
The First Mage On Earth

After the disappointing first day of high school, Oscar fell into some weird cave. What he found at the cave changed his life forever. He discovered the mana! With the discovery of mana, everything around him changed. While he was learning magic, he noticed that the world around him isn't as simple as it seems. From an immature and inexperienced high school boy, he will rise to become the legendary figure in history books. He will face the darkness of humanity and the enemies who are beyond humans. This is the new version of my previous story which has the same name. The story will be slow-paced. There isn't much action in the first chapters. Everything in this story is fictional. The names of the people and institutions made up by me.

Shadow_Smoke · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
111 Chs


Ocean... As far as the eye can see everywhere in the ocean. The sky is cloudless and bright blue. It's a weird scene. Everything is blue. I don't know how but I'm standing on top of the water.

I can smell the scent of the ocean. If this is a dream, how the hell I can smell? But... It must be a dream. I'm walking on water right now. It shouldn't be possible. Ugh...

I saw the water shaking under my feet. It was weird. There is no wave but the water is shaking. I tried to see where this shaking comes from. What I saw was a giant blue cocoon.


"Hmm...? Ugh... My head hurts, my eyes are itching. What happened to me? Where am I?"

I get up from where I was lying. My vision is blurry, I can't see around me. I can only see something blue.

My head is hurting like hell. It feels like it's going to crack open. Ugh... What the heck is going on?! I tried to move my body but I fell to the ground. My whole body is hurting. Before I noticed, I passed out.


"What should I do, nibi? A human fell here, nibi."

A snow-white rabbit was jumping around in an underground cave. It was yelling in a childish voice and panic was clear in its voice. Its crimson eyes were focused on the brown-haired boy from time to time.

It was a peaceful night for the rabbit. It was sleeping beside the magical lake. Ever since it gained powers far superior to its peers from the magical lake, it made protecting the lake its life's mission.

But suddenly cave shook and part of the ceiling collapsed. From it, a human fell to the ground. Its whole body was bloody from the fall. It was ready to attack but seeing the hurt human it couldn't attack him.

A brown-haired boy a few minutes later get up from where he was lying. He tried to move but he once again fell and hit his head. Rabbit panicked even harder after seeing this. It knew that human bodies were fragile. It can remember the death of that girl when she hit her head on the ground.

While it was thinking about what to do with humans, the water of the lake start shaking.

"Nibi? By chance, you want the human, nibi?"

The rabbit furrowed its brows. Since two years from the time it gained sentience and powers this was the first time lake acted weirdly. Still, it took a deep breath and easily carried the boy's body to the lake. It threw him into the lake and watched as the boy's body fell to the depths of the lake.

"After this, he should gain powers like me, nibi. It's better he would be willing to help protect the lake, nibi."


I felt a cooling sensation all over my body. It felt nice. After some time my body became numb. Somehow all of my senses were lost and my mind became cloudy.

I lost my sense of time. I don't know how much time passed. But I somehow was able to keep my consciousness. I can feel that my senses are slowly kept coming back. I can feel my body somehow become different.

When finally all of my senses come back I realized I was underwater. Unlike normal times I didn't feel pressure or need to keep my breath. Somehow I was able to breathe normally.

"What the heck?"

I swim to what I assumed was the surface. It took me longer than I thought. It seems like I was five or six meters deep from the surface. It might not be much but it certainly was enough to kill someone.

When I get to the surface I realized that I was in some underground lake. I swim to the shore and get out from the weird water. There was snow-white ruby eyed rabbit curiously looking at me. I wanted to know what it was doing here but I was too tired. I lay down next to the rabbit and slept there.


"He slept, nibi. It's understandable, I also kept falling asleep when I first gained powers, nibi."

The rabbit muttered to itself while watching the boy. It was familiar with this process. After all, it experienced the same thing. It didn't know why or how it worked but while the magical lake granted them to power it affected their bodies at first.

"Oscar! Where are you?!"

"Oscar! Can you hear us?!"

The rabbit heard the voices of humans from the opening of the ceiling. It squinted its eyes at the ceiling, more specifically to the crack. More humans usually mean more trouble and conflict.

It looked at the lake to see any reactions. If the lake itself wanted them, it would obligate but apparently, the lake didn't care. Then the rabbit decides to make them unconscious and deal with them after the boy wakes up.

It leaped to the crack on the ceiling. While it was leaving it failed to notice the changes that occurred on the boy's body.

It's a little short but here we go. This will be the new version. There will be many differences between the old one and this new one.

I will try to keep chapters at the 1k word but I'm not promising. Some chapters may be shorter some may be longer. If you have any thoughts regarding the story write them in the comments.

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