
The Fated Omega One

This is a story about a boy named Philip possessing the powers of Fate Control and Future Vision while desperately trying to fulfill his ultimate goal of absolute death and total erasure to end his suffering and despair ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Novel Updates: 3-5 chapters per week Chapters per Arc: 50-200 chapters Chapters per Fillers: 5-10 chapters Arcs already finished: >25 Arcs Storyboarding/World Building Status (Prologue): On-going Fated Day: Incoming... Omega System: Chapter 167 Twitter: @AbsoluteAuthor Cover Photo Artist: http://instagram.com/weiyumarryme

Absolute_Author · Fantasy
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341 Chs

Anomaly - Assistance - Nighttime Intruder - Potent Concoctions - Mental Plane

At the nearest military base and research facility, the researchers and scientist scrambled across the field. The soldiers were also scrambling to protect the researchers and scientist. A loud siren was echoing across the base and facility, alerting everyone of an emergency

Meanwhile, at the command center of the military base, an important looking scientist, his assistant, a general, and his secretary are inside the monitoring division

The general had an epaulette of five stars on his shoulder, signifying that he is a Five-Star General, signifying that he is a very important figure and the highest rank in the military

Despite his rank, he looks young due to his smooth face and physique but in reality, he is 47 years old

Behind him is his secretary that is dressed in a black suit. The secretary had a royal blue hair tied in a ponytail that is also held by two chopsticks and a thin red string

"What's the status?" The general asked the expert that was monitoring an area, a few kilometers away from their position

"The Mana Hotspot is currently emitting an absurd amount of energy from its mouth! The instruments couldn't handle the energy and just broke, it also did not send any usable information." The expert said in a flustered voice

"What would suggest we do?" The general asked in a clam manner

"I suggest we send a few mystical users to examine aorund the place and look inside"

"Hm, I see... What do you think, Satou?" The general asked the important looking scientist that was beside him

"If that's what it takes, then I have no choice but to support it. We need to control the Mana Hotspot and take it for ourselves. But the question is, who are we going to send?"

The important looking scientist, Satou, said with a bit of greed in his voice. He currently wears a long white lab coat and casual clothing inside. He wears a black framed eyeglasses and his black hair is swept to both sides

"Plus, if we didn't control it after the next eruption, it may cause problems in a large radius around it. It may even cover more then half of LA." Satou said in concerned manner

His assistant that was behind him, only looked at him with analyzing eyes. The assistant also has a long white lab coat with casual clothing. Her blonde hair is tied up in a ponytail to avoid distractions when she's doing experiments

"That's true, have you contacted the Old Man?" The general asked the expert


"What did he say?"

"There was no reply yet"

"What's that Old Man doing during this important matter?" The general slightly complained from the tardiness of the Old Man

"What do you mean, Chris? I've been here"

Suddenly, a voice echoed from the far right side of the monitoring room. The Old Man came out of the shadows with clear eyes

"I've already heard everything." The Old Man said while looking at the monitor

"Then what's your opinion of the matter?" The general, Chris, asked the Old Man

"That eruption of energy is nothing to be scoffed at. If an amateur, or at least a normal mystical user entered that hotspot, their body would be torn to shreds and they will cease to exist"

"What are you trying to suggest?"

"I guess you have to send your squadron to examine it?" The Old Man shrugged his shoulders

Everyone in the room widened their eyes upon the absurd suggestion of the Old Man

"No no no, I can't allow that... My squadron is only deployed when their is a threat to humanity." Chris said while shaking his head

"Have you forgotten what Satou said? It may cause problems to half of LA." The Old Man rebutted Chris

"That's just a part of humanity. What I mean is to the level of human extinction!" Chris shouted to the point that he was covered by a light blue aura

"Chris..." Satous could only mumble

The Old Man stared straight at Chris' angry and wary eyes

"Let me tell you what this eruption will do if it's not handle properly... Pure Mana and super concentrated Mana will escape the mouth of the Mana Hotspot. If this Mana would ever touch someone, their bodies wouldn't be able to handle the purity of this type of Mana which will cause their bodies to explode, or to the minimum, will cause Mana Sickness." The Old Man walked around as he stared at the monitor

