

Steven arrives at the inn were Frey is awaiting for him in the front room. So how was your alone time with the princess? Frey asks with a smile on his face. Well she definitely not one to let my guard down around I found out quickly. She smart and observant. She watched my fight with the fafner spawn and was able to tell I have the holy sword and the crystal chim. Steven responds. Well as long as she doesn't know you're from another world I think we're fine. Let's go meet our teammates. I ask them to meet us in the back room. Frey replies. They head to the back room were standing outside is Muramasa. Well if it isn't my favorite dueling buddy. The princess said you be here. So are you good for a rematch. Because all these weaklings in the capitol are no fun. He says. We don't have time Muramasa we have a job to do. After that you can play. Frey says as he goes into the room. Well that's fine. I hope we find a truly worthy beast on this mission. I heard you fought a fafner spawn and defeated it handly. Muramasa ask Steven. Yes, I did and it was a piece of cake. I didn't even sustain an injury. Steven replies as he walks into the room and Muramasa follows. In the room sits three young men Each well equipped and well armed. Steven and Muramasa sits down. The men says there introduction. Starting with the smallest one. I am Hothur I am an expert in lance and spear weapons pleasure to meet you. I am Vistal i'm the team support. I am Baldur the leader. Now We like to leave in the morning as soon as possible, We would like to be at the edge of the abyss as quickly as we can. Baldur says. I agree. Quick we can get there quicker we can leave. Frey says. So were the abyss? Steven asks. All of the members in the room except Frey turned to look at him. You don't know where the abyss is? Well Its located up in between the frozen wasteland and the path to the world of the dead. It's a very dangerous place were the local wildlife have adapted to living near it. Baldur says. It's not a very hospital place kid. Frey says. Don't worry someone with your skill won't have any problems. I'm going to sleep I be up before you all waiting in the when your ready to leave. Muramasa says and leaves the room. Wish we didn't have him. Hothur says. He might come in handy brother. Can always use a good distraction. Vistal says. Well Me and Steve are going to turn in for the night as well. Come on Steve. Frey says. He waves to Steven who gets up and follows him out the room.

Up in Frey and Steven room Steven is asking for more information on the abyss. So what's it like in the abyss? Are there monsters that are twisted and creepy than normal ones? Is there any hidden treasure there? Steven asks. Well the monsters that live near the abyss tend not to go into the abyss because most things that enter the abyss go crazy and die. This includes us people. As to if there's any treasure I don't know. Rarely do those who enter the abyss ever return. So I'm going to warn you do not enter it. I don't want to return to Reis and have to tell her what happened ok. Frey says. I won't go in there by choice you have my word Frey I no intention of going insane or dying before I go home. Steven responds. Good. Now let's get some sleep were gonna be going by horse tomorrow so we will probably be on the road for some time. Frey says. What about Marybell? Steven asks. Well you see She may be fast but I don't want to take her near the abyss its to dangerous for her. So were getting some horses from the princess. You can ride a horse right? Frey asks. No I have never ridden a horse a day in my life. Steven replies. Oh I guess you're gonna have to ride with me then. Just gonna let the castle know, Well I think it's time to go to sleep. They go to sleep.

The next day they all meet in the inns lobby and head to the castle to get there horses. when they arrive at the stables they are greeted by the princess. So are you all set for the job? She asks. Yea we ready to head out. Me the boy will share a horse so we need six after all. Frey says. OK that's fine. These horses are of the royal family so please when you return I ask you bring them back in good condition. She says while smiling and leaves. They each pick a horse and begin to leave. It's about a half days ride to the town of Edling were we will stay the night. from there it's only an hour ride to the abyss, so hope you're comfy. Frey says to Steve as they both get on there horse. Oh I think I'll be fine. They head out towards the gate following the others.

