
The Empire of The Multiverse

This is a Hobby of Mine, My Version of 40k independent Universe And All.

Shiro_Kusanagi_69 · Komik
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80 Chs

The Empire of The Multiverse

Chapter 45 - The Political Landscape of the Universe

As Fafnir gazed out across the starlit expanse from the balcony of his palace, he found himself lost in a moment of introspection. His thoughts, like shimmering constellations, weaved through the intricate web of the universe's political landscape. Beside him stood his son, Titus, eager to learn about the vast realm they governed.

"Titus, my son," Fafnir began with a warm smile, addressing the Primarch of the Ultramarines. "I called you here today to discuss the intricate tapestry of the universe's political landscape. Your knack for administration and strategy is well-known, and I believe your insights will be invaluable in shaping our approach."

Titus, known for his administrative prowess and strategic mindset, appreciated the opportunity to engage in a discussion of such significance. However, he couldn't help but raise a valid point. "Father," he inquired respectfully, "while I'm honored to be a part of this discussion, what about Horus, Calista, and the Grand Strategist Lelouch? Shouldn't they be part of this conversation as well?"

With a sigh that revealed a mix of exasperation and understanding, Fafnir replied, "Horus is currently immersed in conquest, carving his own path across the stars. Calista, as you well know, dedicates herself to mentoring the young minds flourishing in our universities. Being a Primarch invited to a university is quite an experience, and she's truly thriving in that role. As for Lelouch, he's off enjoying his honeymoon with C.C. right now." Fafnir's expression held a tinge of amusement as he mentioned Lelouch's absence.

Fafnir's thoughts then turned to his wife, Esdeath, whose boundless energy often led her into the heat of conquest. He couldn't help but chuckle as he continued, "Your mother, despite her willingness to listen to me when needed, would still rather be out there, conquering galaxies. It's her way, and it seems there's no stopping her."

Titus nodded in understanding, recognizing the unique paths each of his siblings and allies had chosen. "I see, Dad. It's just that, well, it feels like it's been a long time since we've had a discussion like this."

Fafnir's expression softened, revealing the father beneath the imperial exterior. "You're right, my son," he admitted with a nostalgic smile. "It has been a while since we simply sat down to discuss matters"

"Titus," Fafnir began, his voice carrying a weight of both authority and contemplation, "the universe we oversee is a tapestry of ambitions and alliances, a canvas upon which countless powers etch their destinies."

He gestured toward the luminous galaxies that adorned the cosmic canvas, each a realm unto itself. "Imperium Dominus," he continued, his gaze locking onto the Milky Way at the center of their dominion, "holds a significant portion of this tapestry. It stretches in every direction, its influence emanating like ripples in the cosmic ocean."

He paused, his eyes shifting to the northern expanse. "To the north lies the Center of the Universe," Fafnir explained, his voice carrying a mixture of respect and caution. "A realm ruled by Valorath, the God of Magic, and his enigmatic Aetherians. It's here that the clash between the Imperium and the Aetherians unfolds—a collision of power and magic that defines a cosmic struggle."

Fafnir's gaze then turned eastward, his expression growing more contemplative. "The galaxies to the east hold untold riches," he continued. "Nearly 80% of these resources lie under our watchful gaze. Yet, even in the presence of our might, the Ratta Empire, an alliance of psychic beings, lays claim to a share of these riches. They wield their psychic prowess like a weapon."

He cast a glance westward, his eyes narrowing as he spoke. "The Cluster Expanse, to our west, is a realm of chaos," Fafnir stated, his tone somber. "It's a place where space pirates roam and warlords carve their domains amidst the chaotic tapestry. Galaxies are clustered closely here, making each a mere FTL jump away from the next. Chaos reigns, and the void is a battleground where order is elusive."

Finally, Fafnir turned his gaze southward, his expression softening. "But the Southern Alliance Hub is different," he explained, his voice carrying a touch of pride. "Dyson Swarms and Ring Worlds dot this region, and it's a place of commerce, diplomacy, and interaction. The Merchant Union, led by yours truly, facilitates these exchanges. Here, civilizations come together to trade, negotiate, and forge connections that ripple across the stars."

As Fafnir's words hung in the air, he turned to meet Titus's gaze. "My son," he said, his voice carrying both the weight of authority and the warmth of a father's guidance, "our Imperium's influence extends far and wide, shaping this vast tapestry. It's a universe of complexity, where power, ambition, and cooperation dance upon the cosmic stage."

