
The Empire of The Multiverse

This is a Hobby of Mine, My Version of 40k independent Universe And All.

Shiro_Kusanagi_69 · Anime & Comics
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80 Chs

The Empire of The Multiverse

Chapter 44 - Imperial Year 0251, The Speech of The God Emperor

Imperial Year 0251 marked a pivotal moment for the Imperium Dominus, as its leader, Fafnir, called together his most trusted advisors, the Primarchs and Generals, along with a multitude of military personnel and civil servants, including the respected Prime Minister Liver. As the throne room filled with the attentive audience, Fafnir took the center stage to address the gathering.

"Good morning, everyone," Fafnir's voice resonated through the grand chamber. "It is with a mix of pride and vigilance that we gather today. Our journey has brought illumination to 1055 galaxies within this vast universe. I am heartened to see these galaxies thriving under our guidance, progressing steadily towards a brighter future."

A weighty pause hung in the air as Fafnir's expression grew graver. "Yet, let us not be blinded by our successes. Recent developments have alerted me to a rising threat—an ancient force that slumbers no more. The Aetherians, the very architects of this universe, have begun to stir. Their homeworlds, numerous as the stars, hold secrets and power beyond our comprehension. And while our dominance prevails, we must remain cautious. The architects of the universe would not return empty-handed."

Fafnir's voice carried a sense of urgency as he continued. "We stand victorious, but we face a foe whose mastery spans epochs. Their methods, their strategies—undoubtedly, they possess hidden aces in their cosmic deck. As we march towards the precipice of conflict, remember why we stand united under the banner of Imperium Dominus. Our mission, our purpose, remains clear—to bring justice, light, prosperity, and equality to all corners of this universe."

He paused, his gaze sweeping over the assembled individuals, each representing a vital cog in the machinery of the Imperium. "We have seen it firsthand, the transformation we bring. From taming untamed worlds to silencing the cacophony of galactic strife, our dominion has been a beacon of hope and progress. The mantle we bear is heavy, and now, the Aetherians seek to wrest it away."

Fafnir's voice grew resolute, his unwavering determination resonating in every word. "We are prepared. We have dissected their tactics, studied their history, and deciphered their intentions. As we look to the horizon, I foresee the birth of a new conflict—one that may paint the cosmos with the flames of war. But it is a fire that I am willing to kindle, a fire that shall purge the shadows of ancient dominion."

He concluded, his voice commanding attention. "In the coming years, the stars may bear witness to the birth of a celestial struggle. We shall fight, not for dominion alone, but for the fundamental principles that have guided us—the principles that have lifted countless civilizations from the abyss of chaos. The universe may burn, but from its ashes, a new era shall emerge, one forged by the unbreakable will of Imperium Dominus."

Upon concluding his broadcasted speech, Fafnir resolutely delivered his final words with unwavering conviction: "For the Imperium! For Justice! For Progress!" This triumphant declaration reverberated through the air, encapsulating the essence of his message and resonating with the hearts of those who listened.

44.2 The Imperial Meeting of Imperium Dominus

"Imperial Meeting begins now," Fafnir declared with an air of authority that resonated throughout the hall. His words carried weight, a reminder of the magnitude of the decisions to be made.

Addressing the Grand Strategist Lelouch Vi Britannia, Fafnir's tone shifted to one of acknowledgment and respect, "I must commend our Grand Strategist Lelouch Vi Britannia for the successful campaign against the Aetherians. The Oscar Theatre of War was a Great Victory, with the only losses being material losses."

Lelouch, known for his tactical brilliance and strategic acumen, stood poised before the assembly, his demeanor humble yet assured. When Fafnir turned his inquiry toward him, Lelouch met his gaze with deference, "Your Majesty, I thank you for your commendation. The reward I would ask for is already what I have. I am a part of an intergalactic empire that gives justice, light, equality, and progress to all."

In the presence of the God Emperor and Empress, Lelouch's words conveyed a deep sense of loyalty to the ideals they represented. However, he did not shy away from offering his perspective on the matter at hand, "I would suggest that we use the Universal Accord Through Annexation. This approach might lessen the casualties of the Imperium."

