
The Fated Omega One

This is a story about a boy named Philip possessing the powers of Fate Control and Future Vision while desperately trying to fulfill his ultimate goal of absolute death and total erasure to end his suffering and despair ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Novel Updates: 3-5 chapters per week Chapters per Arc: 50-200 chapters Chapters per Fillers: 5-10 chapters Arcs already finished: >25 Arcs Storyboarding/World Building Status (Prologue): On-going Fated Day: Incoming... Omega System: Chapter 167 Twitter: @AbsoluteAuthor Cover Photo Artist: http://instagram.com/weiyumarryme

Absolute_Author · Fantasi
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341 Chs

Mathilda's Ability - Emergency Signal - Escort - Predicament - Interesting Night

Jude clapped his hands together once and a pair of a maid and butler entered the room. Both maid and butler went to Mei'er and Bea to escort them back to their rooms. They have finished their juices anyway

Mei'er obediently followed the maid and Bea grumpily followed the butler

The maid and Mei'er went out of the backyard towards the garden and sunroom while the butler and Bea went to the library at the first of floor at the right wing of the mansion

Philip was already standing up and Natsume was clinging on him. Her arms were around his neck and her body is almost falling. She could only hold on to Philip's body like a post and support her body and prevent her from falling

Philip had his eyes half-opened and he doesn't care that Natsume was using his body as a support pole. Although, he could feel that at any moment now, Natsume's arm will eventually get tired and fall to the floor

He then held her arms and pulled it apart from the clutches on his neck. Just then, he felt Natsume's body become heavy. Natsume just lost consciousness and became wasted

He panned his eyes at Jude and asked, "What am I going to do with her?"

"Hmm... I guess you should accompany Natsuki-san to their room and carry Natsume-tan for her." Jude replied while pulling Mathilda away from Philip

Mathilda was flailing her arms around and stomping her feet as Jude locked his arms around her shoulders and pulled her

"Unhand me!! There's no way I'll accept him in the mansion!!"

"Calm down Mathilda! You're drunk! Or else, I have to use force to take you down!" Jude threatened Mathilda as he forcefully pulled her outside of the room

"No! You won't make me!! I have a bone to pick with him!"

In this moment, Mathilda's sleeve and the back of her maid attire was torn and ripped apart. Metal scales and casing grew and attached across her upper arm to her shoulders. The metal casings detached and opened up to form an armed shoulder pads and aegis while it emitted a blue light

The metalic scales and casing also crawled to her jawlines and stopped just before the tip of her chin

Just then, robotic wings erected from Mathilda's back like a pillar or a pole. The wing is pointed and shaped like a sword. Mathilda erected four robotic wings, two pointed upwards and two pointed downwards. The robotic wings that is pointed downwards are longer than the ones pointed upwards

The sides of the robotic wings then opened and blue light illuminated and blue electricity flowed

Mathilda now looks like a Battle Maid

Her hands then turned metallic and coupling lines crawled across her joints and lights lined across the sides of her fingers

Her face was was dyed red from being drunk but her actions say otherwise

She moved her hands infront of her and the couplings detached. Blue smoke came out of the spaces and opened different compartments around the back of her hands, ginger sections, and the side of her palms

She then instantly attached and held Jude's arms that were restraining her. Metallic sound then clunked around Mathilda's hands

"Let go of meee!" Mathilda shouted in a flustered and irritating manner

Jude's eyes widened and became angry, not only because Mathilda was acting like a child but, he felt wetness flowing on his right leg

He slowly looked at his right leg and he saw his pants became torn due to broken glass. His favorite tequila was shattered and wasted due to the robotic wing that grazed and stabbed it

"Come over here!!!"

Jude became angry and increased his strength to pull Mathilda. Once Mathilda activated at least a fraction of her ability, she will become unstoppable

The floor cracked when Jude jumped back to pull her inside the kitchen. Mathilda couldn't do anything against Jude's strength, unless she increased or changed her gear across her body, but she is currently not in the right mind to think of that

The blue electricity surging around her robotic wings intensified and crackled. Then as soon as Jude and Mathilda entered the kitchen, the door closed and sound of electrocution could be heard and blue light that seeps between the cracks of the door could be seen

A few moments later, loud sounds of metal clashing and slashes could be heard across the door

Philip watched all of the scene and observed them with half-opened eyes and emotionless face