Fafnir listened attentively to Titus's counsel, appreciating the input of his knowledgeable and strategic-minded son. Titus's suggestion to address the Ratta Empire's competition for resources struck a chord with Fafnir's own concerns. He nodded in agreement as Titus laid out his perspective.

"Father, my advice is to direct our efforts toward the Ratta Empire," Titus asserted with conviction. "Their expansive reach and control over vast resources present a direct challenge to our own holdings. By taking action against them, we can mitigate their impact on our resource acquisition and secure a stronger position in the eastern expanse of the universe."

Fafnir contemplated Titus's words, acknowledging the logical merits of his suggestion. The Ratta Empire's prominence and strategic importance couldn't be underestimated. However, Fafnir had his reservations as well.

"You raise a valid point, Titus," Fafnir replied, his tone measured. "The Ratta Empire is indeed a formidable opponent with a significant reach. Attacking them would not only alleviate the resource competition but also send a message to potential challengers."

He paused, a thoughtful expression crossing his features. "Yet, we must also consider the implications of such an endeavor. Confronting the Ratta Empire won't be a swift or straightforward task. Their vast expanse covers 500 galaxies, and cracking their defenses would require careful planning, resources, and time."

Titus listened attentively, acknowledging the complexities inherent in such a venture. Fafnir's next words, however, highlighted another point of contention.

"On the other hand," Fafnir continued, "the Clustered Expanse poses a unique opportunity. While it may be teeming with chaos and the presence of numerous warlords, it also houses invaluable resources that could significantly bolster our own holdings. By asserting our dominance over this region, we can secure access to these resources and potentially sway the balance of power in our favor."

Titus absorbed his father's words, realizing the strategic significance of both options. "Indeed, Father," he agreed. "The Clustered Expanse's resource-rich galaxies hold great potential. By consolidating our control over that region, we not only secure vital resources but also weaken the grasp of those chaotic warlords."

Fafnir's gaze held a mix of determination and contemplation. "Ultimately, the decision lies with me as the emperor," he said, his voice firm. "And I appreciate your counsel, Titus. It's a matter that requires careful evaluation of our strengths, resources, and long-term objectives."

Titus nodded in understanding, acknowledging his father's authority in such matters. "Of course, Father.

"What about the Lower levels, these galaxies below the Imperium, Father?" Titus's inquiry carried a note of curiosity, prompting Fafnir to consider this aspect of the universe's political landscape.

Fafnir leaned back thoughtfully, his gaze shifting as he contemplated the question. "The Lower Levels," he began, "refer to the underdeveloped galaxies that hold little to offer in terms of resources and opportunities. While these regions might not seem to hold much value at first glance, they do provide a suitable environment for the growth of interstellar civilizations at a lower level of advancement. For them, these galaxies offer a chance to thrive and flourish, even if the potential is limited compared to what a Type 4 Civilization like ours could achieve."

Titus absorbed his father's explanation, realizing the nuanced dynamics of these lower-level galaxies. "So, they serve as a sort of cradle for fledgling civilizations, then. A stepping stone for those who are still on their path to progress," he surmised.

Fafnir nodded in agreement. "Exactly, Titus. While these galaxies might not be the focus of our expansion, they play a vital role in nurturing interstellar civilizations that are in their early stages. It's a delicate balance – we don't want to overwhelm these budding societies with our advanced technologies, yet we also want to ensure they have the space to grow and develop."

Titus's expression reflected his understanding. "I see. It's about allowing these civilizations to find their own footing without intervening too drastically."

Fafnir's eyes glinted with a knowing look. "Indeed. And it's also a matter of respecting the natural evolution of cultures. After all, we were once at that stage ourselves, navigating the challenges of technological advancement and societal growth."

Titus nodded, appreciating the wisdom behind his father's words. "The Upper Levels, then," he began, shifting the conversation to another aspect of the universe, "seem to be a different story. If I understand correctly, it's a thriving region filled with diverse celestial formations."

Fafnir leaned forward, his interest piqued as he delved into the details of the Upper Levels. "You're correct, Titus. The Upper Levels are a vast expanse riddled with black holes, asteroid belts, resource-rich planets, and strangely shaped galaxies. It's a region where the concentration of harvest ships is notable, as Dark Matter is heavily concentrated here."

