A woman from our world is reborn as a Fallen Angel Gamer in a Marvel/Crossover AU. Will she grind her way to the top, or get a game over?
Chapter 293:
– Layla –
It didn't take long for Azazel to speculate on who had broken into Heaven while we were all distracted during the final battle. He crossed his arms and huffed. "It had to be Rizevim," he pointed out.
I scowled. "Hela fought both him and Sirzechs at the same time yesterday," I said, my voice edged with frustration. "The red-haired Lucifer is dead—she made sure to kill him personally—but according to Hela, the silver-haired one got away practically unscathed while gloating at her. She also mentioned something about 666…" I trailed off uneasily.
Gabriel and Michael both gasped at the same time, their wings fluttering nervously behind them.
"I wish you would have mentioned something about that sooner, Layla," Azazel muttered, shaking his head.
I tilted my head, trying to piece together what was unfolding with the information we had. "So, he really is trying to release Tri—"
"Don't say that monster's name!" Azazel snapped, cutting me off with a sharp glare. His eyes bore into mine, more serious than I'd ever seen them. "Names have power, especially when they're spoken by beings as powerful as us. If that silver-haired asshole has really been going around weakening the seals, someone like you even whispering its name could speed up its release."
I clamped my mouth shut and nodded, my lips pressing together in silent apology.
We all turned to Michael. He was the one who knew the most about the Heavenly system, especially since he'd inherited God's position when his wings had turned golden. If anyone could give us some clarity, it would be him.
But instead, Michael sighed and shook his head. "I'm sorry, my brother and sisters," he began regretfully. "But I don't know anything about the seals beyond the fact that Father placed them all over the world. It wouldn't surprise me if one of them was up in Heaven."
I ran a hand through my black hair, my fingers tangling in the strands as I exhaled slowly. "Well, at least now we know what Rizevim was doing in Heaven," I said, trying to keep my tone calm even though my frustration was building. "We're lucky Heaven didn't have any angels stationed inside. They're all busy fighting in the war or defending human territories. If there had been any angels here, Rizevim would've slaughtered them—happily."
The thought made my stomach twist. His cruelty knew no limits, just look what he had done to his own grandson Vali. That was pretty obvious now since the heavily abused White dragon emperor had been thrown at us as nothing more than some kind of distraction.
Gabriel spoke up. "We have to find him before he succeeds in releasing the beast!"
[I don't know why they're all so worried. That monster was still sealed away by your father in the end and he only had Seven wings at the time…]
The system made a fair point, and I brought up its words to Michael, Gabriel, and Azazel.
"I bet I can take it," I said confidently.
Gabriel and Michael exchanged unsure glances, before Azazel shook his head and shot down the possibility of me fighting that creature. "That's not going to work, Layla," Azazel said. "With eight wings, you've easily surpassed any power the old man had behind him, but there's something you're severely lacking."
I raised an eyebrow. "And what's that?"
"Time," he said simply. "He had thousands, no, millions of years to learn how to fully harness all of his powers. You've barely scratched the surface of your own."
I could tell he wasn't trying to be cruel, but his words hit like a hammer to the chest. I hated feeling like I wasn't enough, especially after everything we'd been through. I opened my mouth to argue. "I still have two Infinity Stones—the Mind Stone and the Power Stone."
Azazel's expression didn't change. He shook his head. "Even then, I'm not sure that will be enough," he said, turning toward Gabriel and Michael. They had matching blank expressions, clearly uncertain themselves. "You all might've forgotten this little detail, but that monster was spawned from all of humanity's darkness. The hatred and cruelty hidden deep within every human heart."
I frowned, feeling a knot tighten in my stomach as I absorbed his words.
Azazel continued. "When Father perished sealing that thing away, the human population was only 300 million. Now, on Earth DxD alone, it's 8 billion. And if the worlds merge again after the seals break, that number will double to 16 billion." He paused, letting the weight of his words settle over us. "You can do the math on how much more darkness that monster will be able to harness."
[I did the math for you, it's going to be over 50 times more powerful!]
Ok, this thing's probably going to be even more powerful than Arishem was, but 50 times more powerful wasn't that bad. That's how much the Power Stone ended up boosting me anyway. I felt like my siblings were still underestimating me, not out of spite, but out of protectiveness.
"We'll table the beast for now," I said, feeling the weight of the conversation hanging in the air. "Let's focus on cleaning up the underworld first."
Gabriel's eyes lit up immediately. "I want to lead the forces! Let me wipe out the devil cities and population centers!" Her eagerness was almost unsettling. My beautiful sister, the kindest Seraphim of them all, always managed to surprise me with how bloodthirsty she could become when it came to dealing with devils…
"Of course you do," I said with a faint smile, shaking my head.
