
The Dual

There back in the village were Reis heads to the guild hall to let them know the goblin problem has been dealt with. When Steven and Frey head back to the inn there meet by a big guy.  He looks at Steven and Frey as they enter the inn. Giving them a menacing look. Don't mind him Steve. Lets just go and get our things we have left in the room and then get Merybell. Frey saya as they go up the stairs. Who is he? Steven asks. I don't know but he looked like he's looking to pick a fight. Best not to draw attention to ourselves while we have that there holy sword. Frey says pointing to the sword in arms. I think it's best not to draw attention to ourselves even if we didn't have it.  Steven Says. They head into there room and begin to back there stuff. So what should we do with this sword? Steven asks while they pack. Well we keep it of course. Frey replies. Wouldn't want to waste a perfectly good holy sword. But more importantly a holy sword wielder. He contiones. A what? Steven replies. Well you see it's very rare that someone is able to wield a holy sword. In Fact i'm pretty sure you need the soul of a hero to use one. He responds. A what? Steven ask. It's nothing just an old legend. Anyway you almost done packing yet? He asks. yeah i'm ready. How about you? He responds. Yeah, can you collect all of Reis stuff while I go ahead and get Merrybell ready? Sure. Steven answers. Frey leaves to go get Merrybell. Steven begins to start getting all of Reis things together when he hears a bump at the window. He walks over to it to see the man from early standing across the street with a girl looking at his direction. Steven walks away from the window. And finishes getting Reis stuff. He heads down the stairs and out to Frey and Merrybell. They being to load the wagon when the mystoures man walks up to them. So you think you can disappear for a few years and just show back up and not say anything to me. Frey turns around and looks at him. Umm, sorry but i don't think I know you. Frey says. Not you old man. That old man. He says pointing at Steven. Umm, I really don't know you buddy. Steven says. The man pulls his sword out and points it at Steven. Look you may have changed out swords and changed appears a little but I would never forget your face. Immortal Hero. He says. Umm, no I'm Steven and I can assure you I'm not him. Steven repils. Really prove it. I challenge you to a duel. If you win I believe you but if you lose. Then you have to admit your him. He says. I really rather not. Besides who are you? Steven asks. As if you really don't know I am Muramasa. He says. The Master sword elf correct. Frey asks. Yes. You know me then. He asks. I heard of your story. But I can assure you that Steven isn't the immoral hero. Iv meet him and he's never as cheerful as Steve here. That's true. But maybe he's faking it to deceive you. He says. Well i'm not. But if a stupid dual is what you want then i'll play. No killing though right. Steven says. Of course. But I don't think killing you is possible immortal hero. He replies. Steven what did we talk about not drawing attention to yourself. Frey asks. I know. But this dual sounds kind of fun. Steven draws the holy sword and looks over at Muramasa. Are you ready? Yea I am. He replies. They look at each other. Muramasa takes the first swing and Steven parys it and swings the flat edge at Muramasa landing a non lethal blow. Muramasa tries to swing but Steven side steps the attack kicks him in the side knocking him over. You sure are good. I'm just surprised you changed which hand you use your sword. Muramasa says as he jabs toward Steven. Iv always been right handed you crazy guy. Steven replies avoiding his attack. That's a nice new shiny sword you got there I notice. What the black one got to old for you. Muramasa says trying to catch Steven in the shoulder. Steven counters with a kick to Muramasa chest. A new fighting style as well. You really have changed i'll give you that. Muramasa says. I told you i'm not him! Steven yells. Steven lands a blow to Muramasa chin with the hilt of his sword knocking him down and Steven jumps on him and points his sword tip at Muramasa. But a magical shield appears in from of Muramasa. That enough. The lady who was with Muramasa early stands a few feet away pointing a staff at Steven. Toa that's not necessary. I know when i'm bested. Muramasa says. He gets up and sheaths his sword. You may not be him but you sure are good with a sword. Tell me what's your name. Steven. And i'm not really all that good. I just kinda dodge and waited for a good opening. Steven replies. Whatever you say. Toa were leaving lets go. He yells to Toa. Alright i'm coming. She replies. Well i'll admit i didn't see you winning. Frey comes over to Steven. So why didn't you ever tell me you a sword master? Eh. Frey asks. Because i'm not. I just know how to counter attack well. I really wasnt ever any good at offense attacks. He left himself open and most his attacks and I just took advantage. Steven replies. You idiot! Reis yells as she comes running over. She slaps him and stares at him. What are you thinking? Fighting monsters is one thing. Getting into fights with people is another. She begins to scold him. He started it. Steven responds. I don't care who started it. And you. She turns and looks at Frey. You should have never allowed it. She continue. Look they both agreed to not fatal wound each other and what was I supposed to do. The guy was nuts. Frey responds in defence. You to are lucky you didn't attract any guards. She says. I don't think they would have got involved Reis. That was Muramasa. He's well known around as a powerful sword elf I doubt they want to have to fight him. Frey adds. I don't care. What happens if Steven would have been hurt? Or worse. Have you forgot he wants to go back home. Well he can't do that if he die! She says. Calm down Reis I wouldn't let him get hurt that badly. Now come on we're heading home. I'm still mad at you Frey. and you to Steve. Ok i'll make up to you later ok? Steven replies. Huh. yeah later. We let's go home. They get in the wagon and leave the town.

    So was it him Muramasa? Marksfield says talking to Toa and Muramasa. I'm pretty sure it's him. Its at least a very cable fighter Muramasa recipes. Should I tell the Lionheart he's worth having join her little team? Marksfield asks. Well i'm not going to say no. After all i would love to have another dual with him. Muramasa says with sinister smile. Well i'll let her know. She may get the lost immortal hero to join her team after all. Marksfield says while walking away.