
To the Abyss

Steven wakes up in the middle of the night. He looks around and see nothing in the darkness. He hears a tapping at the window. He walks over and opens the shutters. Opresa is floating outside the window. Steven jumps back and almost knocks himself into the bed. Shh. Opresa says. Steven walks back over to the window. How are you doing that? Steven ask. It's a simple floating spell. Very easy for a witch like myself to use. I have a reason for being here. While I was sleeping I had a premonition. You fall into the abyss. She says. How? Do you know for sure? He responds. It's only something I saw. I'm not trying to scare you. Only here to warn you to be careful and not do anything risky. She says. I'll make it a point not to be knocked into there. He says. Ok. be safe tomorrow. She says and leaves. Steven walks back over to the bed and lays down. He mumbled to himself, I just need to stay away from any edges and i'll be fine. He rolls over and falls back to sleep.

Frey shakes steven to wake him up. Time to get up boy we all ready to roll out. Steven gets out of bed and changes into his adventure gear and leaves the room. We are going to be coming back to this town at the end of the day, so don't worry about forgetting anything kid. Frey says as the head down the stairs and out to the stable. The others are already mounted and ready to leave. Say did you really go to sleep when you left me last night kid or did you go and play with your witch friend? Baldur says jokingly. I needed a lot of rest seeing how i'm going to carry us today. Steven responds hoping on the horse with Frey. If you say so. Baldur says. Opresa comes out from behind the barn on an all white horse. Are you men ready to go? She asks. Yes we are. Frey says. They set off for the abyss.

They enter a grey canyon. Its filled with bones and vultures. What is this place? Steven asks. This is Tigua pass. Its serves as pass to the abyss. And there's rumored to be a passage that leads to the underworld. But that's just a rumour. Baldur says. The entrance to the abyss is only little ways ahead we should be there soon. As they begin to near the abyss entrance they begin to hear distorted laughing and other disturbing sounds. They see a cave. Well there it is. The entrance to the abyss. Better be careful. Lets dismount and head in on foot. Says Vistal They get off their horses and enter the cave.

Inside the cave is illuminated with odd lights and the laughing intensifies. Be careful who know what resides in this place. Things that live near here are probably twisted and tormented. And problem not too friendly. Say Hothur. Well i'm always up for a fight so bring it on you crazy monsters. I'm itching for a good fight. Muramasa says. Well if we come across something it's all yours. Says frey. As they travel deeper into the cave something begins to follow them from the shadows.

Were getting close to the entrance be on your toes. From what I heard abyss is a big hole to fall down. And there's no way back up. Vistal says. Yeah well I'm not about to let the thing that kills me is a giant hole in the ground. Muramasa says. They travel deeper until the come to the entrance to the abyss. That's a big hole alright. Opresa says. They all spread around it and begin to look for anything suspicious. What's the chance were on a wild goose chase. Hothur asks. Well seeing on how this comes from a dream she had id say pretty high. But she's paying us a lot so let's look around. If we find nothing that's great then theres no reason for her to be worried anymore. And if something is happening then we run like hell and report back to her. Frey says. The creature that was following them jumps out and knocks Vistal over. Baldur quickly pulls out his sword and swings at the creature. But it just bounces off its body and it quickly lunges at him. But Muramasa jumps in between them and he strikes it and cuts at its face. Come on you beast show me what you got. He says. It reels back and jumps at him. But he avoids it and swings at its back only to have his blade bounce off. I see. You got some tough skin monster but unlucky for you I have a sharp sword. He stabs at the creature and impales it this time. The creature turned to him and and swings it tail at him knocking him back into the cave wall. Steven fires a blast from his sword at it and hits it knocking it next to Muramasa. Muramasa grabs his sword and pulls it out of the creature that jumps back up and jumps at Steven but a javelin hits its head and it stops moving. Well that was unexpected. Baldur says. I don't think that was what the princess is worried about though. Steven says as he walks over to help Vistal up. That hurt not going to lie. But at least nobody died so were all good. Vistal says. Steven walks over to Frey. What was that thing? Steven asks. I don't know boy never seen it before. Frey says. But before Steven can react the creature jumps up and tackles him into the abyss. Frey freezes. Everyone pause and goes over to the hole. They look down. Oh no, not the kid. Baldur says. Frey falls down to his knees and begins to tear up. This isn't how was supposed to happen. It was supposed to be in and out. Not end like this. Hothur says. There's gotta be away get down there to him. Vistal says. It's still a deep hole that leads to a bottom somewhere. And if abyss doesn't kill him the fall will. Opresa says. No he can still be alive. A little fall won't kill someone as talented as him. Muramasa says. No he couldn't survived. I'm afraid we're going to accept what just happen. Reis isn't going to like this. She thought he could be a real hero. Frey says. Well I say we abort this mission and head back and tell her there's nothing here. Tell her that this nightmare only brought the death of a young lad who had a bright future. Baldur says. Agreed. Frey says and they all leave the cave.