Michael gave us both a nod. "I'll head back up to Heaven. I need to assess the damage Rizevim's caused."
…No doubt the devil trashed the place out of spite, but who knows what else he might've accomplished while we were down here? Heaven's probably a mess, which is kind of an odd concept to think about.
Azazel chimed in, "Before Gabriel goes all 'divine wrath' on the Devil Capital, I want to investigate Ajuka Beelzebub's lab."
[He wants to plunder another scientist's lab for leftover goodies…]
I had my own plans as well, but before I left, I made my way over to Hela and Sif. Flying over the battlefield, I spotted them, both of their armors still splattered with devil blood. They were busy chatting together with actual smiles. It caught me off guard how well they seemed to be getting along. This was clearly a new development over the past two years.
When they noticed me, both of their faces lit up. "Hey there, you two," I called out, landing beside them. "Did you enjoy the battle?"
Before I could say anything else, Hela grabbed me and yanked me toward her, pressing her lips firmly against mine in a passionate kiss. I let out a muffled squeak into her mouth, completely caught off guard. When she finally pulled back, licking her lips with a wicked grin, she murmured, "The battle was most wonderful, my love."
I could feel the heat rising in my cheeks as I smiled back. Turning toward Sif, I noticed her face had reddened as well. "And you, Sif? How was the battle? Do you need any healing?" I asked her.
Hela gave Sif a playful nudge, her grin widening. Before I could even ask what that was about, Sif stepped forward, wrapping her arms around me and pulling me close, mimicking Hela's earlier move. Her lips found mine, but this kiss was much gentler, catching me off guard in a completely different way. Sif had always been the shy one when it came to displays of public affection. Her sudden boldness took me by surprise!
A few nearby Asgardian soldiers let out loud wolf whistles, clearly entertained by the display. The soldiers, however, quickly went silent when the Queen of Asgard glared at them and said, "The next one who whistles gets latrine duty for a month!" The men immediately straightened up with pale faces.
"I think you scared them, Hela," I said with a laugh.
"Good," she smirked.
I turned back to Sif with a smile tugging at my lips. "Not that I didn't enjoy the kiss, but you're usually not so bold, Sif."
The blonde warrior goddess blushed deeply, while Hela let out a hearty laugh.
"Oh, Sif here is just a little jealous," Hela teased. "I told her all about the fun we had yesterday, Layla. Now Sif wants her own turn with you once all of this is over."
I looked back at Sif, who was pouting with her arms crossed as she glared playfully at Hela. "I just wanted to spend more time with you, Layla," she admitted softly. "You're always so busy."
Hearing her say that made my heart sink a little. "I'm sorry, Sif," I said, stepping closer and resting my hand on her arm. "I promise, we'll go on our own date in a couple of days. Just the two of us, no interruptions."
Sif's pout softened into a smile, her eyes brightening at the promise. "Really?" she asked.
I nodded, though the guilt still lingered in my chest. "Yeah, but I just want to spend a bit of time with my children first. I missed two whole years of their lives… now they're already three years old, talking and everything." I sighed, feeling the weight of those lost years. It still stung, even after all this time.
Sif gave me an understanding nod, her smile returning. "Of course. I can wait. They need you right now."
I turned to Hela, who was watching us with a bemused expression. "So, are the Asgardians planning to continue into the underworld with the Angels and Fallen Angels?" I asked.
Hela scoffed, her lips curling into a smirk. "Of course," she said confidently. "As the victorious army, is it not our right to plunder our defeated enemies for everything of value!?"
"Er… right," I stammered, not sure how to respond. Hela's statement felt a little archaic, but then again, different cultures had different ways of doing things. Who was I to judge? It's not like their looting would be hurting anyone, especially considering Gabriel was already off laying waste to the rest of the Devils.
I opened a portal and stepped through, making my way back to Kyoto. The familiar surroundings of Yasaka's palace greeted me, and almost immediately, the foxy woman herself appeared, her golden tails swishing happily behind her as she spotted me. She let out a soft chitter of excitement while rushing toward me.
Our breasts squished together as she pulled me into a tight hug! "I'm glad you're back, Layla," Yasaka said warmly, her voice filled with relief. "I take it the war in the underworld is over?"
Before I could answer, Amaterasu's voice chimed in from a nearby table. "It better be over," she grumbled. "I want to go back to being lazy! Work sucks!"
[Work does suck!]
I kissed Yasaka on the cheek as we pulled apart. "Yes, the war's mostly over," I replied, glancing between them. "Rizevim Lucifer and Serafall Leviathan are still at large though. The former is the one we really have to worry about."
"The Devils are all but extinct now! Good riddance!" Amaterasu held up her tea cup in celebration before slamming back the whole thing. "Kanpai!"