Initially, he was surprised by Mathilda's display of her ability. Currently, he has no idea what Mathilda has. She couldn't be an advanced robot that was built by humans since he believed that humans doesn't have the technology to make Mathilda

Especially since Mathilda's entire body could create extended machines and robotic parts across her body. That kind of technology also couldn't create extra material from nothing

So, Philip concluded that this is some sort of an ability that is exclusive for Mathilda only. The ability itself was also a special kind of physical enchantment ability, much more different than Super Strength, Speed, and many more

After Philip heard the intense commotion inside the kitchen, he didn't want to know what was happening inside. He was already carrying the knocked out Natsume on his arms in a princess carry fashion

Her face was tinged red and her limbs were dangling. Her short blonde hair also dangles on her head and she slept like a true princess

Philip looked to her right and saw Natsuki with her arms crossed on her chest. Natsuki's face had a tired and angry look as she avoided Philip's eyes, like a tsundere

"Where's your room?" Philip asked nonchalantly, not minding the underlying meaning behind his words

Natsuki turned her head around towards Philip, her fluster was clear in her eyes but it was hidden by her drunk face. Although, her blush could be seen across her cheeks

Natsuki furrowed her eyebrows and reluctantly replied

"At the second floor of the left wing." She then hiccups after she finished her sentence

"Then lead the way..." Philip said in a grumpy voice. He didn't want to waste time anymore and he wanted to sleep immediately. He hasn't slept for at least 20 hours since he woke up from his 3-day rest

Natsuki then started to walk towards the left wing of the mansion. Philip followed behind Natsuki while carrying Natsume on his arms

On the dining table, Alucard, Camille, Vanessa, and Kyouko are the only ones who are left

Vanessa turned her head to the side from resting her head on the backrest while staring at the ceiling. She looked at Philip's leaving back

She then stood up and groggily walked back towards her room with her right shoulder exposed and holding the half-empty 190 Proof Spirit on her right hand. She walked as if she was about to fall but he managed herself

Two maids followed her in case she fell asleep on the hallway or to avoid accidents and to make sure she arrived at ger room safely

Alucard then finally stood up in an elegant manner. He walked towards Camille and placed his fingers on her neck

He then looked directly at Camille as his red eyes glowed in the dimly lit room. He shook his head and disbelief and sorrow then placed his hand on her

Camille was unmoving and just holding her wine glass in front of him. Even her minute breathing and muscle movements was non-existent. It looked like Camille was frozen or dead

They then disappeared after Alucard closed his eyes and the tips of his hair hovered in the air. A red mist was left behind from where Alucard was standing and condensed into a drop of red liquid that penetrated the ground

Kyouko was the second to last one remaining in the dining table. Her extreme diligent aura dissipated and her face distorted in a smile

She then giggled while her eyes became hidden by her ruffled bangs. Her smile curved upwards towards her ears. She then clutched both of her arms with her fingers and pressed hard against it

Her beautiful but dull fingernails became sharp and her arms bled. Her flesh opened like a finely cut meat by a master chef. She then scratched her entire arm which caused more cuts and lacerations

She then stood up and walked to her room slowly, trying her best to avoid any eyes that will sees her. She placed his hands on his face and tried to grip her face with her fingers but she held herself back

She kept giggling until she disappeared in the dark hallway towards her room

The Old Man was the last one remaining. His body was plopped down on the table while bathing on his spilled rum

In reality, he was never knocked out due to being drunk by his self cultivated rum. He was only acting

Why? He intended for everyone to get immediately drunk by just the aroma of his rum. He just received a signal from the nearest military base and research center about an anomaly somewhere near the area during dinner. He needed to come and check it immediately but he needed for the dinner to successfully end

Now that everyone is gone, he can go and check it out. His wet and smelly clothes was immediately cleansed by his energy and he disappeared like a bubble


Philip was breathing heavily with every step he takes, especially since he was carrying a 155-pound girl. It was also because it has been so long since he last drank alcohol and his alcohol tolerance might be in all time low

But he feel fine as he walked but he could clearly feel that his eyes were heavy. Since his Extreme Self-awareness ability is activated, he feel not drunk at all but his body says otherwise

The movements of his body seemed normal but that's because his body is complimenting his minute movements. Whenever he steps his right foot, his body will automatically shift his center of gravity so he won't fall

