
The Evolution of Genius: Every Night, I Get Smarter!

This is the story of how I became the greatest genius in the history of humanity, destined to go down in the annals of history for all eternity! This is the story of how I made humanity what it is today. It all began on a fateful night in New York. With a certain peculiar dream. The Universe is grand and mysterious. What's important remains hidden... _________ P.S. Watch out, contains descriptive R18 scenes. [ completed ]

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As we settled into the offices provided by the University of Munich, my team and I began to divide our efforts between the two sections of Dreamland Net.

Mr. Reymond was in charge of handling the investors interested in the smaller devices and solutions section.

This was no small task, as we had already generated significant interest from various parties.

Mr. Reymond, with his wealth of experience, was adept at discussing the details of these smaller projects with potential investors.

Maybe he couldn't explain the technical aspects, but he was great at showing off the potential market opportunities.

The benefits of investing in these innovations. His charisma and knowledge made him the perfect person to represent this branch of our company.

Meanwhile, Ms. Brooks and I took on the responsibility of gathering investments for the fusion technology section.