
The First Monster

Danu Douglas was tired. She was tired of running, tired of fighting, and tired of crying. She knew it was weak of her to want to give up, but losing Daniel had been her last straw. All she wanted now was a nice place to rest her head, a regular routine, and somewhere where her demons couldn’t find her. So when Daniel had offered her a place to hide with his dying breath, she felt that whatever god had given her this lousy fate was at least trying to make it up to her. Too bad she had been wrong. Just like she had always worried, she was pretty sure that there was no god. No one to call out to when she needed help. No one to rescue her when things got too hard, and certainly no one who was going to mourn her death. After all, she couldn’t die.

CalyB · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs

New Life

Danu wasn't exactly sure what to make of the situation she found herself in.

To most, she knew what she stood in front of was a school, but given the last two weeks she'd had, she worried that it was going to come alive and swallow her whole. 

Swallowing, she tightened her grip on the duffle bag she had on her shoulder, the small, carry on suitcase held in her grip by her side. The gate before her felt like the maw of a beast, ready to pounce at her. Even the flow of loose fabric near her knees wasn't enough to sway her thoughts. She knew that this place wasn't a nightmare for most, and if she was honest, it wasn't for her either, but she was nervous. Very nervous. For some reason, this felt like her last chance. Her last chance to be normal. 

Taking in the surroundings, she noted the black metal fence, the large hedges that boarded the fence on either side. The wrought iron gates the kept out outsiders, and kept in the children. Down the well placed stone path she could see a beautiful fountain, splashing water in a pleasant burbling fashion. Even the sound of birdsong could be heard. Large, beautiful trees boarded the pathways, bringing a bright, sunny disposition to that side of the gate.

Danu could see the school buildings in the distance, and was able to make out the stunning architecture from here. There was one large, grandiose building that she assumed was the main school building, while the other three were smaller, and separated from each other. She assumed that these were the dorms that Daniel had mentioned in his letter. The cold, white plaster on the outside of the buildings made them look like the belonged in Europe, as if they were part of a castle. That was the surprising part. 

She was currently in Japan. Not some European country. 

Her grip was too tight on the handle of her suitcase, and a loud snapping noise filled the air. She cursed in her mind, loosening her grip. Thinking about Daniel did that to her, so she tried not to do that too often.

She inhaled shakily, before exhaling. If she recalled correctly, the reason why this place stuck out like a sore thumb was because originally, this land had belonged to the Yakuza. The Japanese mob. Funnily enough, it was also owned by the Japanese government. That would have seemed odd if you were ignorant to what had happened in this area, and why a joint venture like this existed in the first place. 

About 120 years ago, in an area outside of Nara, a large explosion occurred. What the public was told was that a power plant had exploded, but it wasn't harmful. In truth, it was actually an experimental chemical plant. Once the chemicals infused into the air and the land, strange things began to happen. Animals and plants became distorted, warped. No one was studying these changes either since the government wanted to sweep their mistake under the rug. And since the government had moved most people away out of concern, that left lots of perfectly 'fine' towns and homes for a certain group to move into. 

That's right, the mob moved in. 

Once the government saw that people were moving back, without checking nor caring who they were at the time, they allowed the general public to move back in. After all, there were no problems with radiation. That they had checked. It wasn't until a few years later that it became obvious what had happened. In a 12 kilometer radius around the explosion site everything in that area's dna was changed. This resulted in children being born with...strange abilities. Some had horns or other growths on their bodies, while others had semi normal and easily explained away conditions, like intelligence, or enhanced physical strength. Others were born with powers from comic books. Fire power, enhanced speed, elemental control, mind reading abilities, added limbs. Things no one would have ever expected. 

Thus, the unusual alliance was born. The government never wanted to admit that they had fucked up, and the Yakuza were good at taking advantage of another's weaknesses. So, they began building this school. As far as Danu knew, there weren't a lot of children attending, and it was staffed almost entirely by former students. 