The ground was trembling and cracking open as the earth was being torn apart. From the opening hole, glowing blue rocks were emerging in a spike pattern, like a sharp crystal

"This will also let Mana spread throughout the world faster. You know that we are not ready for the transition of the era, right? You also know what happens if everyone could control and manipulate Mana, right?" The Old Man continued as he stared at Chris' eyes. "Think about it carefully... Either you blow your ego and selfishness up or be responsible since you're placed in jurisdiction of this hotspot"

Chris contemplated and thought about the Old Man's words. After a few minutes of contemplation, Chris started talking

"Alright, I'll deploy my squadron inside the hotspot. But, I don't think them alone would able to handle whatever is inside there"

The Old Man turned his head towards Chris

"Are you saying that I should lend a hand a make one of my family members to provide assistance?"

"Not just one, all of them... From what it looks like and what it feels like, it is as you said, that hotspot is nothing to be scoffed at. Now I'm being enlightened by the dangers of this particular hotspot"

Why is Chris and the Old Man being alarmed by this certain Mana Hotspot? It was because this is the first time in record that a Mana Hotspot is emerging from the ground, rather than a crack or hole is being opened towards the mines

Even the Old Man was surprised initially because the energy that was being released by the Mana Hotspot is several times more potent than that if the biggest Mana Hotspot in the world, under the Mystical Academy. Especially since this Mana Hotspot was emerging from the ground like it was a growing plant

"I see..." The Old Man held his chin with his right hand. "I won't be sending all of them, one is enough"

"Oh? Are you confident of one of them?" Chris scoffed at the Old Man's bluff

"Yes." The Old Man proudly smiled

Chris didn't know that the Old Man has added another person in his family and he is the most powerful among them

"When do you want me to send him here?" The Old Man asked

"Probably around a month from now, I still need to contact them because they are scattered around the world. Veronica is currently contacting them now." Chris pointed his thumb behind him towards his secretary

"A month?? Isn't that too long? What if the Mana Hotspot made a large eruption by then?" Satou asked in a flustered manner. The Old Man also had the same question. He could never understand the general's way of thinking

"Why examine the hotspot now when it's in its weak state? Why don't we examine it before its critical state to gather more important results? By then, we could stop the eruption before it happens!"

Chris had a good idea and the others nodded in affirmation. However, the Old Man could only look at Chris with confusion

'How would you be able to stop the eruption when it's in its most powerful state?'

He didn't voice it out and let them cross the bridge when they get there

On the other hand, the blonde assistant observed the conversion with analyzing eyes. She seemed to pick up some hidden secrets and meaning behind their words

"Oh yeah, who is this person that you're considering to lend to our squadron? Is it the tall handsome man? Or the creepy lady?" Chris asked with curiosity

"That's classified information, I won't reveal anything about him..." The Old Man tried to stop Chris from asking further

"So, it's a new guy? Where did you find them now?" Chris asked further

"I won't tell..." The Old Man said with irritation in his voice. He then disappeared from the monitoring room

Chris stared at the place where the Old Man was. He then turned to Veronica, his secretary, behind and spoke

"Prepare for tomorrow, we're going to visit the Old Man's mansion"

"Understood!" Veronica nodded and placed another smartphone on her left ear while a different smartphone is placed on her right ear

Chris and Satou then stared at the giant screen in front of them and kept observing the emerging large blue stones


Meanwhile, at the epicenter of the eruption of the Mana Hotspot, the blue stones emerged and grew out of the ground and formed a blue spiraling spiky flower with a large gaping hole in the middle that leads to a deep chasm

Just then, a blue blob of energy came out of the hole and shot across the ground and bolted towards the west. The blue blob of energy escaped every equipment and every person's eyes and went unnoticed

The Mana Hotspot then calmed down and stopped growing for now


"I have a few questions for you now... You won't be able to resist since you have been under three of my potent mixtures..." Vanessa said while sitting on top of Philip. Her hands were on his chest and her back is arched as she looked down on Philip

"My first question is... Who are you?" Vanessa asked while she moved her face closer to Philip's. She looked at his eyes with sorrow and melancholy

