
The End of a Forgotten Script

In 2030, with the advancement and domination of artificial intelligence, everything changed and countless wars and fake famines started, and finally, in the third world war, which was the biggest war in human history, half of the population and civilizations of the planet died. artificial intelligence and a huge part of technology fell. In the years after the war, the fertility rate declined and finally 100 years later, due to the massive radiation and chemicals used in the war, fertility was destroyed. A man named "Leander" rose up and established a great empire where all people from different races and countries gathered together and this time under strict supervision and restrictions they created a new artificial intelligence to help the continuation of humanity and the human race. With the help of artificial intelligence, medical science and artificial insemination made significant progress and the life expectancy index increased to 150 years. With the regeneration of the cells, the appearance of aging of the body was slowed down, but in addition to all these benefits, due to the continuity of the human race and the growth of children in a complete family, the marriage of two people who had the closest genetic similarity to artificial intelligence was forced. And thus gender boundaries were broken. The law created various financial penalties for not accepting marriage or executing divorce, and with the passage of time, marrying the person suggested by artificial intelligence became normal for people. Every person is obliged to update his genetic information between the ages of 20 and 30 and declare his desire to find a spouse to artificial intelligence. If it is not done on time, it will face a heavy fine and in more serious cases, imprisonment. 100 years after the adoption of the law and the revival of artificial intelligence, "Florence Elmer" the famous author The Kingdom of Leander, on the morning of his 30th birthday, updated his genetic information at the nearest marriage center and registered a marriage request, but he did not expect that the center would close to the public after 15 minutes. The bodyguards respectfully accompany him to the office of the director. People who complained about the sudden closure of the marriage center started protesting. "May we know what happened?" At that moment, there was an uproar on the Internet. "They say that the second prince's spouse has been chosen!"

yuni_welkin · LGBT+
Peringkat tidak cukup
12 Chs


The door to the waiting room opened and three men dressed in black entered.

Florence: "...?"

"Mr. Elmer you must come with us"

"This is the manager's order and you will soon find out why"

One of the men took out an ID card and identified himself. he was a security guard for the marriage base.

Full of doubts and questions, Florence got up and followed them. The bodyguards surrounded him as if he was an important and valuable person.

Has the company disclosed my identity? Does that mean they have realized that I am the "author Yara"? But again, if they found out about my identity, such actions and protection are not logical!

Florence had no idea why. a voice came out of the wireless agents. The man picked up the wireless to answer.

"Yes, we are in center number 7, and code 5 is running, sir. National Security Agency people are also coming here for escort."

Florence: "...!?"

Holy God! as if the story was more complicated than these words, did someone spread a rumor or a lie to defame and trouble Florence on the Internet? Florence might be a little disappointed, depressed and angry, but the crime against the government and the country? It was impossible for him to commit such a thing. Maybe it was something else and they had found dangerous and strange factors in his genes.

They reached the manager's office. One of the bodyguard pressed a button and in a short distance the door to the room was opened by an elderly woman.

"Mrs. Manager"

The woman looked excited and stressed and stared at Florence with a smile.

"Yes, it's really good that you are here, please come in."

The manager respectfully guided Florence into the room and seated him on the best couch in the room.

"Relax Mr. Elmer, you can order anything you like, we will try to provide it for you"

Florence was more shocked than before and felt tingle. To relieve his stress, he unconsciously started playing with his long hair.

"a glass of water, please"

"whatever you want"

Florence: "..."

The manager took out a sealed glass bottle of water from the refrigerator in her room, opened it, poured it into a glass and placed it on the table in front of Florence.

Although nothing was clear in the appearance of calmness, Florence was very confused and anxious.

The manager turned on the communication device and called someone.

"Listen well, the center is in code 5 mode, close the center until the national security agents arrive and do not accept any visitors."

The manager communicated her order to the employees and security guard of the center and turned off her communication device.

At that moment, someone knocked on the door and entered. He was one of the bodyguards who escorted Florence to the manager's room on the second floor.

"The secretary has arrived and wants to see you alone."


The manager got up and stood facing Florence first.

"Mr. Elmer, as you heard I have to go and leave you alone, do you need anything?"

Florence: "..."