Yasaka's tails swayed behind her as she looked at me with curious slitted eyes. "So, what do we do now?" she asked softly.
"I think we have to make some kind of global announcement." I told her. "Not just to let everyone know the war is over... but to warn them about the upcoming convergence as well. It's coming, and it's coming fast…" I trailed off.
Both women fell silent at that. Yasaka's brows furrowed with concern, and Amaterasu leaned back in her chair, clearly digesting the news.
"How soon?" Yasaka asked.
"Like a week?" I admitted, feeling the pressure of time looming over us. "Tony and Andrea have perfected the formula that'll save the world, but we need to start deploying drones all over Earth DxD. Thankfully, the serum can now enhance people, plants, and animals. They've managed to make it work on all three after these past two years. It can also be directly added to the air or water."
"That's a relief," Yasaka murmured, though her expression remained a bit worried. "But it still sounds like there's a lot to be done."
"There is," I said before asking Yasaka how long it would take to rent out a TV studio…?
I sat across from Amaterasu with the bright studio lights shining down on us. The human Japanese camera crew was glancing between Amaterasu and I in obvious shock, but we couldn't wait for them to get over it.
We had an announcement to make to the entire world.
Amaterasu started off since we were in Japan. "Greetings, my children," she said, her gaze sweeping across the cameras, addressing the people of Japan. "As the Goddess of the Sun, I speak to you now during a time of great change." I shifted in my seat as she turned toward me with a small smile. "With me today," she continued, "is Layla, a Fallen Angel who has ascended to Godesshood herself. But Layla is not just any Goddess... She is also the lover of my favorite priestess Yasaka!" Amaterasu said with a smirk.
My face instantly flushed, and I shot her a look, which only made her smirk more. Of course she had to throw that in on a global tv broadcast!
"Yes, well," I began, looking directly into the camera now, pushing the embarrassment aside, "I am Layla of the Fallen." My voice steadied as I fell into the role I had to play. "...For centuries, the Supernatural World has existed alongside humanity, and yet remained hidden from you all. Many of us believed it was for the best, giving humanity time to grow, to evolve, so that one day you could rise up and stand amongst us on your own two feet alongside us!" I said with a bright smile.
None of that was true, of course. It was all a carefully crafted lie, designed to sound good and comforting for the masses. In reality, the supernatural world had stayed hidden more out of convenience and self-preservation than any noble desire to let humanity grow. But the people didn't need to know that…
I pressed on. "But now, with the convergence upon us, it's time for the veil to be lifted. The convergence is going to change everything, and we can't hide anymore. The world as you know it is about to get much bigger!" I let the words hang in the air for a moment. "What you need to understand," I continued, "is that the world was once much larger, far more vast than what it is today. A freak accident—a cosmic event—split our world into two separate spheres. For centuries, these two worlds have existed apart. But in as little as a week, the convergence will bring them back together!" The silence in the studio was palpable, and I knew people around the world were watching with bated breath. "I won't get too heavy into the details right now," I said, offering a reassuring smile, "but when the two Earths merge, there will be chaos. Borders will be thrown out of whack. Every nation will suddenly find itself with two governments, two populations, two histories…" I quickly added, "But despite the confusion, I ask you all to remember this—no matter what, we are all still human. There's no reason for violence, no reason for panic. The world is going to get bigger, yes, but that just means there's more room for us all. We need to face this together!"
I paused, giving the gravity of my words time to sink in before glancing at Amaterasu beside me. She gave me a nod, her expression resolute as she finally spoke up.
"I couldn't agree more with Layla," Amaterasu said, her voice firm yet soothing. "I am so proud of the Japanese people for how you've handled the recent attacks on our nation by the foreign Devils. You have shown resilience, courage, and unity. And I know you will continue to stay strong, even when our islands double in size, along with our population. This is not a time for fear, but for strength."
Her words seemed to calm the tension in the room, and I could only hope they were having the same effect on the millions, maybe billions, watching from their homes.
I looked back into the camera, my voice softening as I added, "We'll get through this. Together."
– Rizevim –
Rizevim watched the broadcast with a sneer. He let out a scoff, barely able to contain his disdain. "Humans..." he muttered to himself, a cruel grin tugging at the corners of his mouth. "They think they're so noble, so full of potential." His mind flashed back to the countless times his father, Lucifer, had ranted about them. "No different from wild monkeys, he would say, over and over again." Rizevim chuckled darkly at the memory. His father's contempt for humanity had been legendary, and Rizevim had inherited every ounce of it. Watching Layla and Amaterasu preach about unity and hope made his skin crawl with disgust.