Titus listened intently, intrigued by this vivid description. "So, it's a hub of activity and resource extraction. But the challenges posed by the black holes and asteroid belts make it a complex endeavor, especially for interstellar civilizations at a lower level of advancement."

Fafnir nodded. "Precisely. For us, with our advanced technology, black holes and asteroid belts can be harnessed for resources with relative ease. However, for civilizations that lack such capabilities, navigating through these challenges can prove perilous."

Titus's gaze held a mix of contemplation and understanding. "It's a reminder that our technological advancements give us a unique advantage in this universe, but they also come with a responsibility to uplift and guide those who are still finding their way."

Fafnir's expression held a sense of pride as he looked at his son. "You understand the essence of our mission well, Titus. As the Imperium, we must balance our own progress with the nurturing of other civilizations, ensuring that the tapestry of the universe remains diverse and vibrant."

"Which reminds me, Father, how do we actually help lower civilizations thrive?" Titus inquired, his curiosity evident in his tone.

"Aha! An excellent question, my son," Fafnir responded with a hint of pride. "We aid the growth of lower civilizations through the deployment of our envoys. These envoys possess spatial powers of remarkable scope, enabling them to traverse galaxies with a mere thought. Their primary mission is to gather valuable information from these civilizations."

Fafnir continued, explaining the intricacies of their approach. "These lower civilizations willingly offer their knowledge and information to our envoys. In return, we provide them with contribution points, a form of currency that holds significant value in our interactions with them."

Seeing his son's intrigue, Fafnir elaborated further. "Contribution points serve as a bridge between us and these civilizations. They can accumulate these points by sharing their ideas, resources, and even technological advancements with us. The more they contribute, the more points they earn."

Titus nodded in understanding. "So, these contribution points are essentially a way for them to access our technologies and resources?"

Fafnir's smile grew. "Precisely. They can exchange these contribution points for various offerings from the Imperium. For instance, we provide them with access to our arsenal of weaponry, except for our most advanced creations like the flayers and combat skins. Older weapons, gear, even designs for deathstars – these are all available for their acquisition."

Titus looked impressed. "It's a symbiotic relationship. They gain access to advanced technologies, and we gain insights, ideas, and potentially new innovations from their civilizations."

Fafnir nodded in agreement. "Indeed, my son. It's a mutual exchange that benefits both parties. The lower civilizations receive technological advancements that help them grow, and we gain access to new perspectives, concepts, and solutions that we might not have considered."

"Father, by nurturing other civilizations, wouldn't that cause us harm in the long run? I mean, they could rebel in the future, given the chance," Titus inquired, expressing a valid concern about potential repercussions.

Fafnir regarded his son thoughtfully before responding. "Titus, your question touches on a complex matter, one that involves not just our actions, but also the nature of our capabilities as a Type 4 civilization."

With a wave of his hand, Fafnir transformed the Universe Map hologram into a simulation, showcasing a dynamic representation of various scenarios. "Let me illustrate how a Type 4 civilization like us navigates situations involving what you call 'white-eyed wolves'."

"As a Type 4 civilization, our power is not limited to conventional means. We possess the ability to manipulate reality itself," Fafnir explained, his voice carrying a hint of gravitas. "When confronted with ungrateful or rebellious civilizations, we have the capacity to reshape their reality. We can erase their existence from the fabric of the universe and create a new galaxy in its place."

Titus's eyes widened as he absorbed the implications of his father's words. "So, you're saying that we can essentially remove their civilization from history and replace it with an entirely new one?"

Fafnir nodded, his expression serious. "Exactly. By wielding this power, we send a clear message to any potential rebels – that their existence is within our control, and our dominance is absolute. This act not only serves as a warning, but also demonstrates our unmatched capabilities."

He continued, "While we genuinely assist other civilizations in their development, we are not naïve. We understand the complexities of power dynamics and the potential for rebellion. However, the knowledge that we possess the means to rewrite reality acts as a deterrent. It encourages cooperation and ensures that those we uplift remain within the bounds we set."

Titus absorbed his father's explanation, his thoughts processing the delicate balance between benevolence and control that characterized the Imperium's approach to other civilizations. "So, it's a delicate balance of empowerment and control, ensuring that we guide them while also maintaining our authority."

Fafnir nodded approvingly. "Exactly, Titus. It's a balance that requires wisdom and foresight. We uplift, nurture, and guide, but we also ensure that our dominance remains unchallenged. By wielding our power strategically, we maintain stability in the universe while allowing civilizations to flourish within the parameters we set."

