

George ran down as fast as he could; his mind couldn't process what had just happened in front of him; as he reached the stairs, he exited the door and saw the clone's body lying on the floor.

He then looked away and continued running towards the gate before the guards who were trapped in the building saw him come out of the emergency door. "He's there! Catch him!" One of them shouted as they all ran after him, causing George to look back.

But he didn't see any of the guards chasing after him. Instead, he saw the clone standing up as if taking a nap and started running after him at high speed, "Shit! Jefferson, the cyborg son of a ████ is chasing after me!!!" He screamed as he could hear the steps coming closer.

"Hold on! Jump to the side!!!" Jefferson shouted.

George, who was extremely good at following orders jumped to the side even though he didn't know what it was for.

Suddenly the van that Agent Jefferson was in passed by him before hitting the clone away. "Get in!" Jefferson shouted as he opened the van's back door while security guards opened fire on the van, causing George to crawl into the van.

As George entered the van and closed the door, Jefferson quickly hit reverse, causing George to tumble backwards, "What the hell?!"

"That thing stood up again!" Jefferson said while pointing at the clone, who stood up and started walking towards the van.

Seeing this, George quickly winded down the window and started shooting at the clone, increasing its pace.

Suddenly a loud burst of sound came from the under the car; one of the tires had been shot flat by one o the security guards. Agent Jefferson then increased the speed of his car and started going on the road. "Sir, I need backup, please!" Jefferson shouted through his phone before ending the call.

"So what did he say?" George asked while he laid his back on the chair.

"They can't send backup. We will have to reach the base or-"

"Or what?!" The clone shouted before punching through the van window, causing the broken glass to cut George's face. With a quick reaction, George opened the door and kicked it with both legs, causing the door to hit the clone away, only tumbling it slightly.

The clone regained its footing and caught up to the van almost immediately; Jefferson then hit the brake, causing the back of the van to swing towards the clone, causing him to fly away again off the overpass and hit the ground on the road below.

As Jefferson tried driving, the three other tires left on the van burst simultaneously from the bullets the security guards shot. "George, you carry the Senator; I will carry the rest of the bags." Jefferson said as he took the bags inside the van.

As George carried the Senator on his back. They heard police cars driving there. Jefferson then raised his hands and waved them.

The siren of the police got louder as they got closer, "We need help!" George shouted as he pulled out his corporal army badge and showed it to the police.


"Goddamit, this mission is a mess! You exploded the toilet??? And George, how can you leave the suitcase there???!!!" The General shouted.

Jefferson and George didn't answer; their mind couldn't find anything that may satisfy the General.

The General sighed before looking at the recording they showed him before he paused at the image of Brad Roth's clone. "What the hell did you do?" He whispered as he looked at the soulless image of the clone before turning to the both of them, "What do you think that guy maybe? Do you really think that the chip can do just that? To turn people into mindless zombies?"

George then shook his head, "Sir, I don't know. But I do know this, that thing there is not human and never was; it felt metallic more than anything, and for the chip, I think you know what should be done."

The General nodded, "Do you visit your father time to time?" He asked.

George stood there confused as he didn't know why the General asked about his father so suddenly, "I don't, sir. I and he are not that close."

"Well, forget that I even ask then." He said before sitting down and looking through the pictures of the clone, "Both of you are dismissed."


As they both walked out of the tent that the General was in, Jefferson started shaking his head, "You know, when this place we call home was being terrorized with monsters, I thought that this world had become so strange, everyone decided to put away their differences, but now, sigh, what the hell. Im going back home." He said, looking stressed up and exiting the military base gate.

George waited till Jefferson was out of sight before he pulled out his phone and dialled a number, "Major, are you free?"

"I am, what's going on?"

"I've just finished with the mission. Should we talk?" He asked.

"Sure. at McDonald's?"

"Yeah, sure."


As George entered the restaurant, he started scanning it before he heard someone calling for him, "George! Here!" He heard the Major calling for him.

As he turned, he saw the Major waving his hands, "How was it?"

"The mission?"

"Yeah." The Major responded.

"Its a mess." George said as he sat down on the table as he unwrapped the cheeseburger.

As he bit into the sandwich, he looked around, "What about the Russian guy, Drago? Isn't he coming."

The Major chuckled as he took a sip out of his cola, "That guy hasn't responded to my call for two days; in fact, he has blocked me."

George covered his face in a sigh before looking at the Major, "Goddamit, we should have known better than to hand him the money."

"You're going to hate me for this, but I also gave him about 300 thousand dollars of our money to keep it somewhere."