
Chapter 1

Twas a week before Christmas, and everyone is shopping

At The Canton South Target, where the business is hopping.

Before they got to work, the employees each picked a card from a sack.

Each one had a Christmas job

To keep them all on the holiday track

Kayla got to make the gingerbread house.

And she put it on display

Without getting anything on her blouse.

Tyree, Nicole, and Ed all played Christmas music while the shoppers shopped

They played every song they knew until they finally stopped.

Carolyn, Teresa, Linda, Robin, Rylan, and Genevieve

All had to decorate the store, which they knew they could achieve.

Even though the store was where she told them to be

Raven gave Ali and Aaren permission to leave and find them their Christmas tree.

Jacob got to play Santa and listen to kids' Christmas wishes

While Tyler was Jacob's jolly elf, who wrote them all down on paper that swishes.

Ariel took their photos and gave them to the kids

She was happy to do it; it's nothing anyone forbids.

Harold made eggnog and hot chocolate for everyone

While Jade and Eric wrapped all the gifts until they were all done

Fatima got to deliver the presents after they got wrapped

Even to some kids who were handicapped.

Ethan and Sherri kept an eye on their reindeer for the kids to pet

While Shontae read to the kids, it was no sweat.

Nicholas got to hang stockings for the employees

All over the store

By the time one box was empty,

He went back to TSC for more

Skylar collected the kids' letters to Santa

And gave them to Jacob

So he could read them all while he ate a banana

Once they had their holiday jobs,

They continued their work and had to deal with some mobs.

When the afternoon came, Joseph did too

And when he walked in the doors,

That was their cue.

Linda from the decorations committee pointed at Carolyn

Who then decided to be a heroine.

Carolyn plugged in the lights, and they flashed all over the store

Then she plugged in the ones they had outside

Since they had even more.

Joseph was impressed by the lights.

And when he started to work

He walked up front with Brittney

Without having any fights

Brittney gave Joseph a job with a happy smirk

Brittney said, "Joseph, Chase is already outside. I need you to clean the carts inside."

Joseph said, "If I did it in the past. I can do it in a blast."

Brittney told Joseph that he and Chase would be switching jobs every so often.

Joseph said, "We'll do our best. I'm sure people's hearts are what we can soften."

Joseph stayed in and ran out of carts to clean

Brittney wondered where they would be

Since she didn't like the scene.

Brittney told Joseph to go outside with Chase.

Because if they work together, they can move at a faster pace.

Since his shift ended, his home was the following location for Chase

But Thomas took his place

Joseph said, "Where's Chase, Anjelica?"

Brittney said, "My name's Brittney. But it's ok; her job is a replica."

Joseph wanted a hot chocolate after his first fifteen

But Matthew questioned him

Which was mean

Matthew said, "Joseph, are you on lunch or break?"

Joseph said, "No, I'm just getting a drink from Starbucks, which is no mistake."

Matthew said, "What? You're on lunch?"

Joseph got annoyed and took off his face mask.

Joseph said, "No. I'm getting a drink from Starbucks. Why do you ask?"

Matthew said, "Water is permitted, but we need you outside.

We're all out of carts, and you're setting your duties aside."

Calvin decided to help since they were so busy.

Matthew said, "Joseph's not coming back until he gets his drinks, is he?"

Carlie at the counter knew what he wanted and said he didn't have to wait.

Joseph said, "Thank you, I think I'll faint."

Joseph saw the tinsel and holly on the counter.

Joseph said, "The decoration committee did great with their encounter."

After Joseph got his hot chocolate and Water,

He went back outside and became a cart spotter

After they cleaned out the parking lot,

Joseph did a lap around the store

And put all the hand baskets in their proper spot

Joseph also collected three carts of re-shop

And attached them so Guest Service could be their last stop

Joseph said, "Look at all the re-shop I found in the store."

Katie said, "Wow, the re-shop train. Is there any more?"

Joseph said, "No, this is all I found."

Diana said, "Wow, strapping them together? That's a great idea all around."

Megan said, "It certainly is. It takes the cake. Speaking of which, it's time for your lunch break."

After his lunch, Joseph caught up on carts

And got almost all his work done

With no leftover parts

After Joseph finished his last fifteen

Anjelica asked him to stay longer in a way that wasn't so mean.

Joseph agreed and stayed an extra hour

Then Anjelica left with her clipboard

And a bouquet of Christmas flowers

She put one in her hair and thought it looked nice

Then she went up front

To see if anyone else would follow her advice.

After Joseph's shift ended, he went home and took his sister by surprise.

Megan then showed Joseph the shirts she got him in the correct size.

Joseph pointed at the Mario one and said, "This one looks familiar. I think I have something similar."

Once Joseph found his similar shirt, he saw both shirts were identical

But his love for both shined like a pentacle.