"This is not a reward, how about this," Fafnir's voice rang out in a light-hearted manner, a playful glint in his eyes. He directed his attention toward Lelouch with a knowing smile, "Have you married C.C already, Lelouch, or are you too busy with work?"

Lelouch's reaction was a mixture of surprise and mild embarrassment. The question seemed to catch him off guard, and a faint blush tinged his cheeks as he responded, "Your Majesty..."

Fafnir's smile widened, the warmth of camaraderie evident in his expression. He continued, acknowledging Lelouch's dedicated efforts, "As I thought, go on vacation for 1 Imperial year. Seeing as you have led the Imperium's general direction for war for centuries already, this 1 year would give you a much-needed rest and probably a honeymoon."

The atmosphere in the room shifted, as the assembly absorbed Fafnir's words. The recognition of Lelouch's tireless service and the consideration for his well-being painted a picture of a leader who valued the individuals behind the roles.

Fafnir's smile remained as he added a personal touch, his words carrying a genuine warmth, "Tell me when is the wedding; I shall be the one giving the blessing."

Lelouch's surprise transformed into a genuine smile, touched by Fafnir's graciousness. The connection between them went beyond the roles they occupied, revealing a bond rooted in mutual respect and care.

Lelouch's cough served as a subtle transition, gracefully redirecting the conversation. With a composed demeanor, he spoke up, "Your Majesty, I shall ask my lady for this. I shall tell you as soon as possible."

Fafnir's smile remained, the genuine enthusiasm in his expression showing his delight at Lelouch's response. "That's great!" Fafnir's words carried an air of approval and camaraderie, underscoring the supportive atmosphere among these leaders.

"My Dear, let me address the next issue," the commanding voice of the God Empress Esdeath Aurelius echoed in the chamber. Fafnir, in response, nodded respectfully and took his seat, giving the stage to Esdeath.

Draped in the Ice Blue Imperial Gown that radiated an aura of regal authority, Esdeath stood with a presence that demanded attention. The gown's intricate design produced glimmering ice crystals with every graceful movement she made. As the tension in the room settled, Esdeath addressed the pressing matter at hand, her voice carrying a blend of sternness and cold resolve.

"The Delta Theatre of War has been gaining a huge amount of casualties," Esdeath's words cut through the air with a commanding edge. She directed her attention to three individuals: Perthramar, Temujin, and Aurelius, each entrusted with the charge of a crucial region. Her gaze bore into them, and her inquiry was direct and unyielding, "You three are in charge of this region. What is happening? The reports suggest that you encountered a new Type 3 civilization. What made you three falter?"

The atmosphere grew tense as her question hung in the air, the weight of her expectations clear in her demeanor.

"Mother Empress," Perthramar's voice carried the gravity of the situation as he stepped forward to address Esdeath's inquiry. He spoke with a mix of authority and candor, "The Delta Theatre of War has gathered a large amount of casualties due to this Type 3 civilization. It is an amalgamation of eldritch horrors. Mortal Auxiliary Soldiers and Astartes aren't able to approach nor fight it, as they will explode if they do. Only Primarchs, such as us, are able to combat these types of species."

Esdeath's piercing gaze remained fixed, her stance unwavering as she continued to listen to Perthramar's explanation.

"We have already identified them as an X-Class threat meant for exterminatus," Perthramar continued, his voice resolute.

"Then why didn't you do it?" Esdeath's question, while stern, held an undercurrent of expectation.

"Mother Empress, we just did," Temujin interjected, his voice conveying a sense of urgency. "We exterminated the Delta Theatre of War and are currently finishing up. This is the reason why we had a rather large amount of casualties, for their remnants are a very enduring bunch."

"Good Work, I am proud of you, my sons," Esdeath's voice resonated with a mix of pride and genuine appreciation, acknowledging the Primarchs' diligent efforts.

But the meeting's momentum carried on, and Esdeath's regal presence commanded attention as she moved forward with the agenda. Her tone shifted as she addressed the next topic, her words ringing with authority, "Onto the next issue, we shall hear the report of the General Population of Imperium Dominus, which is reported by Prime Minister Liver Ashecroft."