Well, until now, that is. 

Danu was supposed to be a new hire, a new teacher to fill in for a spot that they had posted internally. The only reason she even knew that this place existed was because of her best friend, Daniel. Or, her former best friend. 

Daniel had gifted her this opportunity by surprise. He'd been planning to give it to her once the mission had been finished, but instead, he'd gotten injured, and tragically, didn't make it. He had wanted to her out of her past situation. This was a kindness that had a blood debt attached, and gods above, Danu wasn't going to be the one who broke that.

It wasn't like she had much of a choice in saying no, either. She had no where else to go once she ran away. 

"Danu! What are you doing waiting outside of the gate? I gave you the code to get in, didn't I? Never mind that, come on in! The others are so excited to meet you." A man who looked exactly like Daniel raced forward, punching some numbers into a small keypad by the iron gate before it slowly swung open. Danu tried her best to compose herself. His name was Kenji Shibata and he happened to be Daniel's older brother who had stayed in Japan while Daniel had gone abroad. Of course, Daniel hadn't been his given name, but that was all Danu knew him as, and it was also what he had insisted everyone call him as. Kenji had the same broad shoulders, the same warm smile and warm eyes. The difference between the two was that one went to Canada and became a police officer before joining the military, while the other stayed in Japan and became a yakuza member. Low in the hierarchy so Danu had been told, but Daniel would have rolled in his grave if he didn't already know this. 

"Sorry, I wasn't quite sure what time I should be here. I also lost the piece of paper that had the code on it." She admitted, and Kenji raised an eyebrow, no doubt taking in her appearance.

Danu had taken some measures so that she wouldn't be recognised on accident. She had changed how she dressed, changed her hair colour, and had even gotten long, press on nails. Her hair before had been a rather plain brown shade, but now instead was a vibrant red colour. She'd had no idea how to bleach hair before this, but had used the help of the internet to get her through as she'd done it in a bathroom while on a layover. The clothes? They were just outwardly feminine in nature, unlike how she had dressed before. She also wore heels, the squeezing pain a welcome feeling considering that she'd only been allowed to wear combat boots before this. Danu had a feeling that she wasn't what Kenji had expected when his brother had messaged him about offering her a position at the school.

"Do you have the schedule I sent you then?" When Danu didn't answer, he grinned, shaking his head. "Well, it's not a big deal. I can get you another easily." He waited for her to enter through the gates before he closed them behind her with a grin. Then, he began to lead her towards the front doors. "Everyone's anxious to meet you. You're the first non-Japanese to show up at our school and everyone is super curious about you. They also want to know what you can do." He teased, giving her a wink while Danu gave a slight smile, her heart racing. She really didn't want to show them anything that she had gotten from that place if she could help it.

From what she understood, Kenji thought that Danu had been around this area long enough to get infected, or at least her Mom had. She was never going to correct him in any way unless it was an absolute necessity. Daniel had written Kenji a letter about Danu before he had passed, before he had even told Danu about his plan for her. So now that Danu was here, a somewhat free woman trying to live free after 10 hellish years, she wanted to make sure she took full advantage. Without harming those around her. 

Danu followed after Kenji, noticing that he was carrying a small baggy. Noticing her stare, he smiled, handing it over. "This has your keycard that will get you into the teacher's dorms. Only a couple of us stay on campus and you'll be the only one staying on 24/7 until you find a place. Be careful. The kids might try to take advantage of that." Danu laughed at his statement, thinking he was joking until she met his serious gaze. "You haven't met the hellions yet so don't think it's easy to ignore them. You'll be in charge of languages and physical education. For the most part, all teachers share the duty of teaching classes because some of the kids are that much of a handful." She nodded, taking his words in seriously. Kenji exhaled heavily. "Plus, one of the kids is next in line to inherit one of the Clans in the area. He's been making a lot of ruckus, getting into a lot of fights with the other students. I know you're ex military, and can probably handle yourself, but I suggest you avoid them if you can. Being ex government body isn't going to win you any stars here." Danu took his words into consideration, mulling over them. She knew that she would run into real gang members, at least real young ones, but she had no idea one of them was going to be the next head of an organization. Given what Kenji wasn't saying, it sounded like the little pose was getting away with anything. That and the parents were probably big supporters of the school. She'd better be careful. 

