
The embodiment of a new world

One day, when everything seemed peaceful, the last life force of planet Earth was absorbed, thus bringing the end of humanity. However, a powerful authority, even more powerful than the Gods allowed some people to survive, sending them to another planet called Hydrel, while granting them powers. Here, the chosen ones were put to test. [Kill survivors to survive.] [Kill monsters to survive.] Everything seemed like a game, but it was real. In this chaos, a young teenager named Kila stood out from his peers, and with his best friend, he manages to survive. Kila fought skillfully and intelligently, as if he already knew everything about his enemies. However, the only thing he didn't know was that his friends were going to become his worst enemies. Follow Kila's adventures and discover how he managed to survive. *** Check out my new novel too, I will be glad if you do: My Angelic System Check my insta, I will post regularly there (^v^): karme_novels

Karme · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
136 Chs

On the Way to the Royal Palace

Author's note: There's some inappropriate content in this chap, so you can ^go read the next one if you want. And to sum up this chap, it's only them going to the palace, so there's not a lot of things. But if you still read it, well, at least I warned you.

Coming out of Eden's room, Aether was completely red. He was not red because of anger, but rather with shame. He was ashamed that he had been fooled so easily and thus revealing what he was thinking. But what made him blush the most when he thought back to what had happened before was seeing Eden on the ground, with his top pajamas slightly unbuttoned, letting his body uncovered.

Just thinking about this moment made him want to see him again, but he had to hold back for the good of Eden as well as for his own. He didn't hold back because he could jump on him, but rather because he had made his mother wait too long. If he waits a few more hours before making his report, Aether will be punished severely. He, therefore, had to prepare himself so that everything could go smoothly. And hopefully, Eden will pledge allegiance to him after that, signaling that he will be completely his and just his.

Coming to his senses, he hurried himself to get dressed.

Aether decided to go with a white tuxedo with a light blue shirt inside. He also wore a white cape with the interior in blue, covering only his shoulder and right arm. Finally, he wore white shoes, tying perfectly with his suit, and his hair was plated back, leaving the beauty of his face visible to the world.

Once he had finished dressing, he walked to the outside of the palace and settled into his carriage. After 5 minutes of waiting, Eden also entered the carriage and sat in front of Aether, with his legs crossed.

Seeing Eden fully clothed like this, Aether felt like his brain had short-circuited, letting a semblance of steam come out of his ears. Unlike Aether, Eden was in a black tuxedo, contrasting perfectly with his beautiful white hair that was styled to the side. He didn't have a cape-like Aether, but rather his jacket, which was on his shoulders. Finally, to top it all, he had black earrings in the shape of a cross that fit him like a glove.

The two men sit face to face, and both look into each other's eyes. Eden found it easy and not embarrassing. Even though he knew that for a normal person it would be quite the contrary and that they would undoubtedly look away, for him, it was not. Since he had become a vampire, he had noticed that some of his emotions had disappeared, thus making everything he did easier, unlike Aether who had an extremely hard time looking at him.

He was already struggling to control himself, so if in addition, the man who attracted him looked at him straight into the eyes with bloody red eyes like those of Eden, he did not know what he would do in the minutes to follow and knowing that there were still 30 minutes left before arriving at the Royal Palace, it would be quite hard for him to control himself.

During the face-to-face with Aether, Eden couldn't help but laugh internally like a mad man.

While he was laughing like a mad man in his head, he also noticed that a little spear was growing in the lower part of Aether. Seeing this, Eden had a sadistic idea, which will entertain him until they come to the palace.

He knew that Aether was attracted to him, presumably because of his new vampire genes, and also knew that he had trouble controlling himself when he was in front of him. So he wanted to wake the little beast that was in him to pass the time. And then, even if he jumps on him and he will probably not be able to move because of the difference in level between them, he will still be able to use terrifying illusion on him.

The condition of 3 seconds was already met, he only had to activate it. Especially since there was no level limit for the use of this skill, which greatly benefits him. And even if this plan fails, he can still change into an animal to get rid of him. He will certainly not try to fit his spear in a dog or a cat right?

Aether was still staring Eden in the eye, and Eden was doing the same thing. He gradually began to get used to the gaze of Eden, and thus, he gradually silenced his desire to jump on him.

However, once he was completely calm, Eden curved the corner of his lip upwards, making a demonic smile appear on his face, which fit him like a glove according to Aether, which led him to be re-excited.

Then, Eden began to wave his hand up and down to make wind. However, seeing that it didn't work, he did something that caused Aether's sanity to be lost.

He began to relax on the sofa of the carriage, leaving his legs wide open and began to unbutton the top of his shirt.

Seeing Eden's slightly pale skin appear, leaving his neck completely uncovered as well as his upper torso open, Aether couldn't help but want to continue to undress him.

However, when he looked down and saw his legs wide open, he couldn't help but want to take action. He had already done it with women so he already had some experience.

However, he decided not to go too far either, as there was no way to clean themself after the act, not even a towel.

Once he was resolved to take action, Aether stood up on his side of the couch. He decided not to regret what he would do, and if the other party would also agree, they could always finish what they had started in the carriage during the evening in a room, being much more intimate.

