When the spider bites Gwen Stacy, instead of Peter, she becomes Spider-Woman! But she soon finds out that the responsibility given to a hero is not an easy job.
I made mine out of unused Oscorp tech- (GASP)! Don't tell him.
The villain positions his hands against the wall just behind him.
Honestly, I don't think he'd mind anyway since it's just-
You talk too damn much!
The villain sends himself flying towards Spider-Woman. He grabs her and the two crash through the building until they end up outside.
Spider-Woman rolls with the fall. The Villain lands perfectly, almost as if he'd been practicing.
I don't actually like hitting ladies.
But I have a job to do. You know, I was actually pretty surprised when he told me Spider-Woman was less of a woman and more of a girl.
The villain walks over to Spider-Woman, slowly.
Yeah, you're not great at covering your tracks. Prowler did say he knew who you were. Lucky for you, he's kind of a fan, didn't tell me nothing except you went here.
Who the hell is "Prowler"?
You don't need to know.
Actually, who the hell are you? Cushion Man?
Stop guessing.
Oh, it's gonna be something lame like-
Names Shocker.
Shocker fires a blast at her, but she rolls out of the way and swing-kicks him, sending him flying into a post, denting it.
Shocker recovers and tries to launch himself at Spider-Woman, but by now she's learned most of the tricks he has, dodging mid-air and grabbing him by the legs, spinning him a little and letting go, sending him flying back indoors.
Shocker gets back on his feet, and rubs his forehead, but Spider-Woman swings inside and kicks him through another wall.
OH! SHOCKER! Like SHOCK-wave! That's dumb dude. Shocker is like an electric guy's name.
Through the dust, a shockwave zooms towards Spider-Woman.
She dodges the blast, but Shocker follows, grabbing her by the head and dragging it into the ground as they go.
He tosses her up a little and grabs her leg before spinning and throwing her further.
Before she can think, Shocker launches himself at her again and punches her twice, followed by a knee to the gut, then he gets her in a headlock and falls backward into the ground, sending Spider-Woman head-first into the ground.
Shocker performs a roll and plants his fists into the AstroTurf. Spider-Woman fans her hand.
Give me a sec, man.
Shocker sends a shockwave through the ground. Spider-Woman leaps over it, despite laying flat on the ground. She lands and webs Shocker's face. As he goes to tear off the webs, Spider-Woman webs his hands to his face.
Shocker grunts angrily. Spider-Woman fires another web at him and flings herself forward. She punches him twice, then she drops to the floor and kicks Shocker up into the air. She zips up to him and begins punching and kicking him.
Spider-Woman uses both web-shooters to slingshot herself towards Shocker. She kicks him with both feet and pushes him away.
Shocker crashes to the ground. Tearing off the webs on his face while he lays down.
Man. You're good kid. Prowler was wrong about you. You ain't weak, you're tough as hell!
Shocker sits up and gets on one knee.
But I'll be damned if I don't finish this.
Shocker begins firing blast after blast. Spider-Woman dodges and fires a web to zip forward and strike. However, Shocker predicts this and narrowly dodges her punch and counters with a super-charged punch to her ribs.
Spider-Woman soars through the air and crashes through a wall. Police sirens SCREAM through the air.
It's your lucky day, Spider…
He turns around and launches himself into the air. When he lands, 100 Yards away, he does the same, launching himself again until he is completely out of sight.
Gwen sits up and brushes off the rubble.
Police enter, but Spider-Woman is nowhere in sight.
Gwen exits through one of the school's fire exits, back in her casual clothes. Peter runs over to her and hugs her.
I'm so glad you're okay! I heard so much, what happened?
Oh, you should've seen it, it was amazing!
Gwen takes out her phone and plays a video of the fight.
Wow, how did they not notice you?
I don't know, maybe because they were too busy fighting each other?
Oh, right, yeah that makes sense.
Their teacher calls them over.
Come on you two! It's not safe!
They walk over and are greeted by George. He hugs Gwen.
I'm so glad you're okay!
Dad, I'm literally fine, no need to worry.
I have all the right to worry!
Shocker crash lands outside of an old steel mill. He takes a second to look around before entering.
Inside, he finds Prowler. An ominous purple glow radiates from him.
You're not gonna be happy, but I wasn't able to kill her.
Man, if you're struggling with killing a teenager, you really are the worst.
Hey! She's tougher than you realize. I was giving it my all but it just wasn't working! Plus the cops showed up pretty quick.
From the shadows echoes a female voice. Followed by mechanical TICKING and HISSING.
If that was your best, then you have no place here, Herman.
The woman, cloaked in darkness, slithers around in the shadows.
Well I'm sorry! If you want her gone so bad then do it yourself!
Hiring a guy to hire another guy to kill one girl.
That "one girl" has just proven to me that she is definitely going to be a problem.
The woman slowly steps into the light. Metal plates appear to be welded to a scaly body, with a long stinger to boot.
Norman must suffer for what he did. But I can't do that with some... "HERO" Swinging around, trying to save people. Even if they don't deserve it.
Don't they say, "Revenge is a fool's game" or something like that?
SCORPION'S stinger shoots forward and stops just before touching Shocker's neck.
Only if you don't know what you're doing.
Scorpion uses her stinger to caress his face.
Shocker recoils away from Scorpion's stinger.
Can we get back to work here? We missed the hit, big deal. How're we gonna do another?
We could do so much more if only you told me where she lives!
Knowing you, you'd kill everyone in the damned block. So no, you're not getting her home.
What's even the point in having you around Davis?
The school was a good plan, don't get me wrong, we just executed it poorly.