As Liver stepped forward, the room's focus shifted to him. He took the podium with a sense of purpose, ready to share the information that awaited, "Good Morning, everyone—Your Majesty Fafnir, Her Majesty Esdeath, the Primarchs, Grand Strategist, and everyone else. I am proud to inform you that within the 1055 galaxies, our total population is a remarkable 800 octillions. This vast populace is accompanied by a remarkable Happiness Index of 98%, with the remaining 2% representing the newly conquered galaxies."

"Onto the Economy sector of the Imperium," Liver's voice held a composed and authoritative note as he steered the discussion in a new direction. His words echoed through the chamber, carrying the weight of the matter at hand, "The Imperium has always been one to flourish with businesses. The GDP per Galaxy of the Imperium is an average of 10 Decillions. This pattern of prosperity has remained consistent throughout the centuries that the Imperium has ruled these galaxies."

Liver's words painted a vivid picture of economic growth and development. He continued, "Without a doubt, from the initial stages when the GDP was only 4 billion, these galaxies have come a long way. The people have jobs and are able to afford things at reasonable prices, thanks to our God Emperor's business acumen. His influence has enabled the prices to be fair and just, ensuring a thriving and equitable economy."

Liver's report then turned to the vibrant Entertainment Sector, a crucial part of the Imperium's cultural and economic landscape. "The Entertainment Sector is an important part of the Imperium," Liver continued, "Video games, movies, music, and so much more have flourished throughout the galaxy. Intergalactic Superstar Bruno Earth remains at the forefront of the charts, maintaining his position as a beloved icon for decades."

Continuing, Liver touched upon the accomplishments in the realm of sports and competition, "The Team SRT has won the Intergalactic Championship for the 115th Intergalactic Mecha War. Overall, the Entertainment sector brings a significant portion of the economy to life."

Moving on to the Medicine and Healthcare sector, Liver's presentation continued to unveil the strides that the Imperium had taken in the realm of health and well-being. His words painted a picture of remarkable progress and advanced technology that was not only revered but also crucial to the functioning of the military.

"The progress we have made in this industry is staggering," Liver began, his voice reflecting a mixture of pride and awe. "Most of the medicine and remedies we use in this industry are widely used by the military." The connection between healthcare and the military underscored the strategic importance of maintaining the well-being of soldiers and citizens alike.

Liver went on to describe the remarkable advancements achieved, "It is known throughout the Universe that our technology enables the curing of missing limbs and genetic defects. And the most remarkable of all, all known diseases by the Imperium are easily cured by our nanomachines."

Transitioning to the Energy sector, Liver's explanation took on a tone of practicality and strategic planning, highlighting the careful management of resources. "Now the Energy sector of the Imperium has been growing exponentially," Liver explained, his words indicative of an empire that had managed to harness the power of the cosmos. "As more stars are harvested by the Dyson Swarms of the Imperium, the issue of energy has long been thrown on the back of the general populace's mind."

Liver's mention of Dyson Swarms—structures designed to capture energy from stars—speaks to the Imperium's mastery over energy generation on a galactic scale.

He continued, "The total usage of energy by the Imperium is only 40% of the total 100% energy produced. One of the major reasons for this is the Honkai reactors. This energy is basically the pillar of all energy sectors, as we have been utilizing honkai energy since the day the God Emperor gifted it to us."

The strategic utilization of Honkai energy as a cornerstone of the Imperium's energy production and consumption further underscores the empire's resourcefulness and advanced technology.

"Despite the dangers it poses if it ever explodes, there have been no cases so far," Liver emphasized. "Meaning we are producing more energy than we consume, which is a good thing."

The mastery over energy production and resource management reinforces the Imperium's capacity to not only thrive but to do so with an eye toward sustainability and stability.

"Now, on the evolution of our race," Liver's voice carried a note of reverence as he broached the subject of the Imperium's biological progress. His words held a mixture of awe and respect for the monumental changes that had taken place. "As our God Emperor himself revealed, the more our species progresses as a civilization, the more our species evolves. And this couldn't be truer."