As they ride along a wooded path Steven asks Frey a question. So what is in the abyss? Well if the legend is true then its the home to all the twisted and evil beings. But in reality it's the home of an old titan who lives there forever tending to her home. Her name is Astra. The immortal hero told me that at least. So I believe it to be true. Frey says. How well did you know him? The immortal hero. Steven asks. Well he and I fought off the devils during Yolloholgen. That was the very dark time. Frey says. What happened? Steven asks. A horde of devils attack across the land. Forcing all the races to work together to push them back. The empire of man and Elvis were the first two to begin pushing them back. Then the orcs and center join in. Then the turning point of the war happen. At Harin bridge. A mighty northern warrior held the bridge by himself against an army. So all others could regroup and attack. Then me my brother and the immortal hero finished off the devil who lead them and it ended. Many died. After that the adventure guild started to form and that help keep the devils at bay. Frey says. Do you know what made the adventure guild? Steven asks as the enter into a field path. Yea she's an elf who loves to interfere where she isn't needed. And she's an old friend. When we get back I'll introduce you to her. I'm sure she will be interested in Reis first apprentice. Frey says. Wait why do you refer to me as her apprentice? Not yours? Steven asks. Because she wants to train you and I'm too old to handle another one. I think she mad that me and you are on this job to be honest. So when we get back could you be nice to her for me? Frey says. Im normally nice to her so it won't be hard. Steve say. Thanks. So I'm just gonna if something happens and things go south I want you to run got it. They ride on in silence from this point.

They arrive at Edling with the sun barely low left in the sky. Well I guess we better get the horse in the stables and get ourselves to an inn So we can rest and be ready for tomorrow Baldur says. I agree. Frey says as he and Steven dismount. Frey takes the reigns and starts to walk the horse to the stable. Well look who I found. A woman says cloaked in a long black dress and a pointy hat. Steven turns around and sees Opresa standing looking at him with a grin. So what brings my beast slaying partner out to a dragged little village like this one. She asks. I'm on a job for the princess to check put the abyss. She's apparently thinks some evil is there. Steven replies. Well she's not the only one. A little bit ago I sense a great evil leave there and I want to see what it may have left. How about I join you. We both know we make a great team. She says. A witch is never a trustworthy ally kid. Muramasa says walking away from the stable. He looks at Opresa with a deathly stare. Hmph. I don't know what you have against witches but I like to think that Steve's own personal stint with me would lend to how much he can trust me. She says in responds. She did help me defeat the fafner spawn. Steven says. Whatever I don't care if she's tags along but try anything fishy and I will kill you. He says and walks off. Not the most inviting of fellows is he. Well i'm glad to see you anyway now I'm more confident that if I run into trouble I can handle it. She says. So what do you think we will find there? Steven asks. Well i'm hoping whatever was there left a clue as to its intention and reason for being there. She replies. Well We won't know until we get there and I'm hoping there's nothing too serious going on there. Steven adds. Well you better go and join the rest of your party at the inn I will see you in the morning. Be safe little hero. She says as she walks away. Little hero? What's that supposed to mean? Steven says and goes to the inn.

Steven goes up to the innkeeper and asks were the room were there staying is. He goes to the room and enter the room. Frey is sitting on a bed reading a piece of paper. He looks up at Steven. So is your witch friend joining us tomorrow. He says. Yeah she is. Apparently she had the same feeling as the princess. And she was in the process of going there so she just tagging along with us. Is that ok with you Frey. Steven says. I don't mind her accompanying us. Having a witch could come in handy if we need someone who is an expert in the dark arts. Aslo is always nice having a beautiful woman with you. Frey says as he lays on the bed. I'm going to get to sleep now. Can you tell the other for me? There probably down in the dining hall. He asks. Sure. Steven responds. Steven leaves and goings down to the dining hall where he sees baldur sitting alone in the corner reading a map. Steven goes up to him and sits next to him. Baldur looks up at him. So when did you met that witch? Baldur asks. Oh her about two weeks ago. Why? Steven responds. Hmph. Well I'm just trying to gauge how much we can trust her. She says she was there when you killed that Fafner spawn so i guess she's at least a caple fighter. He says. Well I trust her about the same amount as I trust you if make you feel any better. Steven retorts. Hehe. Well I guess that makes sense. You fought side by side with her before and not me so if you say she alright then that's all I need. He responds. So will Frey be joining us? Baldur asks. No he's gone to bed already and I plan on joining him soon. He told me to tell you guys but your the only one I've seen yet. Steven says. Well that's fine I'll let the others know when I see them. You go get sleep. We got a big day tomorrow. Baldur says. Steven gets up and leaves. He goes back up stairs and begins to go back to the room but before he get there Muramasa stops him. So you really trust that witch? He asks. Well the first time I met her she didn't try to kill me so I trust her more than you. Steven says. Well at least I made my intention clear with you. Muramasa says and walks away down the stairs. What's that supposed to mean. Steven says and head into his room. Frey is asleep so steven goes and lays down and goes to sleep.