
Eternal Troubles

None of them were sleeping deeply, except for Lotus under the [Disintegration] bubble that Cara had erected over them while they slept.

At first, Karl thought that it must take a lot of energy to keep an attack spell active all night like that, but the void badger used it like a tripwire. There was almost no energy in it until something touched it and woke her up, then she would lash out at them.

With [Eternal Lightning] active, it was no burden at all, and she could keep it active without interrupting her normal night's rest.

So, that was what she did, and took full advantage of the fact that they had a small person for her to cuddle like a stuffed toy.

The first few hours after their arrival, the monsters seemed just as confused to be here as Karl was to see them there. But once they got their bearings, they began to spread out and stake their claim on the surrounding areas.