
The Fate Forgers

"In the depths of his own disinterest, Dylan languishes in his room, lost in a sea of procrastination and endless YouTube scrolling. The world around him has lost its luster, and he drifts without purpose day by day. But one unassuming encounter changes the course of his entire life - an inconspicuous video from a YouTube channel of a small production company which uses it only to release trailers for their upcoming movies and series. The video which was only title 'Trailer,' it becomes the catalyst that sparks a flicker of interest within Dylan, a soul who rarely finds fascination. Join the journey of Dylan, the embodiment of apathy, navigates a life devoid of passion or connection. Yet, against all odds, a gradual transformation begins. Through encounters, experiences, and perhaps by aa special someone, he rediscovers the beauty of the world he had so long dismissed. However, can he maintain a grip on that individual, or will he forfeit the sole person linking him to the world? The steps he takes further will determine his future journey, yet it's as uncomplicated as he perceives the world, or perhaps something is unfolding behind him that he couldn't comprehend."

Chocolatepickle · perkotaan
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24 Chs

Public reaction (2)

Taran quickly moved on from dwelling on the matter and his mind started to think about the first episode and what will happen next in the upcoming episode.

He reopened the first episode and navigated directly to the video's end, hoping to find the premiere date for the next episode. Unfortunately, he didn't find anything mentioning about the next episode premiere date other than the credit rolling out.

Taran then proceeded to check the video's description, but even there, he came up empty-handed.

Taran's mood became slightly down after not being able to find the premiere date of the next episode, he didn't want to wait for a whole week to watch the next episode so he only hoped that it was daily release, while he was thinking about that he received a notification on his YouTube page and when he opened it, Taran found it was from the EE production house. Upon realizing that the notification was about a community post made by EE, Taran eagerly opened it and finally discovered the details he had been seeking.

The upcoming episode is scheduled for release tomorrow, and following that, a new episode will be launched daily. This release pattern will continue for the rest of the episodes in the series.

Taran felt a little excited after seeing that all the upcoming episodes will be released on a daily basis, which also grew his desire to watch the upcoming episodes.

Taran found himself revisiting the inaugural episode once more. Upon his initial viewing, he was captivated by the sheer visual spectacle of CGI of each scene. However, with this subsequent viewing, his attention had shifted towards the intricacies of the story. In his initial excitement, he had inadvertently overlooked the depth of Aska and his father's characters. Now, he was fully immersed in their development and interactions.

After dedicating an hour, Taran successfully concluded his second viewing of the inaugural episode, which happened to have a runtime of one hour.

By the end of the second time Taran attention was diverted from the story to CGI of the episode again it was mainly due to there was not much going on the first episode.

Contrastingly, following the initial episode's premiere, it gradually ascended the ranks within the trending section, eventually securing the top spot merely within an hour.

Audiences resonated with the debut episode, sparking discussions across various online platforms. However, the predominant focus of these conversations was centered around the exceptional CGI and cinematography of the episode. Viewers widely regarded these elements as a paragon of excellence.

While people were discussing the first episode, Danish was busy in his studio, he was currently recording a video for his channel on the first episode, he covered all the details he had thought before and his theory for the identity of the two characters and all also speculated about the last scene in the episode which he thought it should be related to war scene from the trailer and also pointed how all the dead body looked fresh and lastly conclude with his impression of the first episode.

After almost two hours of shooting for his video Danish started to edit it and when it was completed, Danish opened his channel and uploaded the video on his channel and named his video 'My thought on the first episode of the new web series without any name.'

After entering the name, he took a moment to ponder whether the video's title was suitable. Upon reaching a point where he was genuinely satisfied with the name, he proceeded to make the video public.

Danish after uploading his video, he felt exhausted and so he stood up from his chair and streched his back and whole body. Out of curiosity Danish opened the YouTube trending section and found what he had slight exceptions, the first episode was trending on the number one position of the trending section, unknowingly Danish mouth was slightly curled upward after seeing it on the number one positions.

Just some time after the Danish video was uploaded it started gaining popularity very quickly and people started to discuss under the comments section and also discussed the theory that Danish had presented in his video.

Many people where discussing about the theory but currently most of them where currently where commenting how good was the CGI and cinematography.

The first episode continued to gain popularity through out day and just like that next day came.

On this particular day, Taran had awoken earlier than usual, driven by the anticipation of watching the upcoming episode. The second episode was scheduled to go live at 12 pm, an hour earlier than previous releases. Taran's excitement prompted him to rise at 7 am, and upon confirming the time, he proceeded to indulge in a revitalizing stretch before attending to his morning routine. After his invigorating stretch, he began by brushing his mouth, he was brushing his mouth with a sense of eagerness in preparation for the forthcoming episode.

Commencing his day at 7:30 am, Taran initiated his routine by powering up his PC and launching the YouTube application. Following a swift mouth-cleansing session, he found himself uncertain about his next course of action, given the four-hour window remaining before the second episode's scheduled release. This led him to scroll through the YouTube page aimlessly. While perusing the platform, he stumbled upon a plethora of videos linked to the first episode. Strangely, he refrained from selecting any to watch. Taran continued to scroll through the YouTube page and the passing of time felt particularly sluggish today for him, possibly due to his ingrained sleep pattern that usually involved getting a substantial 9 to 11 hours of sleep each day, so likely attributed this feeling to his early awakening.

When he found himself aimlessly scrolling through YouTube again he stood up from the chair and looked around his room and due to him waking up early he found so much time to spare so he started cleaning his room, after a while, when he had cleaned his room making his way to the kitchen to prepare a satisfying breakfast.

After a while, Taran emerged from the kitchen carrying a plate, having prepared a modest breakfast of bread omelet for himself. As he savored his meal to completion, the clock neared 8:30 am. Finding himself with another stretch of time ahead, he set a timer for 12 pm on his smartphone and decided to occupy himself by engaging in a game.

Meanwhile, Dylan had also risen from his slumber. He spent some time lying on his bed, fixating his gaze upon the ceiling as he typically did when he found himself nothing to do.

Suddenly, a knocking sound echoed from his bedroom door.

"Sir are you awake?"

"Yes." Dylan replied.

"Sir Breakfast is ready where should I serve you?.

"Leave it in my room."

"Ok sir."

Dylan rose from his bed with a gradual motion, making his way to the window. He drew aside the curtain veiling the window, exposing himself to a flood of brilliant sunlight. Shielding his eyes from the glare with his left hand, he gradually adjusted to the intense sunlight before gently opening the window. The sunlight streamed onto Dylan's face, revealing a sprawling grand garden that stretched as far as the eye could perceive on the other side of the window.

As Dylan turn back, a uniformed man entered his room, pushing a trolley laden with food.

"Your breakfast is set on the table, sir," the man informed.

"Understood," Dylan responded.

When the man in the uniform was about to leave Dylan stopped him.

"Make me a cup of coffee."

"Ok sir." The man replied.

After the man exited his room, Dylan's gaze shifted to the food. Recognizing that it was at risk of cooling down, he headed to his bathroom to attend to his shower.

After some time, Dylan reappeared in his room clad in a bathrobe.