Liver's report delved into the extraordinary changes that had occurred within the species, changes that defied conventional limits and extended life spans far beyond what was once imaginable. "An average Dominian is able to live 30,000 years," Liver continued, his words resonating with a sense of wonder. "And we have come to the point where, as we grow older, we grow stronger—like the very gods in our fiction works. All of this is thanks to the God Emperor himself."

As Liver wrapped up his report, his words carried an unmistakable sense of devotion and praise, "Praise the God Emperor, Praise the Imperium, Praise Progress!"

This concluding phrase echoes the sentiments of loyalty and reverence that permeate the Imperium. It encapsulates the citizens' unwavering faith in the leadership and their dedication to progress and the ideals of the Imperium.

"Now, the Military Affairs will be reported by our Grand Strategist Lelouch Vi Britannia," Liver's announcement signaled a shift in focus, directing attention to the realm of military matters. With Liver stepping away from the podium, Lelouch took his place, ready to deliver his report.

"Thank you for the informative report, Prime Minister," Lelouch's words carried a note of appreciation for the comprehensive overview provided by Liver.

"The citizens of Imperium Dominus have evolved to the point of being a generally long-lived species," Lelouch began, his voice steady and commanding. The transformation of the populace was clearly a significant development, and he proceeded to elaborate on a monumental change in the military structure. "The term used for the backbone of the Imperium's forces, the 'Mortal Auxiliary Legion,' has become outdated."

Lelouch's explanation unfolded, revealing a major shift that had been contemplated and approved under the scrutiny of the God Emperor himself. "After deliberation and approval from the God Emperor himself, it shall be renamed as the 'Cosmic Militarum,'" Lelouch announced. This change in nomenclature represented an evolution in the identity of the Imperium's military force, aligning it with the grand scope of the empire's dominion over the cosmos.

He continued, explaining the significance of this change and its implications for the elite within the ranks. "And in celebration of the new name of the Cosmic Militarum, the cream of the crop—those who have served the Imperium for a minimum of 2 centuries—shall have the opportunity to make a pivotal decision in their lives."

Lelouch's words carried a sense of gravity as he unveiled the options available to these seasoned veterans. "They can either retire and live a leisure life, find another job, or have the opportunity to ascend to become a 'Prometheum,'" he revealed.

Explaining the nature of a Prometheum, Lelouch elaborated, "If you are wondering what a Prometheum is, it's a new type of warrior, genetically enhanced just like the Astartes. However, instead of being walking tanks, a Prometheum excels in protection and small skirmishes, serving directly under the Emperor with me as the head and the Knights of Rounds serving as the higher-ups."

"The Knights of the Round are the very first of the Prometheum of the Imperium," Lelouch concluded, revealing the historical significance of this new unit. The establishment of a hierarchy within the Prometheums and their association with esteemed figures such as the Knights of Rounds underscores the strategic importance and recognition of these enhanced warriors.

"Moving on," Lelouch's voice carried a tone of continuation, the transition from one topic to another seamless. With his military expertise, he delved into the ongoing advancements within the military sector of Imperium Dominus. His words held the gravitas of one well-versed in matters of warfare and strategy.

"The Military is constantly improving, both the Power Armors of the Cosmic Militarum and the Astartes Combat Skin," Lelouch continued, his tone carrying an air of confidence. The continuous refinement of technology showcased the Imperium's dedication to staying at the forefront of military capability.

Lelouch provided insight into the impressive progress achieved in this regard. "For the Power Armors, we are at the 67th generation. Meanwhile, this is the 5th generation of Combat Skins," he explained. These numbers not only highlight the advancement in technology but also the relentless pursuit of excellence that defines the Imperium's military research and development.

"I am proud to say that this is the best technology our Imperium has to offer," Lelouch's words carried a note of satisfaction and pride. The culmination of generations of research and innovation had led to a level of technological mastery that set the Imperium apart from the rest of the universe.

