
The Fate Forgers

"In the depths of his own disinterest, Dylan languishes in his room, lost in a sea of procrastination and endless YouTube scrolling. The world around him has lost its luster, and he drifts without purpose day by day. But one unassuming encounter changes the course of his entire life - an inconspicuous video from a YouTube channel of a small production company which uses it only to release trailers for their upcoming movies and series. The video which was only title 'Trailer,' it becomes the catalyst that sparks a flicker of interest within Dylan, a soul who rarely finds fascination. Join the journey of Dylan, the embodiment of apathy, navigates a life devoid of passion or connection. Yet, against all odds, a gradual transformation begins. Through encounters, experiences, and perhaps by aa special someone, he rediscovers the beauty of the world he had so long dismissed. However, can he maintain a grip on that individual, or will he forfeit the sole person linking him to the world? The steps he takes further will determine his future journey, yet it's as uncomplicated as he perceives the world, or perhaps something is unfolding behind him that he couldn't comprehend."

Chocolatepickle · perkotaan
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24 Chs

Puzzled by the decision

Taran thought about it more, 'maybe this will be a short web series?'

While he was reasoning with his own ideas he was still on the call with Dylan so he asked about what he was having right now.

"Dylan I don't think it will be a long series."

Dylan became puzzled by what Taran said to him

"Why do you think so?"

"Didn't you see it would be released on YouTube for free?"

"Yes I had seen that and what was wrong with it?", Dylan was still not able to understand what Taran meant by saying that.

"Dylan, how much money do you think they had put in to produce this web series from the trailer alone?"

Dylan instantly replied to Taran, "Of course, from one look one can tell they had put tons of money into producing this web series."

"You are right after watching the trailer any normal person would think that the web series they will release will be of the same quality and from the cinematography and CGI in the trailer it is normal it is taken from money to money."

"Yes, all of your points are correct but what you are pointing towards," Dylan asked back in confusion.

"You agree that it would take a lot of money to make them, then why would they realize it on YouTube for free even after accounting for all the ad revenue that will be generated from the viewers it will no way near if it would have been released on the other platforms."

Listening to the reasoning that Taran gave him, Dylan contemplated what Taran said, he could not even deny Taran's reasoning.

"Huuu... what you are saying makes sense, maybe it would be released on the other platforms also?"

Dylan scanned the announcement of the EE production house again but he didn't find anything regarding what he was searching for.

"I don't think they mentioned anything about releasing it on other platforms." Taran's response to Dylan's query.

"Yes, I had confirmed, there was absolutely no related information, showing it would be released on other platforms."

Both Dylan and Taran could not find the reason.

Dylan was still reasoning with EE production house decision, but suddenly he recalled a comment made by a person in the trailer.

"I don't think it will be short web series."

"What happened, why do you suddenly feel it won't be a short web series?"

Taran questioned Dylan when he heard Dylan's response.

Dylan didn't say this because of his gut feeling but when he remembers the content of the comment, which he didn't take in mind before.

"Taran do you remember that EE production house was bought completely by a single person."

"Yes and what about it."

"I think the new owner of the EE production house is an affluent person."

"The owner would definitely have to be a well-off person if he could buy the entire EE production house."

"Well, now you think about whenever a new business is opened somewhere the owner of this business tries to coax people in a different way through free vouchers or free products." Dylan continued to tell Taran

A sudden realization was down upon Taran having listened to Dylan's explanation.

"I get by what you're trying to say, but putting an entire web series for free to boost their popularity isn't it too much."

Taran apart from the reasoning given before by Dylan but could not accept that someone would put in large amounts of money just to gain popularity.

"Don't think about it so much, for some people, it would be a huge amount of money that we would never think of earning in a lifetime but for the big company and businessman this is just their investment for their future plans."

"Haa... I think you are right, I only taught about it from my perspective, taking into account it is just their normal investment."

"Yes, let's just wait for the release date then we would clearly know what is going to happen."

"Well yes, we have to just wait I am really impatient after watching their phenomenal trailer." Taran could not hide his excitement to watch the show.

They talked with each other for a while then hung up.

The popularity of EE production house's new web series started to rise again this time not for their phenomenal trailer but because of the announcement they had made, to release the web series on YouTube for free.

Many netizens appreciated that EE production houses would release their new web series for free, they mainly consist of people who watch different web series and movies by pirating them, they fully showed their support for the upcoming series after watching the trailer.

Many new netizens came in contact with the EE production house channel due to its recent rise in popularity and were surprised by the trailer they had put which also helped to increase the channel subscription and reach to different people.

After the announcement of the release date, all the netizens who had watched the trailer were eagerly waiting for it.

This continued, and after two days the trailer was still trending as number one on the film section on YouTube, and its view was continuously rising it didn't show any speed of decline.

Three days passed by and seven days remained till the release date of the web series, netizens' eagerness where continuously increasing many were trying to speculate the story of the web series from the gruesome scene from the trailer.

On the fifth day after the announcement, the popularity of the video continued to increase and many high-level movie and web series critics started to make videos on the trailer on YouTube.

Danish was one of them, at the moment he had not uploaded his opinion on the trailer on YouTube, but he was on his way to making a video on it.

Danish had seen the trailer trending on YouTube before but he had ignored it before after seeing it was made by a small production house.