In hindsight, over the past several years, his body was adapting and kept changing his center of gravity, mass allocation, and balance shifting to make his body stable and make flawless movements

Although, this unique bodily activity would only activate when he was drunk. It is currently unknown if his body would activate it when he's not drunk

With a mind that is stable due to Extreme Self-awareness and a body that adapts to everything, Philip is a person that is almost immune to mind controls. Unless, a new experience and emotion clouded his consciousness

"By the way, I never got your name... What's your name?" Philip started a conversation towards Natsuki, who is now walking beside him

Natsuki has calmed down and her eyes are half-opened and heavy. She heard Philip about her name and answeted him without batting an eye

"My name is Natsuki. That person you're carrying is Natsume, my younger sister"

"Hm, I see. Nice to meet you"


There was an awkward silence after they greeted each other. Eventually, Natsuki broke the silence by asking a ridiculous question

"Why do you have to carry her in a princess carry? Shouldn't giving her a piggy back be more effiecient?" There was a hint of jealousy and envy in Natsuki's voice

Philip understood what Natsuki means, but he decided to not entertain it

"You're aware of your sister's body, are you not? Then what happens I placed her on my back? I'm a boy, you know?" Philip tried to give logic behind his actions

Natsuki's eyes widened and she became embrassed. Her goal was for Philip to change the way he is carrying Natsume because she is envious that her younger sister got to be carried like a princess

She is also aware of Natsume's body figure, if Philip were to carry her on his back, it would become dangerous

Philip was also aware of this. He couldn't believe the size of the mountains in relation to her slim body. If a normal boy would see Natsume, they would immediately fall for her and become very attracted to her

Philip looked down and confirmed it


Philip narrowed his eyes and just couldn't believe it. He's having a crisis now but he distracted his mind from straying too far

"Hey! What are you looking at?!" Natsuki asked while placing her hands on her waist in an angry manner

Natsuki noticed that Philip was looking downwards. Even though she already know where he was looking at, she still asked him to keep the conversation flowing

"The floor?"

It's obviously a lie and Natsuki knows it. He then look towards Natsuki's chest


It was slightly smaller than Natsume's. Natsuki also noticed his gaze and it was aimed on her chest

She subconsciously covered her chest with her arms and turned away

"Pervert." Natsuki mumbled

"Not bad." Philip commented as he turned his head back straight

Natsuki's face became very red from embarrassment and a fluttering feeling from her chest. She immediately recovered from Philip's words after she remembered the discussion during dinner. Her demeanor became serious

"Are you really going to be the owner of this mansion?"


"What are you planning on doing??" Natsuki asked in a menacing tone

"I just wanted a place to stay in since I abandoned my family in my home country. Don't worry, I won't be doing anything bad, I just also want a place to do my research"

Natsuki's face became bitter after Philip mentioned him abandoning his family. Nonetheless, she avoided the topic and continued

"It's really assuring that you have to say to not worry and you won't do anything bad, huh?"

"Yup, typical story trope, am I right?"

"Right... Anyways, what do you mean by research?"

Philip was aware that Natsuki seems to be asking personal questions. He didn't mind it but he was bugged by the fact that she even have the thinking ability to ask this kinds of questions when she was drunk

He thought twice if whether she was drunk or she was sober all along and was only acting to extract information out of him

Well, seems like Natsuki herself also didn't know if Philip was drunk or not

Nonetheless, Philip answered her questions as he knows no problems will occur. Even if somehow Natsuki was a super secret agent disguised as a problem child that couldn't control her abilities or a person that is forced to do the bidding of the one that controls her

It's just that, one thing is clear in Philip's mind. Body language is the most powerful form of communication and it is direct. There's no hidden meanings, hidden codes, double meaning, and fake meaning as long as the person that is reading body language is a master

"Since the Mysticism Age has dawned four years ago, the Three Laws of Mysticism came to be. My job is to research this and make it so that it can benefit the world"

Philip explained to Natsuki the gist of what he will be doing in the mansion. Although, he left out some important information and revealed the main topic

"Ohh, I see..."

Natsuki nodded and replied weakly. In reality, she was confused at Philip's terminologies

'Mysticism Age? Three Laws of Mysticism? What are those??'