Kenji opened the main door, and Danu found herself in a historian's wet dream. The place had to modeled after western castle design, which only freaked her out more. Sweeping staircases, marble tiles everywhere. This truly felt more like a castle than a school. Who had funded this? Why had they poured so much money into this? Was marble easier to clean blood off of? Was that it?

She was appreciative of the sound her pumps made against the tiles. Enjoying the sound of the clicking, Kenji glanced back at her and smiled at her happy expression. 

After going up the grand staircase, she found that the rest of the building did feel like a school. Long hallways, lots of doors and easy to read signs, it felt like a rich boarding school in Europe, not Japan. A sudden, awful feeling filled her chest. 


Lots of these kids would never be able to travel out of the country. They wouldn't be able to go to Europe or North America. They would have to live through the stories they read online, or whatever their friends brought back. Suddenly, her confused, ignorant words struck her heart and she winced. She took it back. It was totally okay that they had poured so much money into this school. She was cool with it now. 

"Kenji, it is alright that I call you Kenji, right?" Danu asked, concerned and Kenji shot her a smile over his shoulder. 

"I've never been one to care. You can call me Kenji. Probably call others by their last names, but we have a special connection. I'm calling you Danu even if you don't call me by my first name." He wasn't flirting with her. Danu gathered that was just how Kenji was. She shook her head as he continued to lead her down a hallway.

"Alright, well, Kenji, how many students are in the school?" She asked and he snorted.

"Already asking serious questions? You haven't even met the other teachers yet. They're going to tease you for being so serious about your job, Danu." He teased with an easy smile. Danu responded with a soft smile of her own. 

"Funny enough, Kenji, I'm the easiest-going member of my former troop." Kenji laughed. 

"Well, you had Daniel in your group, so I'll buy that." He glanced at her, concern flashing in his eyes briefly. "You got out okay? Got to say goodbye properly? I know you were delayed because of some personal issues." Danu sighed, before giving Kenji a reassuring smile.

"Don't worry, I said everything I needed to." She promised him, flashes of the night she'd left. 

The sirens as she ran. 

Kenji had paused by a door, above in easy to read letters 'teacher's lounge'. He had a rather serious expression on his face. "I'm glad that he had good friends with him until the end. Brings me comfort." He opened his mouth, closed it, before opening it again. "They told me it was an illness." Danu's heart shredded in her chest and she swallowed. She didn't feel like she deserved the words Kenji had spoken, but she felt that if she disclosed that Daniel's death had been partially her fault he would never forgive her. She also knew that wasn't something Daniel himself would want. So, swallowing her pain, she patted Kenji's shoulder.

"Yeah. He contracted it on one of our missions. When we realised what had happened, nothing could stop it. We tried everything." The lie felt hollow on her tongue, but Kenji nodded. He exhaled, before he perked up. 

"Alright, enough of that. You're here now and that's all that's important. Daniel wanted you to get out, he could see what it was doing to you, and now you're here. Getting stuck in the past only hurts you and the ones who are still here." Sage advice from the yakuza member. "Anyways, here is the lounge. The crew's all here, so play nice, will ya?" He teased before he opened the door. Danu, who had heard the soft murmuring from the other side before the door opened paused when the room went quiet. 

It wasn't a huge space, but it was indeed quite big for how few were inside. Several couches were tucked against one wall where a small coffee and tea station was set up. Several cubicles were also set up, more then the people who were actually in the room. It seemed that they had prepared for expansion so that they wouldn't have to build this place twice. A few doors were along the far wall, appearing to be closed off offices. Danu took everything in before turning her gaze onto the six teachers before her. 