Philip's mouth was quivering and he could feel that he was about to say something that he shouldn't. He remembered the time when Tom used his Extreme Luck ability to obtain information from him

His eyes became bloodshot and he tried to resist whatever effect was injected, sprayed, and gassed on him

"Hm? Seems like my potions and mixture are taking their time to take effect. Perhaps I was too early to make my move, or perhaps it was the effectivity and potency of my concoctions, or maybe... It is something to do with you abilities?" Vanessa said as she outlined Philip's chest and collarbone with her index finger

"Obedience Gas, Disresistance Spray, and Truth Serum. These were the concoctions that are in effect inside of you... It's about time until you're under full effect of the concoctions." Vanessa said while she ploppee her body down on top of Philip. She was feeling tired and rested for a quick second while waiting for the effects to kick in

Meanwhile, Philip can't move at all and his body began to heat up. He felt softness on top of his body as Vanessa's whole body is on top of him. He is having a mixed feelings and he feels as if his son were rising by the sensation he was feeling on his lower half

Although, his anger and annoyance was constantly rising, his mind wasn't on Vanessa's seductive and soft body but it was on concentrating all of his mental power on his left hand so that he could snap and Fate Control the concoctions to not be able to affect his body

After several seconds, Philip's tense and hardening body became soft and relaxed. Vanessa felt this and pushed herself up while supporting her body with her arms

"Now, let's do this again, shall we? Answer me! Who are you really??" Vanessa asked once again

"I-" Philip voiced out yet he did not complete his answer. He was under the Truth Serum and Obedience Gas so he was forced to answer and say the truth, with the Disresistance Spray, he won't be able resist answering in no way at all

Yet, somehow, he did not complete his answer and refused to speak

Although, Vanessa's question seemed to be a harmless one and Philip could just give his identity with only his name, he refused to answer her because who would entertain an intruder during midnight in their sleep

Vanessa could have just knocked on the door and asked Philip peaceful. Instead, she chose to sneak into Philip's room during midnight when he was asleep

In Philip's mind, if Vanessa is only asking for simple answers about himself then she wouldn't go so far just to set all of this. Unless, she has an ulterior motive, which Philip believed

Also, Vanessa also seems to be not drunk even though she drunk too much earlier. Seems that she drunk a potion that removed her drunkenness

"What?! You're not supposed to be able resist everything! What are you?!" Vanessa exclaimed with fluster

"My-" Philip was about to answer Vanessa truthfully, but he managed to resist and struggle once more

Vanessa's eyes widened upon seeing Philip resist the effects of her concoctions once again

The reason Philip was able to resist the effects of Vanessa's concoctions is because of his body. Although, his physical body was under the effects of the concoctions, his Spirit Fibers and Mana Spots were not

Since Spirit Fibers are located and connected across the tissues of every bone in the Skeletal System and Mana Spots are located at every joints of the Skeletal System, the effects were being stopped and halted to spread even further and lessen their effects

Additionally, Philip's body has undergone the reformation when he was falling in the chasm. This enhanced his Spirit Fibers and Mana Spots across his body, which also empowered his body related abilities and physique. That's why he became almost perfectly handsome

Currently, Philip's own body is adapting to the weakened effects of the concoctions and tries to work with the Spirit Fibers, since these are new to his body

His goal is to at least be able to control his left hand and snap it

"I can't back down now! I need to learn everything that you know! I might find answers based on what you know! I'll go so far as to enslave or kill you if I have to!" Vanessa bravely declared since she has a hold of every concoctions known to existence

At this point, the words enslave and kill entered Philip's mind. He didn't like those words, especially since it came from someone who has their own problems and someone who wants to take advantage of him

If he were to die, he wanted it to be because of natural means, complete accidents, or a willing suspect or candidate. He doesn't want to die when he is taken advantage of during his last moments

Then, if Vanessa is eager to kill Philip, he had to retaliate and bring her down with him. That's one of his mottos in life

Philip's eyes became even more bloodshot and his rising anger was aimed at Vanessa. Even with Philip's anger currently rising, his usual aura that grows behind him was contained around his skin and refuses to go out

Vanessa felt the intense anger that was aimed at her. She looked at Philip's eyes and she became slightly afraid that sweat formed on her forehead which caused it to drip around her cheek and on her neck. Her skin hair also rose and cold chill flowed across her spine and legs

"Very well then, I didn't want to do this but... You've made me... I just want to obtain knowledge that unlocks the secrets of the world and the universe! No matter how important or trivial the information is... It's already enough for me!"

