
General Information

Magic System

First of all mana. Mana is the energy every being who uses magic possesses. Normal human bodies can't produce mana only some with special bloodlines or hybrids can.

Magic is the manipulation of the mana. While there will be magic with chants there is also chant less magic. Their difference is that mages have to manually shape the mana to perform magic while chant itself is the automatic shaping of the mana. Mana responds to intent and with putting intent on words chants are created.

Magic Circles are visualized form of the spells. Higher the level of the spell more complex the magic circle.

Magic and Spell Levels

Levels of magic are determined by how complex the magic and spells of the said magic and their required mana amounts.

Also, magics are like systems of several spells of the same attribute.

Novice Level

The spells of this level are the basics of most magic. Mostly the 6 common elements; fire, water, wind, earth, light, and dark have novice-level spells. They need at most several words of chants to activate. They have the most basic magic circles.

Mid Level

They need at least a sentence of chants to activate. This level also includes several basic spells of the rare and complex attributes or elements. Space, Nature, Gravity, and Matter Magic are examples.

Advanced Level

This is the known limit of almost every mage or mana user can reach. Required chants are 5 sentences at the minimum. Every known element or attribute magic has spells of this level.

Planetary Level

The level of the legends. Only legends are known to be able to reach this level and even they are believed to be mostly false.


Mysterious energy exists in every world and dimension. No one can actually be able to control it. It only flows through the air. When it connects earth or water it's believed to disappear.

Hex System

Hex is an energy similar to mana. Only those who possess Hex Bloodline can use or produce this power. Hex is produced by burning one's vitality, those creating an energy similar to life energy every being has.

Unlike Mana, Hex is more focused on the body of the user. It can create effects that rival most of the advanced-level spells.

(I will add more information when the story reach to point of Hex Story Arc)


Spirits are the race of beings made of Mana. They can instinctively cast spells and magics. No one else can use mana aside from them. At least that was how it was for thousands of years.

Some of them have physical bodies but most of them have ethereal bodies. All of them have one thing in common, spirit cores. Spirit core is the heart of the spirit. All of their power and their essence are originated from here. Every spirit has minor or major concepts and they are located inside of the core. Also, legends say, the first spirit was born from the crystallization of the concept of death.

The power rankings of spirits according to Kairi:

The Inferior Class is also known as The Citizen Class

The Middle Class

The High Class

The Great Class

The Deity Class

They are ranked according to their amount of mana and personal strength.

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