Some of them had quite obvious mutations, like horns. One even slightly resembled a goat, and Danu tried to ignore that resemblance. The rest were seemingly normal, but she didn't trust that. The simple fact that Daniel came from this area alone was enough for her to be on high alert. One lady, while outwardly normal in appearance, was glowing. She also gave Danu a bright smile as well. 

"Another female teacher! I'm so excited!" She exclaimed, before she pounced on Danu and wrapped her arms around her. The man with goat horns snorted.

"What the fuck is up with her? She looks like a classic yankee." Danu blinked, surprised at his attitude. How dare he say that to her? Didn't he know who she was. 


No he didn't know who she was. No one did. That was the whole point. 

Her ears turned red in embarrassment, each group reading it in a different way. The teachers thought it was because she was hurt that he had called her a yankee. Danu knew it was because she had so easily slipped into old habits and she needed to change, quickly. 

"I, ah, it's the first time I've had the freedom to dye my hair or have fake nails so..." She trailed off. He snorted and looked away from her. Danu tried not to react, but the urge to treat him manners swelled inside of her. 

"Anyways, this is the friend of my brother, Danu Douglas. He recommended her and since we were hiring, I suggested her as well. She's from Canada but when her Mom was pregnant with her she had quite the stint in the area and that's how she came about. She's one of us, Daniel vouched for her. So be kind to her." Danu, who had some knowledge of Japanese culture, but not enough to be an expert in every day interactions, bowed. She wasn't sure if this was the right thing to do until she made eye contact with Kenji and he gave her a thumbs up. "Anyway, I'll introduce you to everyone. That lady who attacked you is Reiko Hitori and she's a science teacher here. Next would be the goat freak, Gin Sasaka. Ignore him, he's a math teacher and our arch enemy." Reiko was your classic, small Japanese woman. She was soft, with gentle, rounded features and warm brown eyes. Danu felt that she was playing up her looks, but who was she to judge? Gin however was a fairly rough looking individual, even without the horns. His clothing was in shambles, his hair was a mess. His eyes were quite the same size and his way of speaking wasn't exactly polite. 

"Watch it Kenji. I'll kick your ass." Kenji gave him the middle finger. 

"Fucking try me. Next, we have the blondie, Makoto Sato. He's in charge of, well, club activities, and world history. Don't let his looks deceive you, he's the best shot in the school." Makoto Sato was a pretty boy, and Danu didn't trust him as far as she could throw him. He was well dressed and his smile was insincere. "We also have Minoru Ota and he's in charge of math as well. Then we have Iwagawa Yamamoto and he's Reiko's right hand here." He tsked. "Right. We kinda all help out with club activities. It's like afterschool classes for the most part, but fun. Is there anything you're particularly good at?" He asked and Danu frowned thoughtfully. 

"No?" She answered. She didn't want to brag, but she was pretty good at everything. She felt that if she said that it wasn't going to be received well. 

"Don't worry, we'll find something for you. I'm sure the military taught you something, right? Probably different from ours, right Keitaro?" He was referring to the last one she hadn't met. He was missing an eye and for some reason Danu felt she didn't want to get close to him. "Keitaro served in our military before coming back, and he's also a language teacher, like you! He's also really good at judo and karate. I'm in charge of physical education with you. The one subject we all share is art. You are good at some art, right?" His tone took on a desperate tone and Danu tilted her head to the side, confused. 

"I learned how to play an instrument in high school. Does that count?" She asked and someone let out a sigh of relief. 

"Oh thank the gods, someone can actually read music." Danu wanted to ask, but forced that curiosity down. It wasn't worth it. She was here to get her freedom, but get attached to these people. She was probably only going to be here for a year before moving on. Think of this as like a secret mission, but this time it was going to have a good ending. It had to. 

Hey guys. This is just a fun story for me. I probably won't update this one like crazy, but thank you so much for reading. I hope you enjoy Danu :)

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