"They think they can handle what's coming?" Rizevim snickered, leaning forward in his chair, eyes gleaming with malicious delight. "They have no idea." The convergence was almost upon them, and with it, the chaos they so naively underestimated. Layla's talk of 'peaceful coexistence' was laughable to him. Humans couldn't even coexist with themselves, let alone an entire world filled with supernatural creatures. He could already see it—nations collapsing, and humans turning on each other the moment their fragile sense of order crumbled. It wouldn't even take much to push them over the edge.
But the real prize? The convergence wasn't just about merging the two worlds—it was his golden opportunity. "Once those worlds come together," Rizevim murmured, his grin widening, "I'll be able to break the final seal."
The thought sent a thrill through him. Trihexa—the beast that even the gods feared. It had been sealed away for so long, but soon, he would set it free. The convergence would rip open the barriers between realities, and once that happened, the seal would shatter like glass. A world already teeming with chaos would be the perfect playground for Trihexa.
"Let them have their little moments of hope. It'll make their despair all the sweeter when they realize what's really coming." He chuckled to himself. "And I'll be there to watch it all burn… Or rather, we'll be there won't we Serafall…"
She glared at him.
Serafall Leviathan was sitting in the chair next to him, and she was a little bit tied up at the moment. Demonic sealing chains were wrapped around her body and there was a gag in her mouth. She had been ranting and raving about the destruction of her race for hours now and it was getting annoying.
Rizevim didn't care if the Devil race was destroyed.
He could just make a new one anytime he wanted, especially now that he had the most powerful female Devil all to himself. She could bear the honor of being the Lilith to his Lucifer…
– Layla –
As the cameras finally shut off and the studio lights dimmed, Yasaka came over with a warm smile. "You two did a great job," she said. "People tuned in from all over the world, and I'm sure your announcement will be replayed on TV for years to come.
I gave her a faint smile in return. "Thanks, but I'm drained now…"
Yasaka didn't miss a beat. She wrapped me in a tight hug, her tails brushing against my back in a comforting gesture. "You've been through so much. You should go home, Layla. Spend time with your family. I'm going to be spending the rest of the day with Kunou myself."
I opened a portal back to my penthouse on Earth Marvel. Stepping through, the familiar hum of the big City outside greeted me, but a glance at the window told me it was well past midnight. I quietly walked down the hall to the nursery.
The cribs were gone now, replaced with three tiny, adorable beds, each one perfectly suited for the little girls who slept in them. I couldn't help but smile as I looked at Hilga, Sia, and Lia, their peaceful sleeping faces.
For a moment, the chaos and bloodshed of the past two days melted away. I'd fought battles, made hard choices, and willingly stood by as my siblings committed genocide on Earth DxD, but looking at my daughters now, I was thankful they would grow up in a less violent world because of those choices. And that made it worth it.
I didn't want to wake them. Instead, I conjured up a couple of pillows using the Creation of All Things, laying them down on the floor beside their beds. As I closed my eyes, listening to the soft, steady breathing of my girls, the mental exhaustion finally took over. Before I knew it, I drifted off to sleep next to them.
[Layla of the Fallen]
[Title: Sixteen Winged Angel, High Goddess of Angels, Death's Favored.]
[Level: 122]
[Sacred Gears: Purger of Darkness, Orb of Infinity]
[HP: 1,245,000]
[MP: 1,412,000]
[Faith Energy: 545,687,566]
[Vigor: 124,500]
[Strength: 61,455]
[Intelligence: 141,200]
[Luck: 28,025]
[Available Free Stat Points: 17000]
[Perks and Skills:]
-High Goddess of Angels (100x Increase in all Stat Points. Access to all Angelic Abilities. Can turn other races into white or black winged Angels depending on the person's Karma.)
-Death's Favored (Resurrect on Death after 24 hours. Can resurrect up to three people a day.)
-Daughter of Heaven's Will (Passive Skill: Ask and you shall receive! The universe bends to your whims and circumstances that you wish for are far more likely to occur!)
-Acting (Max: You are a master of the craft when you want to be.)
-Observe (Max: No one's level is hidden from your gaze. No one can detect you using Observe on them.)
-Light Manipulation (Max: All Light Abilities Cost 10x less MP to Cast.)
-Senjutsu (Max: Passively regenerate 1000 MP/Min.)
-Rinnegan (Max: All Rinnegan abilities cost 5x less MP.)
-Faith Pool (Can draw upon Faith Energy when MP runs out.)
-Cosmic Energy (Instead of air, you know breathe Cosmic Energy. All abilities are drastically improved along with access to Cosmic powers.)
-Lustful Queen (Active Skill: You can drain the energy of anyone you touch and convert it into any type of energy you desire. This ability is 1000x more effective when performed during sexual intercourse. You will also receive random stat points after every "session.")