
The embodiment of a new world

One day, when everything seemed peaceful, the last life force of planet Earth was absorbed, thus bringing the end of humanity. However, a powerful authority, even more powerful than the Gods allowed some people to survive, sending them to another planet called Hydrel, while granting them powers. Here, the chosen ones were put to test. [Kill survivors to survive.] [Kill monsters to survive.] Everything seemed like a game, but it was real. In this chaos, a young teenager named Kila stood out from his peers, and with his best friend, he manages to survive. Kila fought skillfully and intelligently, as if he already knew everything about his enemies. However, the only thing he didn't know was that his friends were going to become his worst enemies. Follow Kila's adventures and discover how he managed to survive. *** Check out my new novel too, I will be glad if you do: My Angelic System Check my insta, I will post regularly there (^v^): karme_novels

Karme · Fantasy
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136 Chs

A Funny Prince

The day before, when he had returned from the auction, Aether did not immediately leave his room. He waited for the servants to finish their tasks before going to see Eden.

He certainly wanted to avoid seeing him so that he would not frighten him by jumping on him, but something inside of him wanted to see Eden. A feeling that gave him the impression that it would be the last day, or rather the last night that he would see him.

And then, he was not crazy and uncontrollable enough to jump on a sleeping person, at least, that's what he told himself to convince himself.

Seeing that the servants were beginning to come out of Eden's room, he rushed to the room but be sure that no one had noticed. It would be bad for his reputation if they were someone that saw him taking care of someone like that, especially if he only knew this person for a little less than 4 hours.

Once inside, he created a small ball of light for himself, strong enough for him to see in front of him, but not enough to awaken Eden.

The further Aether walked towards the bed, the more his heart began to pound. Even though he saw the shadow of Eden through the fine fabrics that covered the bed, he couldn't help but think that he could leave at any moment. He needed him to make his life more joyful, for them to become friends, and maybe even more if fate wanted it, even though he didn't believe in it too much. If he was attached to him just because he found him beautiful and handsome, then he saw no point in becoming more intimate with him. Where would be the interest in a relationship like this? Absolutely none, he thought.

Once in front of the bed, he decided to sit next to Eden. His face seemed so peaceful when he slept that he looked like an angel, the opposite of his confident look when he faced him during the auction. It looked like day and night.

He continued to stare at it like this for about ten minutes. After those ten minutes, his fingers began to move on their own. They began to touch Eden's hairs before gradually descending on the back of his right ear and then towards his lips. And all this without him noticing.

However, when his fingers began to move towards his neck, he came out of his stupor and immediately got up from the bed.

During those few seconds, Aether's imagination had completely taken over his reason, which engendered what he was doing. If he had not woken up from this state, only fate would have known what he was going to do to Eden who was still completely asleep.

So he decided to get out of the room before he did something he would later regret. However, just before leaving the room, he turned around one last time before his visage began to turn red. He could imagine exactly what he would have done to him, and the very idea of thinking about it would start to excite him.

So he immediately left the room before he could no longer control himself. Who knows what would have happened to Eden if he hadn't come out in time.

Returning to his room, he decided to work instead of sleeping, he would not have succeeded anyway, his mind was much too restless for that.

So he began to work, and surprisingly, he began to gradually forget about Eden. There's where too much to do so he couldn't slack off right now. However, for him to forget, he had to focus on his work at 100%. Just a moment of distraction would cost him his sanity.

He worked this way until lunch, which he usually had at 8 a.m. While he was eating, he wondered when Eden was going to wake up, and if he was going to join him. He waited while eating for more than an hour and a half.

After that, he decided to go for a walk in his room to see what he was doing. Maybe he woke up but no one came to pick him up? It was a possibility like any other.

On the way to his room, he couldn't help but blush internally. However, outside, he had a rather unhealthy smile, which tenses the servants who were around long, corridors. Once he arrived in the guest room, he began to head gently but surely towards the bed. He had to be mentally prepared to see him so early in the morning.

He began to remove the curtain from the bed when he saw something he did not expect.

He expected to see him smiling, but the only thing he saw was a sweat-soaked Eden, holding his heart so tightly that he tore the fabric out of his pajama.

Seeing how much he seemed to be in pain, Aether had a little pinch in his heart. But this was not the time to blind himself with such futile feelings, he had to go get a doctor, and this, as soon as possible.

"BRING A DOCTOR AND FAST!" Aether shouted with all his might from inside the room, surprising the servants in the corridor but acting immediately under the orders of the prince.

