A woman from our world is reborn as a Fallen Angel Gamer in a Marvel/Crossover AU. Will she grind her way to the top, or get a game over?
Ares pointed his sword at Akeno! "You, winged woman, return my Father's Master Bolt immediately and I might grant you a quick death!"
Akeno scowled. This 'God' was just as haughty as some of the Devils she'd had to deal with in her past. "I'm afraid the Bolt has chosen me as its new mistress. It has completely fused to my being. We will never be separated."
Ares scowled. "Then I'll just cut it out of your corpse!"
"Ares please stop!" Percy exclaimed as he ran forward. He was gripping his celestial bronze sword, his father gifted him, tightly.
"I went easy on you the last time we fought, kid. If you weren't Poseidon's brat I would have cut you down already. Back off!"
Percy was deciding on whether to fight Ares again, but Captain Rogers held out his hand in front of the boy. "A kid your age should never have to fight, no matter who your father is. Sit this one out, sport. We've got this." He said reassuringly.
Percy nodded and moved off to the side. He still didn't know if even Captain America could beat a god though…
Storm's eyes were glowing white and she started levitating off the ground. Thunder rumbled in the sky above everyone. The clear night sky quickly turned cloudy. Thunder clouds manifested all over the city, all controlled by Storm. "I had no quarrel with you. Just remember you started this fight!"
A bolt of lighting fell from the heavens towards Ares. Only his millenia of fighting instincts allowed him to raise his shield above his head to block the thunder. Electricity rippled across his shield but he held firm.
While Ares was distracted, Steve rushed forwards to try and hit him again. At the same time, Marvel Girl threw another telekinetic blast at Ares's back.
The God growled when his shield clashed against Steve's. Steve's charge was halted before Ares kicked him in the stomach. The air left Steve's lungs from the blow. He flew backwards and smashed into a nearby tree. Ares whipped around and stabbed Marvel Girl's blast with his sword. This time he was prepared for her power. He cut through her blast and charged towards Marvel Girl to cut her down. He thought her to be the most dangerous person here.
He was wrong.
Akeno rushed in front of him. Her Thunderous Lightspear stabbed forward! She wasn't holding back either! Ares threw up his shield but screamed in pain when Akeno's spear made contact with it. The Heavenly Thunder, wrapped around her Lightspear, traveled through his celestial bronze shield and delivered a powerful shock to him! Ares's whole left arm went numb. He couldn't defend anymore!
Akeno discarded her spear and pointed both hands at him. A powerful Lightning Blast impacted Ares's armored torso at point blank range. He let out a loud scream of pain as he was blasted backwards, smashing through multiple park trees.
Storm and Marvel Girl both flew towards Akeno and landed next to her.
"Great hit!" Marvel Girl complimented her. "You think you got him?"
Unfortunately, Akeno shook her head. "It'll take more than that to bring down a god." She said. Even if the God was weaker than she had been expecting. Akeno was expecting someone like Ares to be an Ultimate Class being. Thankfully he wasn't. Akeno would estimate his physique to be around the peak of High Class though. That was the only way he could have been fast enough to block Storm's earlier lighting strike.
Storm's eyes were still glowing white. She was glaring at where Ares had been blasted off too. "It matters not. He tried to kill us, we will put him down!" She declared. The wind started to fiercely pick up and whip around them. She was gathering the winds to launch a powerful attack on Ares. She needed a bit of time though.
"You think the Captain is ok?" Marvel Girl asked in worry. "Ares's kick sounded like it broke something and he's not moving." Percy was hovering over the Captain and crying as he tried to wake the man up.
Akeno grimaced at the sight. "He's still breathing, so he'll be ok." Akeno said sadly. She unfortunately couldn't focus on the man right now. He'd have to be healed by Asia later.
Ares grunted as he sat himself up. That last attack really hurt! "Zeus's Master Bolt seems to have really given that winged girl a powerup…" He muttered to himself. A viscous grin formed on his face. The ichor in his veins was pumping excitedly.
This was battle! This was war! He existed for this! How long had it been since the mortals had truly challenged the Gods!? Too long, he decided!
Ares picked up his sword and shield he had momentarily dropped from the pain. He started walking back towards the three girl's location. As his anger built up, his walking turned into a sprint! He rushed back faster than a speedy bullet!
The three girl's eyes widened when Ares's snarling form blasted towards them! In an unexpected move, he viciously threw his own sword towards Akeno! The sound barrier shattered as it hurled right at her. She threw up a shield of Light Energy to block the projectile.
While she was momentarily distracted, Ares rushed forward towards Storm. He could feel her building up a tremendous attack and needed to stop her! The winds were already raging fiercely!
Marvel Girl scowled again when she saw Ares try to once again attack Storm! She threw up a red wall of energy directly in front of his path.
Ares threw his shield in front of himself and directly smashed into the red energy wall blocking his path to the 'weather witch!' The red energy barrier shattered like glass but managed to slow him slightly. A dagger quickly manifested in his hands and he plunged it towards Storm's heart!
Marvel's Girl's barrier managed to slow Ares down just enough for Storm to finish gathering all the nearby winds. Before his blade could reach her hurt. Ares was assaulted by a torrential force of air pressure from all sides! The winds blowing from Storm were so strong that the god was completely halted in place! He cursed in his head! He couldn't move at all!
"Now! Jean!" Storm shouted out!
"Eat this asshole!" Marvel Girl raised her hands above her head. A giant orb of energy formed above her. It would be her final attack! Her limbs were shaking and sweat trickled down her brow. She was facing a god, so she channeled more power than she ever had before.
Ares panicked when he felt the power behind the redheaded girl's next attack. If he was hit by that, he knew he would be in deep trouble. On top of that, he could sense powerful Lighting manifesting around the black haired girl as well. If both attacks hit him at once he might die! "HELP ME OUT, YOU BITCH!" Ares shouted begrudgingly!
A woman's sigh rang out across the park forest. "Too think you've been bested by four mortals…that's pathetic brother."
Akeno's eyes widened. She hadn't sensed anyone else nearby. A silver energy arrow flew out of the woods directly towards her head. Akeno had to stop channeling her Lighting to duck out of the way. Another arrow flew directly towards Marvel Girl and she had to do the same. As she moved, the powerful orb manifesting above her dissipated into the air harmlessly. Marvel Girl scowled. She had used up almost all of her strength just conjuring that attack, and now she was almost exhausted!
"You owe me, Ares." A woman with long silver hair and silver eyes said as she emerged from the forest. She was also holding a silver bow that allowed her to channel moonlight directly into energy arrows.
Ares scoffed at his sister. The winds died down and he was released from Storm's hold. "Whatever, Artemis. Just help me kill these three already."
"Oh? You're going to kill my niece are you? I'd like to see you try!" An oppressive magical force came crashing down and blanketed the area! It only affected the two gods though.
Ares's and Artemis's eyes both widened in shock at the amount of power they felt. Whoever this being was, they were as strong as their father!
Akeno smiled and looked up. Hovering directly above her was Layla! She was back from wherever she went!
Layla quickly assessed the situation. For some reason, two of the X-men were here and both looked exhausted. They'd clearly been fighting on Akeno's side though. Layla noticed that Steve was critically wounded, and needed immediate healing. She didn't know why Ares and Artemis were attacking Akeno, but Layla wasn't going to let that stand!
You can read chapters in advance over on my Pat.reon.
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