"We are 30 generations ahead of the rest of the universe," Lelouch's statement was a bold declaration of the Imperium's technological prowess. It spoke to the empire's commitment to staying at the forefront of scientific and military advancement, maintaining a technological edge that reflected its status as a dominant force.

Lelouch concluded this segment of his report with a staggering revelation, "Our total military might is 80 decillion." The sheer scale of this number in the context of the vastness of the Imperium's dominion underscored the empire's overwhelming strength.

"Our enemies have begun delving into nanomachine warfare, attempting to catch up to our technology," Lelouch's voice maintained its authority as he addressed a significant development in the military landscape. The tone carried a measured confidence, reflecting the strategic edge that the Imperium held in this arena.

"Despite their efforts, we are centuries ahead of them strategically," Lelouch's words emphasized the Imperium's mastery of nanomachine warfare, underlining its exceptional planning and execution in this domain. "Technologically speaking, we are one stage ahead of them," he continued, indicating that the Imperium had maintained a consistent lead in technological innovation.

"And I must congratulate all of us," Lelouch's statement carried a sense of camaraderie and unity, acknowledging the collective effort that had contributed to the Imperium's successes.

Lelouch's report took a broader scope, detailing the Imperium's remarkable progress on the galactic stage. "Imperium Dominus has just broken through and advanced to the early parts of a Type 4 Civilization," he revealed. This milestone marked a pivotal moment in the empire's expansion and development.

"Most of our opponents have been Type 3 Civilizations," Lelouch's explanation shed light on the level of competition faced by the Imperium. "The Aetherians of Val'dorath are the only Type 4 civilization we've encountered in this universe." This distinction highlighted the rarity and significance of the Imperium's position.

Lelouch then outlined the strategic advantage the Imperium held over its opponents, "Unless these Type 3 civilizations manage to shorten the gap between us, it is close to impossible for them to defeat us, no matter how many civilizations band together."

The Imperium's dominance was a result of careful planning and resource allocation, as Lelouch explained, "The Old Ones, the Aetherians, should be our primary concern. We have clashed against them for over a century now, but they are still awakening the rest of their civilization." This statement emphasized the Imperium's forward-looking approach to challenges and its proactive stance in managing potential threats.

Lelouch's revelation of the Imperium's measured response to these challenges added depth to the strategic thinking that defined the empire's actions. "Despite the ongoing war between us and them, we have not been devoting our full potential against them," he revealed. This choice, while unconventional, reflected a nuanced and calculated approach to conflict.

"Instead, we opted to conquer more galaxies to thicken our hold over the universe," Lelouch's words highlighted the empire's expansionist agenda. "All these were planned by yours truly," he concluded, revealing himself as the architect behind the Imperium's grand strategy.

"Now, that ends my report on the Military affairs," Lelouch's words marked the conclusion of his comprehensive presentation. He saluted Fafnir and Esdeath, acknowledging their attention and the significance of the matters discussed. Their attentive listening attested to the gravity of the information shared.

Fafnir briefly glanced at his watch, noting the time. "12:03 pm," he observed, standing up from his seat. The announcement that followed signaled a break in the proceedings, "Lunch break. Come back at 2 pm. Have a happy lunch, everyone." Fafnir's words carried a sense of informality and camaraderie, reminding everyone of the importance of sustenance and rejuvenation.

With Esdeath and the Primarchs by his side, Fafnir made his way to the private dining hall, where a more intimate meal awaited them. The remaining members of the cabinet dined in the opulent Imperial Dining Hall, relishing the finest culinary offerings available in the Imperium.

"I love the food of the Imperial palace," a Military General expressed his satisfaction, his words a testament to the exquisite quality of the meal and the prestige associated with dining in such surroundings. The Highly Defined Images of the Menu only added to the aura of sophistication and indulgence.

In the grand dining hall, a congregation of Military Generals spanning various ages and backgrounds sat together, their camaraderie palpable in the air. Among them were both seasoned warriors who had stood by Fafnir since the early days of his reign and the younger generation of leaders who had grown under his guidance.

A young General voiced his thoughts openly, "The God Emperor is oddly friendly, and he doesn't exude the usual high and mighty aura of rulers. Do you think our enemies might underestimate him?" The question hung in the air, a reflection of the uniqueness that characterized Fafnir's leadership.