"Just like how a Shepherd guides his flock," Titus remarked, drawing a thoughtful analogy to the Imperium's approach to managing civilizations.

Fafnir listened with a faint smile before responding, "Indeed, Titus. Just as a shepherd guides and watches over his flock, we, too, guide and watch over the civilizations under our influence. It's a responsibility that requires both strength and care."

"Father, I've been pondering this – since the Aetherians are a Type 4 Civilization, shouldn't they have the ability to erase the Imperium from reality?" Titus inquired, his curiosity evident.

Fafnir's expression remained calm as he replied, "A valid question, my son. Reality manipulation is indeed a formidable power, especially when wielded by a civilization of such advanced capabilities. However, it's important to consider the dynamics at play."

He continued, his tone steady and thoughtful, "Reality manipulation is powerful when there's only one user in control. But when another force comes into play, particularly a deity with power surpassing that of the original caster, the situation changes. Valorath, the God of Magic and leader of the Aetherians, has attempted to use reality manipulation against me on several occasions."

Fafnir's eyes held a glint of confidence as he spoke, "I thwarted his attempts each time, leaving him with wounds – wounds that weren't fatal but certainly sent a clear message. The power of reality manipulation and even time manipulation does not work on me. This fact was communicated to him – if he tries again, he'll discover that two can play that particular game."

Titus listened intently, absorbing his father's words. "So, despite their potent abilities, they cannot affect you due to your own power and standing," Titus summarized.

"Exactly," Fafnir affirmed. "The Aetherians are indeed a significant adversary, and their reality manipulation is not to be underestimated. However, my power as a deity and the Emperor of the Imperium grants me a defense against such manipulation. Their attempts to erase us from reality have been met with resistance, and as you mentioned, Valorath has chosen to channel his efforts into waking up his own civilization for war."

Titus nodded in understanding. "They seek to rally their forces against us."

"Yes, they do," Fafnir confirmed. "And while the Aetherians are a formidable foe, we are not defenseless. We must be prepared to face their challenges head-on and continue to adapt our strategies and defenses as the situation evolves."

"How about other Universes, Father? I have been in multiple Universes already, but I don't exactly know how many we control," Titus inquired, his curiosity extending beyond their own universe.

Fafnir's expression became thoughtful as he considered the question. "We control seven universes in total. However, our conquest of other universes has been slowed down considerably due to the resilience of the Aetherians. Their resistance has posed a challenge to our expansion efforts."

Titus absorbed this information, realizing the complexities involved in extending their influence beyond their native universe. He then asked another question, seeking to understand the categorization of these universes. "How do we classify each universe, Father?"

Fafnir leaned forward, ready to provide an explanation. "Each universe can be classified into four distinct levels: Level 1, 2, 3, and 4. The classification system is based on the development and progress of civilizations within the universe."

He continued, breaking down the classifications further. "A Level 1 universe is considered primitive, characterized by a universe in its early stages with abundant resources. Level 2 universes are those where interstellar civilizations are thriving and expanding. In Level 3 universes, you'll find civilizations at the Type 3 level, capable of harnessing the energy of an entire galaxy. Finally, Level 4 universes, like ours, are home to Type 4 civilizations, capable of manipulating reality and transcending traditional limitations."

Titus nodded as he grasped the significance of these classifications. "Among the seven universes we control, how are they distributed across these levels?"

Fafnir's gaze turned slightly distant as he recounted the details. "Of the seven universes, five fall under the Level 3 classification, indicating the prevalence of advanced civilizations. One universe is classified as Level 1, likely in its infancy, and another as Level 2, where interstellar civilizations are taking root."

Shouldn't we utilize the troops of other Universes then, Father?" Titus asked, suggesting a strategic approach to leverage the resources of the universes they controlled.

Fafnir nodded, his expression serious as he explained, "We have indeed been utilizing the resources and forces from the other universes, my son. However, the process has been slower than we anticipated. You see, as the Imperium expands its influence into these universes, it's akin to a process of digestion within the Imaginary Space."

He continued, delving into the intricacies of this phenomenon. "The Imaginary Space is responsible for maintaining the connections and coherence between these universes. As we extend our control, the Imaginary Space needs to adapt and integrate these new additions. This takes time, just as digestion within a living organism does."

Fafnir's words highlighted the complexity of managing and extending influence across multiple universes. "Additionally, the flow of time within these universes is not uniform. Time passes differently between universes, and this discrepancy further affects our ability to rapidly mobilize forces. While we do harness the troops and resources of other universes, it's important to remain patient and strategic in our approach."

