I am!" Drago screamed so loudly to the point that Ivan could hear him.

"What the heck does he want?" Ivan whispered.

"I don't know." George replied before putting the phone back in his ears, "What's going on?" He asked.

"I don't have time to explain to you! But you must bring all our money to this address..." Drago continued to give an address before ending the call abruptly.

"What was that about..." George confusedly put down the phone.

"Sounds like a trap to me. He wants to take all the money and bail out quickly. After all, our millions are enough for him to retire for a few generations." Major Ivan replied quickly, noting the suspicious tone on Drago's and the sudden call.

"Yeah, I can see that..." Before staring at the Major, George said, "So, what are we gonna do about this?" He asked.

Ivan smiled, "That son of a bitch has our money... Let's go take it."


"This is the place?" George asked.'

The both of them were standing in front of an abandoned factory with a pile of cash in their hand, walking inside the factory without thinking twice.

As they entered, they heard a quick step walking up to them.

"Do you have the money?" Drago asked as he walked up towards them.

"It's here." George raised the bag of cash and threw it toward Drago, "So, why do you need it?"

"None of your business." Drago replied as he checked through the bag of money before he stood up and stared at both of them, "This is not all of the money. Where is the rest?"

"That's your share of the money. You want more? Explain to us what is going on and why you took the 400 thousand dollars..." Major Ivan replied.

"You know what, this is enough, and one more thing, I would like to speak with George alone; why don't you wait outside?" Drago said to Ivan.

"No chance, buddy," Ivan said, feeling like something weird would happen.


A door opened somewhere in the factory, causing both George and Ivan to be alerted by the sound.

"Relax... It is just one of my friends..." Drago said before another Russian-looking man walked up to them.

Ivan stepped backward before approaching George, "I recognize him; he is not just another Russian hunter, he is a ranker, among the top 100. And wherever he goes, his team follows."

"Shit... You don't mean..."

"Yeah, this is not a trap but a death sentence..." Major Ivan said before they ran to the exit as fast as they could.

The door was still open, they could see the exit, but suddenly they saw the door closing in front of them.


The door slammed shut; one of the rankers team members had already been waiting in front of the door to close it. "The window!" Ivan shouted before they tried jumping at it, but their whole body stopped right in front of the window.

"Crap! It's too late!"

"What's going on??"

"That ranker, son of a bitch used his ability on us!" Ivan replied before their body was suddenly dropped to the floor.

As George stood up, he saw the ranker putting his hand down, his face sweating profusely from using his ability. "He can't use his ability anymore! Run!" George shouted before he ran to the window, having a gun pointed at his face from the other side.

"Major, I never wanted you to be involved with this. All I wanted was him." Drago said

George looked confused as he stared at Drago, "What the heck do you want me for?" He asked, confused.

"Your ability to get information. It is... very precious. But, you know, since both of you are here, I guess I will have to let you stay here." Drago replied.

"Not gonna happen..." Ivan said while drawing his gun out to shoot the ranker before the ranker quickly used his telepathic abilities to throw the gun away as fast as he could, "Shit!" Ivan shouted as he ran to the gun before another Russian jumped in and snatched the gun away.

Damon stopped, knowing that he too had a gun concealed, if he could reach out for it and shoot himself, he would be able to get away from this problem and go back in the past.

As he saw the russian ranker looking away to take a breath, he withdrew his gun.