Natsuki asked herself since it was her first time hearing about it

Meanwhile, Philip caught her. The term Mysticism Age and Three Laws of Mysticism were only revealed by the researchers in the Mystical Academy. No one outside of the Mystical Academy knew these terms unless the Mystical Masters has spread it through the world in which case, Natsuki heard of it

But it should be unlikely because everyone that knew about the Mysticism Age didn't want the world and the public to know about it prematurely. They needed preparation to reveal the news to the world

This is also what Philip believed ever since he, himself, was the one who made the Mysticism Age possible in the first place

That's why Philip was confused as to why Natsuki reacted weakly by his terminologies and didn't ask about it. It was either Natsuki already knew about it or she was probing for information to gather more information about it later

Philip could only smirk from Natsuki's behavior

"Well, good luck to your research!" Natsuki tried to encourage Philip by showing a cute face. Natsuki didn't realize that she did that after Philip looked at her weirdly

She immediately turned away and her head was fuming in embarrassment

"We're here"

A few seconds later, they have arrived to the sisters' room. Natsuki stopped in front of the door and pointed at it

There was a moment of silence before Natsuki spoke again

"What are you doing?" Natsuki asked Philip, who was standing still behind her

"What?" Philip answered back

"Shouldn't you be bringing her inside and place her on the bed while I follow you?! Doesn't that how it works??" Natsuki conveniently deviced a classic trope and reprimanded Philip for not following it

"Well, shouldn't you carry her now since you seem to be sober? You carry her arm across your back and support her weight. It should be easy!" Philip was about to lend Natsume to her when Natsuki did a ridiculous thing

"Oh! But I'm too tired and weak! I could also get someone to carry me into my room!" Natsuki fell down on the floor and flailed her arms in a ridiculous manner. Looks like the alcohol finally hit her after so long. It was close, before she could lie on her bed

Philip narrowed his eyes again to the point that he was squinting or his eyes are completely closed due to the absurdity of the situation. He also rolled his eyes so much that it hurts

He was annoyed that his time was being wasted but there was a slight feeling of happiness lingering behind his soul

"Ugh!!! Fine! Don't get angry if I invaded your privacy!"

Philip opened the door to the sibling's room with his hand. He could still open door with his hand even though he is carrying Natsume on his arms

As Philip opened the door, a part of him expected a room full of posters from their idols like how it was portrayed from movies and a part of him expected a very girlish room filled with pink and scattered dirty clothes and messy things and make-up like in anime tropes

But in reality, since the siblings share the room, the decent sized room was divided into two. There was a wooden wall divider in the middle of the room that separates Natsuki and Natsume's room while the cabinets, a table with a mirror and drawers for make-up, and drawers are standing against the wall divider

At the opposite ends of the room, there are the single beds that the siblings sleep on. Now, Philip has to figure out where Natsume's bed is

Seeing both of the room, the left side is organized and clean. There were no litters scattered on the floor and the bed is properly made. The only thing that is in disorder on this side is the scattered books on the round center table. Seems like the person who stays on the left side is a diligent person that likes to read books and learn

While on the right side, there was a basket that is full of ruffled clothes. Philip immediately shifted his gaze away from the basket and looked at the unmade bed. The floor was clean and there were no mess on the round center table

If Philip would see both rooms in an eagle eye view, both sides are exactly identical to each other, the other one is just inverted

Philip head hurt at the fact that he had to guess where Natsume is going. She is currently unconscious right now so he can't ask her. Natsuki is also out of it outside. His annoyance is constantly increasing

He took several seconds to contemplate where to place Natsume. Why is he taking this seriously? One is because he has never been inside a girl's room, not to mention two girls' room, and the second one is that his reasoning was being affected by his drunkenness

Usually Extreme Self-awareness would allow him to make a decision immediately, but his sleepiness is slowly clouding his mind. All of his mental power is focusing on staying awake

He even had a logic that considering Natsume was the younger sister, she would go on the left side because if numbers are counted, it goes from left to right. Therefore, if Natsume is younger than Natsuki, then she would be on the left

"Bah! Whatever!"

