

Jo was hoping for a happy family, but, she also know that it is impossible. The enemy has been cruel to even wants Peter's life.

Peter was having a headache with all the thinking and planning. He lay on the couch to have a rest and who know he went into a deep sleep. He has been exhausted from all the events. Peter woke up and found his office lights off, a comforter was covering him. He saw his dinner on a tray and it was covered. He turns on the side table lamp and eats his dinner. He was famished. After dinner, he walks to his working table and saw a file. It was In charge 6's plan. He looks at his watch and saw that it was already 2am. He put down the file and went to his bedroom to sleep.

The next morning in charge 6 has a meeting with Peter.

Peter: "How sure are you in your plan. Do you think he will take the bite? Your bait must be solid to let him in."

In charge 6: "We need a company to sacrifice in order to lure him in. Let him be the biggest shareholder of the company and let him takes the helm of the company. A company that has a promising future. However, he needs to invest 200 millions dollars. An investment to set up a R&D department for a technology that is for future use. This technology that can affect the future of the country. With this in the investment proposal, I believe it will attract him. As well as, the percentage of profit sharing. As he is always after money, fame and benefits, he will definitely fall into the traps. Just that the stage must be big and the length of time will be longer.

Peter: "3 months duration is it sufficient? I've got a technology company that already exist. And they just started a new R&D product. I'm a sleeping partner in that company. we can use his money to develop that product and let the product fail."

In charge 6: "We can use that. But will the rest of the board of directors disagree?"

Peter: "I call the shots, they will agree. I'll come up with something to cover up the plan. 3 months later, I will have a new product to replace the fail one. Have your team to execute the plan."

In charge 6: "Yes boss." They finished their meeting and Plan 6 was executed.

The R&D of the product was leaked out by a friend of the enemy. Inviting him to join as there will be a great profits once the product is manufacture and sell internationally. Upon seeing his friend will be investing in this potential product, the enemy decided to invest too.

Friend: "How much are you investing?"

Enemy: "50 millions."

Friend: "What, so little? I'm investing 150 millions. Got an opportunity to chair the company. Don't say I didn't tell you. Are you letting me to chair the company?"

Enemy: "Wow...! You are in putting that sum? Is this product that lucrative?"

Friend: "Do you think I will invest such a figure on a product that don't sell? The company is top 10 company in the world. They have successfully sold a few products that under went R&D process. I've made a pile in two of them myself. Those who chair the company of the particular product made 15 percent more than the rest because of the huge investing amount. As a form of appreciation, the company decided to give the chair person more. Once this product is sold, another product will be lined for R&D. Then the chair will be given to another highest investor. Which means to say it is short term only. I've chair it twice and is so lucrative."

Enemy: "Why did you tell me about this? Since you have made a substantial sum, why do you share this money making with me? Wouldn't you want to benefit yourself?"

Friend: "Remember, last week when we met at Stephen's club, you ask me if I have a money making opportunity to let you know? I received news that a new product is coming up, that's why I give you this tip."

Enemy: "I almost forgot about it. Ok, I'll invest 180 millions."

Friend: "Stephen is investing the same amount."

Enemy: "185 millions then."

Friend: "Ok, let's go to the company tomorrow. Want me to pick you up?"

Enemy: "Ok. See you tomorrow then."

Both departed and the they went to make the necessary arrangements for the funds for investment.

The next day, Friend pick the enemy up at his place at 10am. They went to P company to sign the investment contract. According to their understanding, Stephen already signed yesterday. So far, with the enemy's invested sum, he is the highest invested amount. Therefore, the chair goes to him. He was elated.

Enemy: "Let's go for a celebration."

Friend: "Ok. Get Stephen to join us also."

Enemy: "Ok."

With the enemy trap in the net, Peter and teams of Plan 1 to 5 have some times for a break. So, the office was officially unlock for 2 weeks. Peter returned to the house at midnight after executed plan 7 to look out for the enemy's movement. Because of Plan 6, Plan 7 was divided into 2 groups to do separate things. One is observe the enemy's movement, the other us to help team of Plan 6 to block one of the material of the product from being use. And it must be done normally without arising any suspicion.

Peter came into Jo's room after shower and sleep beside her. Jo was deep in sleep after exhausted herself in vigorous martial art training by the bodyguards taking turns to train her for the past one week. Before hand she was doing exercises to prepare herself for the training. All have taught her both Theoretically, and Practically. That's why she was so exhausted that even Peter held her in his arms she also didn't wake up.

Though Peter was in the office busy striking the enemy, he knows everything that is going on with Jo. The bodyguards have reported everything that is happening in the house to Peter. He gave Jo a goodnight kiss on her head and went to sleep.

Next chapter