"Father, then shouldn't we attempt to synchronize the flow of time across these universes with ours?" Titus inquired, his mind working through the possibilities.

Fafnir nodded, acknowledging the astuteness of his son's question. "You've raised a valid point, my son. The synchronization of time is indeed a crucial aspect of our expansion efforts. However, this task lies within the domain of the Imaginary Space itself."

He proceeded to provide a more in-depth explanation. "The Imaginary Space, which maintains the interconnections between universes, also plays a role in aligning the flow of time. It's referred to as the process of digestion. As we extend our influence, the Imaginary Space not only integrates the new universes but also works to harmonize their temporal dynamics with our own universe."

Fafnir's words emphasized the intricate relationship between the Imperium's efforts and the functioning of the Imaginary Space. "While we may not have direct control over the time synchronization, we can trust in the Imaginary Space to handle this aspect. Our task is to strategically expand, consolidate our control, and adapt to the evolving circumstances presented by our expansion into these universes."

Titus then expressed a concern that had been lingering in his mind. "You know, Father, despite being almost a century old, my knowledge has been somewhat stagnant. Perhaps I've been too focused on fighting."

Fafnir regarded his son with understanding. "It's not uncommon, Titus. Battle often engulfs one's attention, but it's important to strike a balance. Your experiences as a warrior are valuable, but so is your knowledge. Remember that as Primarchs, you're not just warriors – you're leaders, thinkers, and strategists."

Titus nodded in agreement. "It seems that way, Father. I'm probably not alone in this – perhaps the rest of my brothers and sisters feel the same way. Well, except for Magnus and Calista; those two are always buried in books in the library."

Fafnir chuckled. "Ah, Magnus and Calista, always immersed in knowledge. But you're right, my children can't be mindless brutes who only know how to fight. Our legacy is not just in battle, but in the legacy of civilization and progress."

With a warm expression, Fafnir leaned back and considered his son. "Titus, you have the capacity to learn and grow. You're part of a legacy that spans galaxies, and it's up to each of you to contribute your unique strengths to the Imperium's tapestry."

Titus's gaze met his father's, a renewed sense of purpose shining in his eyes. "I understand, Father. I'll make an effort to expand my knowledge and keep up with the trends of the universe. After all, the Imperium's legacy is shaped by more than just the battles we fight."

Fafnir smiled approvingly. "That's the spirit, Titus. Embrace the diverse aspects of our civilization – be it in war, governance, or knowledge. As a Primarch, you have the potential to influence the universe in ways beyond the battlefield."

"Now, I have reached a decision," Fafnir declared, his tone resolute. "In the Clustered Expanse, amidst the chaotic expanse of warlords and space pirates, we shall seek out a proxy – a warlord who aligns with our interests. We will provide this chosen figure with covert support, bolstering their strength and capabilities."

Titus nodded, attentive to his father's strategy. "By doing so, we can indirectly challenge the other warlords and factions within the Clustered Expanse."

"Exactly," Fafnir affirmed. "We will empower our chosen proxy with advanced technology, resources, and strategic guidance, all behind the scenes. This support will enable them to rise as a significant force and challenge the influence of the other warlords."

Titus raised an important point, "But won't this risk revealing our hand to the other factions?"

Fafnir's gaze held a glint of calculation. "We will take great care to ensure that our involvement remains hidden. Covert operations, secret alliances – these will be our tools. The other warlords will not see our hand until it's too late, and by that time, our proxy will have made their mark."

Titus contemplated the plan, recognizing its complexity. "So, while we focus on larger conflicts and confrontations, this proxy will be our instrument within the Clustered Expanse, subtly reshaping the balance of power in our favor."

"Indeed," Fafnir affirmed. "This strategy allows us to exert our influence without engaging in direct conflict, preserving our resources and strength for more critical endeavors. And if our proxy is successful, the ripple effect could weaken the hold of the other warlords, creating a domino effect that aligns with our interests."

Titus nodded, understanding the significance of this approach. "It's a delicate balance, Father, but if executed correctly, it could yield substantial results."

Fafnir smiled, a blend of pride and determination in his expression. "You grasp the essence of it, my son. The universe is vast and complex, with many moving pieces. Our actions must be calculated, precise, and strategic. As we expand our influence, we must do so with purpose and foresight."