An Older General response held a tone of wisdom and respect, "Adam, the God Emperor's warmth and approachability are like the nurturing rays of the sun. But remember, those who underestimated him paid the price. Each one of them, without exception, fell to his might, and their galaxies became subjects of the Imperium's dominion. To underestimate him is to court one's own demise."

As conversations flowed, the topic shifted to the God Empress, Esdeath, known for her beauty and power. One of the younger generals couldn't help but comment on her appearance, sparking laughter among the more experienced leaders. When asked about the laughter, a seasoned General explained, "Yes, she is indeed breathtakingly beautiful, Philips. But for us old folks, she represents more than her physical allure. In her earlier days, she was known for her ruthless ways, showing no mercy in her pursuit of dominance. There was even a time when she orchestrated a massacre of an entire city from a rival nation, making their leaders witness the carnage."

The General continued, his tone holding a mix of admiration and caution, "And for young men like you, she devised a test: a challenge to anyone who caught her eye with an alluring smile. If she deemed the challenger weak, he met his end. But when the God Emperor, Fafnir, entered her life, things changed. Legends tell us she's never defeated him in such a challenge, and her actions began to align more with his influence. The birth of the Princes—our beloved Primarchs—marked a shift in her demeanor. The massacres lessened, but her power remained."

A mention of a recent incident sparked further discussion. "But remember the incident with the frozen star system? She froze the entire system when they refused to surrender," another General chimed in. The frozen star system was humorously dubbed the "Frost Star System."

Philips raised a concern regarding Esdeath's attractiveness potentially attracting ill intentions from enemies. "With her beauty, wouldn't she become a target for envy and kidnapping attempts?"

"Kidnap her? Ha! Let them try to bypass the Custodes first," an older General chuckled, referring to the elite guardians of the Imperial family. "And if they manage to reach her and she resists... entire galaxies might freeze in her wrath. And if the God Emperor discovers such an attempt, divine fire shall consume the perpetrator's galaxy."

Laughter mingled with stories as another older General shared a harrowing anecdote. "There was one ruler from a rival galaxy in the Imperium's early years, consumed by a perverse lust for the God Empress. His name escapes me, but I assure you, his galaxy burned with the God Emperor's fury for a duration of 7 Imperial Months. Even now, his tormented soul continues to suffer, its cries echoing in the wind."

Phillips couldn't help but shiver as he absorbed the chilling tale, the implications of his question becoming unsettlingly clear.

In another private dining hall, Lelouch and C.C enjoyed their meal in a more private setting. Lelouch couldn't help but notice C.C's unwavering preference, "C.C, there's a lot of good food here. You've been eating pizza since this morning." His observation highlighted C.C's steadfast dedication to her culinary preference.

"Pizza is better," C.C's response was succinct, reflecting her unwavering devotion to her favorite dish. Despite the abundance of exquisite offerings, her choice was a testament to her personal taste.

44.3 A Proposal

When lunch came to an end, Lelouch led C.C to a serene corner of the Imperial Palace, a haven of tranquility amidst a sea of flowers, trees, and the gentle waves brushing against the shore. The atmosphere exuded a sense of calm and relaxation, setting the stage for a significant moment.

"C.C... no, Cecilia Corabelle... Shirayuki," Lelouch's voice carried a mixture of earnestness and emotion. He knelt on one knee before her, his gaze fixed on her, his heart laid bare. C.C's characteristic nonchalance persisted as she responded, "Quite unromantic, Lelouch," her comment laced with a hint of humor.

But Lelouch pressed on, his voice gentle and sincere, carrying the weight of their shared history. "C.C.," he began, his words deliberate. "We've traversed countless challenges together, faced the depths of despair and the heights of triumph. You've been my confidante, my guiding light, my partner in all things, even when the path was shrouded in darkness. And now, in this place of beauty, I find myself drawn to a question that carries the weight of my heart."