Florence: "No"

"Okay, and please turn off your cell phone or any communication device you have with you and hand it over to the security guard for your complete safety."

Confused and doubtful, Florence did everything the manager asked his to do and handed over his cell phone to them.

"The guards are behind the door, whenever you think you need something, you can call them"

The manager smiled respectfully and left the room with the bodyguards. As she was about to leave, started talking to her concomitant, and Florence overheard the words "Highness" and "Presence," but he couldn't find any connection to the current situation.

He regained consciousness and noticed that the back of his neck and back were wet with sweat. He took off his long coat and hung it on the ceramic plate on the wall.

He sat on the sofa again and thought of different scenarios. As he was thinking, the lack of sleep last night that was visible in his red eyes overcame him and he fell asleep without realizing it.

Outside the marriage center, two groups of people had gathered and were asking and complaining about why the center was closed.

"Hey, we've been waiting here for more than 30 minutes now, and the center suddenly closed during its working hours!"

The guards did not answer.

"Can someone tell us what's going on? I had to check the development of my fetus today!"

Suddenly, a shocked and excited scream was heard.

It was the voice of a young girl who was holding a communication device and reading something on its screen. She turned her virtual blue screen towards the others.

"Oh, look, the Royal Palace page and the AI ​​both made an official statement! Less than an hour ago, the second prince's suitable spouse' "General Oswald Leander" was selected by the AI. There is no photo of him, but the profile says that he is a 30-year-old educated man who received his doctorate in literature from the Royal University with a full scholarship!"


All the people started reading the statement on their communication devices and mobile phones as if they had forgotten why they had gathered in front of the gates of the community.

"I can't believe such a partner has been installed as a general, I was expecting one of those beautiful aristocratic ladies!"

"don't say 'General'! He's our Second Prince! It's true that he's more popular to common people, but you have to address him respectfully, say 'Second Royal Prince'!"

"Don't be too hard! Even he said after suppressing the pirates in the sea borders and reaching the position of "general" that he likes to be called only general."

"What if the second prince became the crown prince? He is a more worthy person. Although both royal brothers are from the same mother and both studied at the military academy, the second prince has done more for the people and the country!"

"Hey, be quiet? Do you want to be fined for insulting the Crown Prince?"

"No! I was just talking about why the second prince's chosen spouse isn't a beautiful woman?"

"How can you be sure? Maybe he is a very handsome man?"

"What if he was ugly?"

"I don't think so. Because AI has never chosen an ugly person to marry into the royal family!"

With the arrival of 5 big black military cars, people scattered in front of the marriage center. All of them backed away from fear, but they were also very curious.

"Aren't these the cars of the National Security Organization?"

"Yes, but....hey, pay attention, that one is a special car, the second prince's personal car!"

Officers wearing suits got out of 4 cars with their equipment and dispersed the people. At that moment, the door of a particular car opened and a tall, With broad shoulders. man in a black military uniform with full ranks and nut brown hair got out. His eyes had a special color, it was a combination of the coldness of the forest and the warmth of honey, green eyes with large strips of honey color in the middle. His facial features were clear, but not rough at all. His face was serious, but one could find a sense of support and security in it.

There was no sun in the sky, but the man's eyes were red, as if he hadn't rested all night.

The man went to the entrance of the wedding center with his soldiers. One of the guards of the marriage center went to him and bowed.

"My lord Prince Leander"

"General Leander"

"Please excuse me! Yes General Leander. Your future spouse is in the manager office and they are protected from possible harm, allow me to guide you."


The general entered the center with his soldiers and the people of the National Security Department also covered the outside of the building.

They passed through the corridors and reached the manager's room.

"Oswald sure?"

The red-haired man with high stripe spoke to him.

"Even if there is going to be a big riot, I will not ignore it"

The red-haired man nodded his approval and took out a cigarette, but he quickly remembered that he was in the wrong place and put the cigarette back in his pocket.

Oswald went to the door and knocked three times but no one answered, he tried again but still no answer.

So he took the door handle and opened it and entered.

Hi guys.

1.Do you think some things in the story are vague and strange? it will be answered in the future.

2.The second point about the production of a child! They actually extract all the genes of the parents (non-sexual genes) and combine them to make a child in the laboratory.I didn't research this and I made something of myself!

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