
Overlord Kenichi

The entire camp was on edge as the two visiting foreign Overlords sat and ate breakfast with the local group.

Now that the Drake Riders were here, it was clear why the Overlords had stuck around, and why it was so important that the extra group of Elites be sent away. 

If they could see that there were twenty or more Elites who were qualified to be training in this dungeon, they would have realized that the instance had stabilized and was repeatable before they had made the deal, and they likely wouldn't have offered whatever it was that Overlord Ahmad was so happy to see.

Instead, they would have gone with a less valuable offer from the start. 

The fact that nobody tried to argue for more likely told them fairly quickly that they had misjudged the situation, but the deal was made, and everything was peaceful for the moment, so they would have to take the markup, and call it the price of training their Mages.