
Chapter 487 Lightning Specialization


The only option left was to run back honestly. After resting overnight at the spawn point, I set out again. Returning to Mooncolor Town, I found that many players had already arrived. Heading out of the town, I noticed many had chosen their specializations.

For instance, warriors could become Weapon War, skilled with various weapons and balanced in offense and defense, Berserk War, also commonly known as Berserkers, known for their explosive power, and defense-oriented warriors.

These are the conventional three warrior paths, and like mages, warriors also have various rare specialization routes, such as the famed magic swordsmen and knights capable of coordinated combat with mounts, among others.

Half a day later, I once again left the boundaries of Mooncolor Town and entered Lightning Hill. This time I traveled by day, encountering monsters only twice, dying once.

This time I didn't dare to be reckless and honestly ran back to resurrect.