C.C's enigmatic gaze remained locked onto Lelouch's, her unreadable mask giving no indication of her thoughts. Lelouch's vulnerability and determination were palpable as he continued, "Will you... marry me?" His question hung in the air, an unspoken plea for an answer that could shape their future.

His words held a mixture of anticipation and hope as he took a step closer, his unwavering gaze connecting with hers. "I understand that we're not bound by conventional norms, that our journey has been anything but ordinary. But I can't help but envision a future where we stand united, facing whatever life may throw at us, side by side."

C.C remained silent for a moment that seemed to stretch into eternity, her expression giving away nothing. Her eyes carried a mélange of emotions, as if she was contemplating not only the present moment but also the echoes of their past and the potential of what lay ahead.

"Lelouch," her voice finally broke the silence, its weight matched only by the experiences she carried. "Your offer surprises me, yet it's not entirely unexpected. You've always been one to challenge the threads of destiny, to mold your fate with unwavering resolve. But..."

Her pause held a breath of uncertainty, her gaze softening as if she searched for something within his eyes. "You ask me to join you in marriage, as if it's a promise of eternity. But we both know our lives are intertwined with the power of Geass, with the twists and turns of destiny."

Lelouch's gaze remained steady, his determination unshaken. "Yes, I am aware of the challenges that lie ahead. However, our bond is stronger than any Geass, any preordained fate. We have the power to transcend the challenges before us. That's precisely why I'm asking you."

C.C took a step closer, her eyes softening even more, allowing a rare vulnerability to peek through her usual demeanor. "I have lived through centuries, borne witness to history's tapestry and humanity's struggles. And in all that time, it is you who have made me feel truly alive. You've illuminated the darkest corners of existence with moments of brilliance."

Lelouch's heart quickened at her words, a glimmer of hope flickering within him as he waited for her response.

C.C extended her hand, her fingertips brushing tenderly against his cheek. "Lelouch vi Britannia, you are a force that defies the threads of fate itself. And perhaps, for once, I wish to believe in something beyond the entanglements of destiny."

A small smile tugged at the corners of Lelouch's lips as he gently took C.C's hand in his. "So, is that a yes?"

C.C's lips curved into a genuine smile, a rare sight that spoke volumes. "Yes, Lelouch. I will marry you." Her voice held the weight of certainty, her decision a resolute affirmation.

"But I'll be honest, I was expecting this sooner than later when His Majesty mentioned it in the meeting," she chuckled, a playful note in her tone. Her gaze shifted to the elegant ring adorning her finger—a simple yet elegant gold and sapphire ring that symbolized their union.

Applause resonated through the tranquil space, a testament to the significance of the moment that had just transpired. The Primarchs, Fafnir, and Esdeath were present, their smiles reflecting a shared sense of joy and approval.

"Very well done, Lelouch," Fafnir's words carried a note of admiration and camaraderie. His playful nature surfaced as he continued, "Hehe, I could do much better, but everyone is unique, especially when you put your mind to it." Fafnir's smirk added a touch of jest to his compliment, underscoring the diversity of approaches when it came to matters of the heart.

Esdeath's response was both fond and teasing. "Oh, you," she playfully nudged Fafnir, their dynamic evident in their affectionate banter.

Fafnir's words took them back in time as he mentioned a personal memory. "I still remember the day when I proposed to you, deary," his smirk remained, and his gaze turned toward Esdeath, the exchange carrying a hint of nostalgia.

"Dad...please get a room," Nyx's voice carried a mix of playful exasperation and mock-disgust. His sentiment was shared by his siblings, the Primarchs, who grumbled and exchanged expressions of shared amusement at the sight of their parents' affectionate display.

The scene escalated when Fafnir and Esdeath's endearing gestures continued. Esdeath sealed the moment with a playful kiss, and the response from their grown-up children was another wave of exaggerated disgust. The Primarchs, united in their reaction, seemed to be collectively expressing their mock dismay at their parents' unabashed affection.

Esdeath, undeterred by their reactions, responded with a chuckle and a gentle reminder, "Children, please. You'll understand when you find a partner." Her words carried a touch of wisdom and fondness, highlighting the perspective that comes with experience and relationships.