
The Secrets of a Cave

They are in the forest nearing the cave Reis had pick as their first area they wanted to search. As they begin to approach they here the leaves around them begin to russell. I don't think were alone. Frey says surveying the area. He swings his axe out from behind him and gets in a battle stance. Get ready! He yells. Steven unsheathes his sword and Reis readys here bow. Then from all sides goblins jump out and attack. Frey cuts through five with ease. Steven takes two out in rapid succession. Reis takes out three more the rest turn and retreat towards the cave. Well at least we know for sure were there hiding. Now let's go. Frey yells as he begins to chase the goblins. Steven and Reis follows. As they near the cave Frey stops and pulls out a stick. He hits it with the side of his axe and it light on fire. Reis whispers something and a glowing light appears in front of her. Stay close to us Steven it's probably dark in here. Reis says and heads into the cave. As they begin to defend into the cave they find evidence that something has been living down there. Animal bones and other waste item litter the floors. Along with what appear to be crud warning signs. I think don't want us to come this way. Silly little goblins. Frey says. Is the warning for us or someone else. Reis says as they go deeper into the cave. You know I'm starting to think were not alone down here. Steven says as they continue down the cave. A loud growl is heard coming from deeper in the cave. Sounds like more then just goblins in this cave. Sounds like there might be some trolls. Frey says. I wonder if trolls kick goblins out of there home and that's why they wandered close to the town. Reis says. It's certainly possible. Tho they usually travel together so I'm not sure why they wouldn't be in here together. Frey adds. They continue down until they see light in the distance. Well, found you. Frey whisper. He snuff out his torch and Reis ends her light spell. OK trap them in and don't give them room to escape. And be careful. Reis says looking at Steven. He nods his head and they move in on whatever it is causing the light. As they round the corner they see four ogres standing around a fire with goblin body's hung over it. The ogres turn and look at them. Well I guess stealth is no longer a option. Frey says. The ogers charge at them. Reis takes one down with a shot from her crossbow. Frey takes one attention and attacks it. Steven and the another one begins to fight Steven swings and cuts it arm a little. But his sword breaks. The ogre picks Steven and begins to choke him Reis shoots a arrow at it but it doesn't bother it. The ogre turns towards Reis still holding Steven. It clinches down on Steven neck a send him flying through cave wall. It chargers Reis. Reis is now faced with two ogres Frey finishes off the one he was dealing with by cutting its arms and head off. Frey heads for Reis but then a blast comes from were Steven was thrown through and cuts one of the ogres in half. Steven standing there with a new sword in his hand. The other ogre turns around and charges at Steven. Steven leps at the ogre and cuts it head off. The body falls to the ground. Well I hope that's the last of them. Steven says turning to look at Frey and Reis. How are you OK boy? You were thrown through the cave wall. Frey says. Plus that ogre had a pretty tight looking grip around your throat. Reis adds. I feel fine. Plus I found this cool sword. Steven says showing off the sword in his hand. The sword has a faint glow to it. That's a holy sword! Reis yells. What? Steven response. Yes it is. Frey says walking over to Steven. In fact that looks like the sword used by Mandon. Which would mean that's the Holy blade of the moon goddess. Frey adds. Where did you find that? Reis asks. Steven turns and points to the hole were he was thrown through. In there. He says. They am head over to were Steven went through the wall and into a large room. Were Steven walks over to where he says he found it. It was stab into the ground right here. He says. Reis and Frey walk over to were Steven standing. It looks like a fight went on in here along time ago. Frey says investigating the area. The walls are all smashed in. Rocks are split and many things are flipped about. Perhaps this is were the last owner of the holy sword made his last stand. Reis says. While I'll admit that's possible it's highly unlikely. You see That sword was buried with the hero Mandon. And no one else has used it sense. Frey Says walking over to Steven. I fact a normal person shouldn't be able to even use it. So Steven how is it you can? Frey says looking at Steven. I don't know. I just heard a call came over and found this picked it up and well you know the rest. Steven says. What did the call says? Reis asks. It said over here old friend. Come take my guiding moonlight and slay your foe. But I don't meant by that. Steven replies. Well i'm not in the riddle solving business. But I do know having a holy blade on my side is a advantage I'll take. So keep it kid. It might come in handy one day. Now let's get going. Frey says as he turns to the hole and starts to leave. Reis and Steven follow him.

    As they leave the cave they are meet by the goblins they were hunting early. A goblin wearing a funny looking outfit comes up to them and begins to speak. You kill big monster. You friends?  Umm. No. In Fact i'm pretty sure you're the ones were after. Frey responds. Why us? The goblin reponds. Well because you have been attacking the nearby village of course. Frey quickly answers back. Not our fault big mean things kicked us out couldn't go near. Now they gone we no longer go near village. Promise. The goblin respond. How can we be sure? Reis asks. We no longer need to run away from them. The goblin says. Well OK. But if you ever go near the village again will come back and do what we did to the ogres to you got it. Reis says. Understood. Thank you. The goblin says as they all begin go go back into the cave. Well that was interesting. Frey says looking at Reis. Guess we should go let the guild know were done huh. Reis says looking back at Steven. But I think it's best we don't tell anyone about our little discovery. She adds. They head back to the village.