Soon after, a doctor arrived in the room breathless. He had run so fast that he couldn't feel his legs anymore.

When he saw the prince at the edge of the bed with a worried look, he immediately set to work. He began to use his healing power to first identify what was happening to Eden before trying to heal him.

He did not, however, need to do this because the thing he was experiencing was a pain because he had pushed his body to the extreme. The only thing he needed was as much rest as possible.

After finishing his work, the doctor went back to his office, which left the prince alone in the room. Alone with Eden who was still writhing in pain.

Just seeing him in this state made him wonder why he hadn't saved him sooner. And seeing that the doctor had not prescribed anything to him, he thought that he could perhaps have done something to relieve him. He then put his hand on his forehead and began to spread his temporal magic through Eden's body to try to alleviate the pain.

However, doing this made his condition even worse than it already was. It was as if his body rejected his magic with all his might. Seeing that he had made things worse, he couldn't help but curse himself. A curse because such a rare person might have been hurt because of him, and if he did, he could never forgive himself.

He came out of the room and ordered the servants in front of the room to take care of Eden until he felt better. Aether decided, however, against all odds, to not stay in the room. Seeing Eden in this state made him extremely unwell, and the only way to avoid thinking about it was to stuff his head into something else, and that included the mountain of work that was still waiting for him on his desk.

He, therefore, began to work by receiving a report every hour to be updated on the guest's condition. After the fifth report, he finally received good news and decided to go visit him when he would have finished his last business. An hour later, he finally finished all his work and began to head to Eden's room.

It was exactly 3:20 p.m. when he arrived in his room. When he had returned, he saw him open the window before the wind entered the room.

"I see we've finally woken up. You took quite some time, we don't have all the day you know?

prepare t-..." Aether said stunned to see what Eden was doing.

"Well, thank you for your hospitality, and farewell," Eden said perplexed to see the prince as soon as he woke up, before jumping out of the window and turning into a cat so that he could move more easily in the prince's palace.

Aether was still in shock, so he struggled to recover. How could a person who suffered martyrdom a few hours ago even think of jumping from a balcony that was 10 meters high from the ground without flying skills?

Once he had come to his senses, he rushed to the window and used one of his spells. A timeless spell that went back in time a few seconds all around the launcher. This spell cost a lot of mana, but it was worth the cost, especially in a situation like this.

Once used, it waited a few seconds before a white cat with blood-red eyes returned to the balcony.

"Meow ?!?" The Cat exclaimed, not understanding what was happening there.

"I knew you were an illusionist, but not that you were that good, especially with this level," Aether said with a smile before returning to the room with the cat and closing the window behind him.

"Just how and why did you do that huh? I have something else to do me you know?" Eden complained after turning back into a human, still on the ground with his pajamas.

"For the how, well, I think you must have already guessed it and for the why, let's say I wanted to. And then we always have to go to my mother to make a report on the slave traders. And I'd especially like to know what someone like you could do outside when they have no family, no friends, and nowhere to go" Aether replied, with his arms folded and looking down on Eden.

"First of all, why did you do a background check on me?" He said while thinking something else in his head that was 'Fuc*ing jerk'.

"And then, why are you trying to play the clever one when you're blushing every time you approached me? " He continued while he was getting up from the floor.

"Wait, were you awake?" Aether asked while struggling to believe it.

"You just confirmed it to me. Oh my dear prince, how foolish you are" Eden continued with a diabolical smile as he saw Aether become as red as a tomato.

"You were much cuter when you slept," Aether said in an almost inaudible voice.

« ... You know that vampires have improved hearing right?

"Damn what can't you do huh?" Aether asked angrily, "Get ready, we're leaving in 30 minutes for the Royal Palace," he continued before heading to the exit of the room.

"At your command, your majesty, "Said Eden while chuckling.

"Shut up and stop pretending to respect me. You still haven't pledged allegiance to me," He said before turning right, just after leaving the room.

Hearing it, Eden found something strange. The fact that he said that he had yet to pledge allegiance to him. That, and the fact that he also has to go see the queen. He saw absolutely no point in seeing her. He was no one to the royal family so why go there?

However, it wasn't like he could refuse. If what Aether had just done with his magic was re-feasible, then he will surely do it again if he tries to escape. The only possible way would be to use clones, but even with that, he wasn't sure it would work on someone like that.

Once he had finished thinking about all this, the maids began to return to his room with a ton of clothes. The time was not for theories but fashion.