"Eden, sorry but I don't think I can hold back any longer," Aether said as he stood while breathing heavily, with his spear growing more and more on his pants. However, Eden did not answer, he "seemed" asleep.

Seeing that he did not answer him, Aether took this as his consent. So he began to get closer to Eden and put his knee in front of his crotch, pressing harder and harder. He then went on to unbutton Eden's shirt, revealing his body which was quite well drawn, exciting Aether even more.

He then brought his mouth close to his neck and began to suck it, leaving Eden to moan. When he finished sucking, a red mark could be seen on his neck. He then continued from the bottom of his abdomen, while sucking him, before going more and more toward Eden's crotch.

When he was about to lower Eden's underwear to see his d*ck, he felt his mind drift.

He was not drifting because of the emotional shock to see something that huge, but rather because Eden had used his frightening illusion.

When he sat down on his bench, he could see Eden smiling at him from across him. He then closed his eyes, and for the next 5 seconds, he experienced his worst nightmare, immediately de-exciting him.

During those 5 seconds, he saw his father impaled by monsters during the hunting session he had had with him 15 years earlier. He had done everything to forget this nightmare, and he had succeeded in it. But now he was reliving exactly the moment of his father's death. And he didn't relive it just once, not twice, not thrice. He was experiencing it more than a hundred times.

Once awake, Eden could see how much Aether had suffered. He didn't know what he had been through, but he could see very well that he was not well. However, Eden didn't care what could happen to the prince in front of him. He could be tortured or die and he still won't lift his little finger. Why would he do it? He had forced him to come to his house, to stay there, to go see his mother, and on top of that, he was always on the verge of jumping on him.

It might seem cruel to some, but not to him. He had already died once because of someone he thought was his friend, so why should he try to sympathize with a stranger? Especially since he behaved like a beast following only his instinct.

Once Aether had finished living his nightmare, he said nothing. Eden took advantage of this moment to change his skin where there were the hickeys into a new one, and get dressed again. Once finished, Aether raised his head and stared into Eden's eyes who were crossed legs and hands on his lap.

"Wh-... Why did you do that? You could have told me if you didn't want me to jump on you," Aether asked with tears in his eyes.

"It would surprise me if someone as high up as you would accept the request of a commoner like me," Eden replied "You can easily silence me if I open my mouth, and you can still kill me if I don't obey you, so what's the point of saying something to a prince who has been spoiled rotten since birth?"

"Even if I wouldn't have accepted, you could still have run away easily by changing into an animal as you had tried to do last time..." Aether said before interrupting himself after he realize what he had done.

"Oooh, so our dear prince finally understood. Even if I tried to run away, you could have always gone back in time to make me come here again, so what am I even supposed to do? You can fuck me as much as you want, what could I do after that?. Even if you treat me as an equal, what am I supposed to do if I am not free? Eden said as he raised his voice before calming down.

"And then hadn't slavery been abolished? Why would you come, O the great little sun of the Empire, to save poor commoners like us, if not to preserve your image of perfect royalty? Eden continued, who became angry again without knowing it.

Hearing all this, Aether could only remain silent. All Eden had said from the beginning was the truth and the strict truth. He couldn't do anything but stare at the ground, he couldn't even look at the face he had fantasized about so much since yesterday for fear of seeing his expression.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry Eden. I promise you that after we finish going to see mother, I will let you go," Aether said in a trembling voice, "But I have a request to ask you."

"Are you even in a position to request me?" Eden asked, seeing the nerve that Aether possessed.

"Please, I won't ask you anything else," Aether insisted before looking up and seeing Eden's cold glare before the latter sighed and nodded. Seeing him accepted, Aether felt his heart warm up. Not because of his sexual attachment to him, but rather because he was willing to listen to his request despite everything he had done.

"The only thing I ask you is that you don't hate me and that we can become at least friends," He asked while looking to the ground, not daring to look him again in the eyes. He didn't want to see his face after he asked him for such a pathetic request.

After pronouncing his request, a long silence hovered in the carriage. Neither Eden nor Aether uttered a single word, and those until they arrived at the Royal Palace.

During this silence, Eden's mind was going in circles. He didn't know whether he should be wary of everyone and their intentions because of what he had experienced with Cayron, or accept the people who came to him, even if it meant hurting himself, but still having authentic feelings, and not thinking of exploiting each other.

Thus, he concluded.

He decided to let the people who came to him come, and those who wanted to leave, leave. If they got along well with the first category, then so be it, and if they didn't, he would kill that person unscrupulously. Life on its own would be boring, and that was the main reason why he decided to reason like this.

Human relationships were far more complex than a person might think. Not everything was always black and white, there were ups and downs in every relationship, whether friendly or romantic.

Just before the servants opened the carriage door, Eden began to smile.

"If you want us to become friends, then let's be it. But, if I ever see that you are trying to exploit me for any reason, I will kill you as soon as I am powerful enough to do so"

Hearing Eden speaks, Aether felt his heartbeat extremely hard. He was extremely afraid that he would refuse, and the silence after his request only accentuated this feeling.

And yet, he had decided to be lenient enough to accept a request as selfish as his own, and he can never be grateful enough for it.

"Thank you, Thank you Eden" Aether said, smiling as purely as a sun, which made Eden think he had made the right choice.