Philip decided to put Natsume on the left bed. He walked slowly and gently placed her on the bed. Philip is a considerate person, even though his mental state is over the place, so he pulled the blanket and covered Natsume's whole body

He smirked after seeing Natsume's face covered by the blanket. He then pulled it down towards her neck and not let her suffocate

He them subconsciously looked up at the wall and saw a few picture frames

One of the picture frames had both the sibling's portrait on it. They seemed to be happy when they were on a grassy fields that is illuminated by the Sun

Two picture frames had the display of a grade school and high school diploma. The diplomas belonged to Natsume

Philip stared at the diplomas with dead eyes and proceeded to exit the room and pick up Natsuki

Philip looked down at the wasted Natsuki that is lying on the floor. Philip let out an exasperated sigh. He then picked up Natsuki in a princess carry position

He reentered the room and gently placed Natsuki down on the bed on the right side of the room. Philip also looked up at the wall and saw two diplomas that belonged to Natsuki

Looked like Natsuki hasn't finished college yet despite them being the same age. Of course Philip didn't know that yet

Philip then also pulled the blanket over Natsuki, leaving her head exposed in the air. He went to the door and turned off the light and left. He quietly closed the door behind him and sighed

"It's a long night"

It was already almost midnight and he walked back to his room as he placed his hands inside the front pocket of his hoodie. His vision is currently in a blur but his eyes are wide opened and his body is taking over to walk him back to his room by memory

The Extreme Self-awareness ability is slowly deactivating since his mind considers that the night is already over. He is currently a few steps away from his room

After a few steps, he entered his room, closed the door, and locked it

He removed his dark gray hoodie and hanged it in the clothes cabinet with a hanger. He then removed his t-shirt and revealed a slightly sweaty toned body. His abs were glistening and his chest generated sweat from the pores

He immediately wiped his body with a damp towel and wore a red tank top. His collar bone and shoulder muscles are exposed in the air. If anyone would see him right now, girls would fall for him and guys would be envious of him. Not to mention his bright brown eyes and back swept hair emphasized his handsomeness

He did not change his long pants since he is very comfortable with it. He turned the stand fan on and a cold breeze filled the room. He then jumped on the fluffy bed and plopped down

Philip's eyes immediately closed and he fell asleep due to the cold breeze, fluffy bed, satisfaction, and drunkenness


The night was silent and peaceful. The maids and butlers has already slept and a new shift of security personnel are roaming around the mansion

Philip was sleeping peacefully and his front side is facing the ceiling. Even though the cold breeze from the half-opened window and the fan is very cold, Philip was unfazed. His body found it soothing and refreshing. Also, his body could always become hot if it became too cold to balance his body temperature

It was peaceful night indeed

Until white smoke seeped inside the room from the cracks of the double door. The half-opened window also somehow closed, as well as the bathroom door

The white smoke quickly filled the room. Philip's bed looked like it was on top of a cloud

A few moments later, Philip subconsciously took a sharp inhale and his sinus became painful thus waking him up. He thought that it was just dry air that he inhaled but there was a distinct smell and flavor that was incorporated in the air

He didn't recognize the type of smell that he inhaled, but he immediately knew that smelling this kind of air in the middle of a sleep during midnight will lead to a bad development

He was still groggy from being abruptly woken up, but he could feel that his limbs were getting weak and relaxed. He instantly know that the situation is bad for him

He immediately moved his left hand and was about to snap his fingers when failed to do so as his entire body became a potato and he can't move anything beside his mouth and eyes

'What's happening?!'

Philip thought to himself with annoyance. He tried to look around the best that he can but he couldn't see anything

The moment he blinked, a figure appeared above him. The figure landed on his torso and sat down as he felt the weight of the figure

He strained his eyes to look at the identity of the figure but the figure reached its hand at Philip's face and sprayed a liquid on his face

Philip abruptly closed his eyes and mouth with poison being sprayed on him in mind. He then felt a sharp pain on the right side of his neck as a syringe was stabbed deep on his neck. The figure injected a bluish liquid inside Philip's body through his neck

Philip's eyes became red from the liquid spray and the veins on Philip's neck bulged

He strained his eyes harder and slowly saw the identity of the figure

The figure was wearing a violet night gown dress that did not cover most of her body parts. The figure also has large mountains on her chest and she has a black brunette hair


Philip voiced out with intense anger. Of course, the person shivered from the anger that was directed at her but she ignored it since he was under her control as of the moment

"I haven't introduced myself to you, did I? I am Vanessa, Master Alchemist of this mansion and I have a few questions for you, so answer me honestly, okay?"

Vanessa said in a seductive and melancholic tone while putting a finger in front of her mouth and looking down on him with melancholic eyes