Vanessa pulled out an Erlenmeyer Flask from her pocket that was sealed with a cork. The flask has a green glowing liquid sloshing around as she spins the flask around

Vanessa then pulled the cork and opened the flask. Green gas began to flow out of the flask and only spread around Philip and Vanessa. The gas then entered Philip's nose. Not only Philip, but also Vanessa has inhaled the green gas

Philip's cheeks began to turn incredibly red. This distracted him from his anger and the rising anger stopped and slowly lessened

Philip has his mouth closed this entire time because he was wary that if he opened his mouth, he would blurt out unnecessary words. But this time, he couldn't help but open his mouth and let out a puff. His eyebrows became deeply furrowed and his eyes became very dilated as it was obvious that he was struggling to resist something

He then felt that his son became incredibly stiff and hard that it stood

'Aphrodisiac?! How potent was this?!!'

Philip said as his reasoning was slowly fading away. He tried to look at Vanessa since he would think that she was also affected by this. He was surprised by what he saw

Vanessa was huffing wildly and sweat began to flow on her body. Her face was incredibly red and two protruding mounds waa noticeable on her mountains

Her every breath was intense to the point that her body was moving up and down. This distracted Philip even further since he could feel Vanessa grinding on him

Vanessa was letting out quiet moans since he can't stop herself from moving too much from her breathing as she could feel something poking and grazing her from under

"This... This is a... Brain... Siphoning Potion..." Vanessa described the flask on her hand while panting and breathing heavily

"This will extract information on your brain and transfer it to me... The aphrodisiac is essential in this process." Vanessa explained what the potion can do

She then drank half of the flask without gulping it. She then lowered her head and body and aimed for Philip

She held Philip's cheeks and gave him a deep French Kiss. The glowing green fluid flowed to Philip's mouth while excess fluid spilled around Vanessa and Philip's mouth

Vanessa played with Philip's tongue and they had an intense tongue battle. Vanessa did this so he won't be able to resist intake of the potion

Philip, however, couldn't resist and his tongue moved on its own and played with Vanessa's. Philip's entire face was red, as well as Vanessa's

Philip should feel happiness and pleasure, but in truth, he could feel bitterness and pleasure, literally

The glowing green fluid was incredibly bitter to the point that he could puke but he can't. His eyes rolled back from the pain of the bitterness. His mouth wasn't feeling well but his lower half was feeling good since Vanessa is still apparently grinding her lower half

At this moment, Vanessa's mind was no longer in the moment where she's extracting information out of Philip

She was standing on a vast calm ocean that reflects the plain sky. She was standing on the surface if the ocean

The sky was dark, which also made the calm ocean dark. Although, the place seems to be properly lit despite the absence of light. It was like having Night Vision, but it was still dark nonetheless

Vanessa looked around only to see nothing. The vastness of the area seemed to be endless that the horizon is nowhere to be seen. She tried to walk but she went nowhere since there were no landmarks

She walked for who knows how long and found nothing

Then, a moment later, Vanessa saw a sparkle in the distance. She ran towards the sparkle and the sparkle seemed to go closer to her

As she ran forwards, numerous butterflies flew pass around her and across her, but Vanessa did not noticed this at all and continued to run

She kneeled down to look at the sparkle a little closer

The sparkle notice Vanessa and floated at her eye level. Mesmerized by the sparkle, she lifted her hand and tried to touch it

As soon as she touched the sparkle, her being was sent through space in a hyperdrive as planets and moons passed her her one by one. The stars across the field of vision elongated into straight lines

A moment later, she was following a golden trail froman object that was flying away from her, or rather, Vanessa was the one following it from behind. She couldn't see the object since it was extremely far and the golden flashes were blocking her view

