

In charge 6 came to Peter the following day afternoon.

In charge 6: "Boss, I've calculated. his wealth can only sustain at an average point of $10.70. Some of his investments are at $150.00 price."

Peter: "Okay, let's give him $10.70. After it hit $10.70, let it be constant till he cut loss. Make sure he exited all his investments. After affirmation, put back at open prices. If he cut loss before $10.70, as long as his out, put back to open price. At the same time calculate the balance wealth. We need plan B or C to attack his wealth. Mow his company and position is gone, I want his wealth gone, and his mansion too. Let his account left only $500,000 to sustain his family. The children and wife are not in the wrong. Frequently check on his bank account, once it reached a million dollars, look into it where it comes from and let me know."

In charge 6: "Yes boss. Boss, I thought you want to zero his account. I didn't expect that you even consider his wife and children."

Peter: "His wife and children are not like him. They are not power grabber. Even though they are rich, they still live a quiet life. They are nice to everyone."

Peter was left alone to think of plan B and C to attack the enemy's wealth. So that can use a plan to give a final blow on the enemy's wealth.

The enemy has been living alone since his wife and children came to know of what he has done. They left him and utterly disappointed with him. And they are living in the city in a condominium. A simple 3 rooms condo. And they are happy without him. He not only a power grabber, he is also aggressive towards his wife and children.

In charge 3 enter into Peter's office and reports to him the latest news.

In charge 3: "He was kick out of the company on the 2nd of the prices fall. I no need to do anything and it was done. Now the company just left with a shell. The founder was so upset that he was in a daze."

Peter: "Execute plan 5 now and have the same board of directors back. Start employing staffs. I want the company back to it's glory and better by next year end. Appoint Simon as the President of the company and the founder to be his advisor."

In charge 3; "Yes boss. I inform In charge 5 now."

In charge 5 immediately goes into action. In 3 days time, he had the old board back and Simon is the President of the company. The founder is his advisor. And within the next 2 days, new employees began to start work and a project was brought in to restart the company. Everything went smoothly to restart the company. And the next 3 years profits of the company, Peter has decided to compensate the board of directors of their lost. As for those shareholders, they will be compensated individually according to the price they have formally. But, they will not be able to have any share of the company anymore.

In charge 6 enter into Peter's office after 2 days.

In charge 6: "Boss, he liquidate all investments when they are at price $100. There's still profits for him, it amounts to $40,000,000. And I've recalculate his wealth, he still has SEVEN HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS. He lost only TWO HUNDRED MILLIONS."

Peter: "Have you come up with plan B and C?"

In charge 6: "Yes, but with that figure, my plans can't work. In order to wipe out seven hundred millions, a bigger plans must be used. And that also need to strike once and for all."

Peter: "Ok. Let's have another discussion on Monday. Come up with a plan also so that we can discuss with mine also and rooms to improvise."

In charge 6: "Yes boss."

In charge 6 left and Peter began to crack his head on ideas to deal with seven hundred millions.

Peter: "What is so expensive that can cost hundreds of millions dollars? Diamonds?" Peter gives Dexter a call.

Peter: "Dexter, which diamond cost hundreds of millions dollars?"

Dexter: "Boss, The Blue Light Tear Drop Set. It consists of earrings, ring, necklace and a bracelet. In market price it cost at least $500 millions. It's rumors that the blue diamond is rare. because the blue color is unique. None of the blue stone has that kind of blue. It's clear and it gives a hollow sphere in the center. Do you want a picture of it?"

Peter: "Email to me. I want all info."

Dexter: "Yes boss."

Half an hour later, all info pertaining to The Blue Tear Drop Set was sent to Peter's email.

Peter was stunned when he saw the photo of the set. It is magnificent, beautiful, glamorous. Beyond description. He was thinking how to use this to attract the enemy to spend away his FIVE HUNDREDS MILLIONS. From the info, the owner is the one who found the stone, design the set and made it. It has been with him for twenty years. And he has presented it to his beautiful wife as a wedding gift ten years ago. He remains a mystery as who is he, nobody knows.

Very few people has really seen the diamond set in person. Less than 10 person to be precised. One of them is Mr Hubbert Hue who owns HH Jewelry Inc. One of top three jewelry company in the world.

Peter email Dexter to arrange a video meeting with Mr. Hubbert Hue on Thursday, which is two days later. Meanwhile, he still have to come up with Plan C for the remaining two hundred millions.

Jo at the moment already finished with the draft of a plan. But, she hesitates to let Peter knows about it. Firstly, she doesn't know if it works. Secondly, she feels sad that Peter needs to do that to a person who consider as a Family. To Jo, family should love each other, support each other and help each other. Not like what this enemy has done.