Just then, she abruptly stopped and was pulled back instantly into the vast ocean. The sparkle was no longer in front of her, only broken space and shattered time from being pulled back instantly

The surroundings became dimmer and the calm ocean began to rumble. Countless ripples filled the ocean and torrential rain poured over the vast ocean

There werw no clouds present and the raindrops were enough to hurt Vanessa's being. She tried to cover herself as much as she can but to no avail

Until then, the ocean became extremely violent and rose around her, except on the place where she was standing

The waves raged and the water roared around Vanessa. It was so loud that Vanessa couldn't hear anything

Then, a moment later, the violent ocean was swept away from her like a wave. It was as if the ocean became scared of her and ran away. It was the same for the rain

Vanessa had her eyes furrowed from the torment that she experience as she slowly stood up. She let out a breath of relief and looked up. She wondered why the area was still dim

At that moment, Vanessa's eyes widened and her sweat escaped from her skin and flowed upwards due to genuine fear

She saw a dark silhouette in the sky that was descending like a god. The silhouette had two bright stars as its eyes. The silhouette is close to having no form rather than having shape

A shadow that was resembling a hand, or a claw, was descending on Vanessa. It's as if it was grabbing her or about to smash her down

The eyes brightened further and the dread around the silhouette became even bigger that it filled the vastness of the ocean and gave Vanessa despair

The only thing that was on Vanessa's mind right now, the moment she saw the silhouette, were...

Please, I don't want to live anymore. I want to die. I don't have the will to live anymore. Please don't have pity on me. Kill me. Ueh hsgbe jahusk hegfb jfuj hegwbn kalpash djej

The first words were still understandable in her head but it became gibberish until later since she became insane and her mind broke

At this point, the hand was about to crush her, until a bright flash of golden light filled the area

Vanessa was no longer in the vast ocean as her being returned to the moment she was giving Philip a deep French Kiss. Although, she has lost consciousness but her body was twitching and reacting to what was currently happening

Philip's dreadful aura screamed and scattered around the room. The aura did not try to attack or destroy anything but it was running away from something

Vanessa's upper body was slowly being pulled up by herself. The movement was ragged and twitching. Her mouth was wide opened and her eyes were rolled back as tears started to flow out of her eyes

From Philip, the stinging pain on the right side of his neck was intesifying as white liquid was flowing out of it. The Truth Serum is finally being rejected by his body. Around the hole where the syringed was stabbed at, lines of white emerging from the hole could be seen. These lines were glowing and illuminated as blue. The lines wrapped around the right side of his neck

This are similar to Spirit Fibers that are around the Skeletal System, but these lines are from the Muscular System. Philip is currently unaware of the existence of this white lines

On Philip's mouth, there was a black smoke emerging from it towards Vanessa. The black smoke was entering her body and flowing throughout her body

Vanessa lost consciousness and had no way to resist. The black smoke took advantage of it and attacked Vannesa instead

Another one of Philip's mottos in life are, "Return back everything what was given to you, two times or more!"

This is what Philip's being doing right now. He was extracting information from Vanessa instead, although Philip was unaware of it

This was a part of the returning pain from the Pain Denial ability but it is different. It was derived from his motto and desire to return, even the most negative aspect that he receive, into a much more powerful comeback

At this point, the windows violently opened and the gas inside the room rapidly flowed out, clearing Philip's room of the Obedience Gas

A man emerged in front of the window as his body was covered by the illumination of the moon, which made it hard to see his identity

The man quickly walked to Vanessa and touched her shoulder. This sent shivers in his hand. They then disappeared in a red mist that turned into red liquid that dropped on the floor and appeared in Vanessa's room where she was dropped on the floor. The man then disappeared instantly in a red mist

The black smoke dissipated from her mouth while tears continuously flowed from her eyes. Fortunately, her lower muscles were able to stop her from releasing her fluids

The man reappeared in Philip's room and faced Philip. This time, his right side was illuminated by the moon. It was properly illuminated that Philip recognized the man after he recovered from the effects of the concoctions

Philip slightly lifted his head and looked at the man with half-closed eyes
